Do you get Migraines?

I have suffered from chronic migraines for most of my life. In the past 5 years they have been pretty bad. The last 6 months have been nearly unbearable (I have been in pain nearly every day). I have tried all meds, preventative and painkillers. I've tried massage therapy and it ended up aggravating them. I've had my eyes checked and I have 20/20. I've had an MRI and a CT scan...nothing found. I even had all my wisdom teeth pulled because I was convinced they were the culprit and no dice.

I have a lot of stress so my doctor suggested yoga and meditation. I'm also going to a neurologist and I'm getting my blood work done again to check my hormone levels.

Lately I have been reading up on gluten intolerance and celiac disease. I have found that I have some of the symptoms. My question to you is if you suffer from migraine, what works for you? Are you allergic to gluten? Do you think it has anything to do with what we eat?


  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I do suffer from migraines on occasion, and what I find makes them go away within 30-45 minutes is Rapid Release 500 mg. Acetaminophen. It's always been a solution for me, for PMS, headaches, migraines, etc. But you said you tried all painkillers, so I'm not too sure what to say to that. With regards to diet, for me no- it's light and sound induced (and doesn't go away until I literally lay in my room with the lights off, silently). It's perhaps something deeper than that, and you scheduling a visit to the neurologist is a good idea. I hope you find your answers soon, and that you don't have to suffer from horrible migraines again. :frown:
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    I'm sorry to read that you're suffering such frequent attacks. :frown: The only medication that works for me is Relpax, and only then if I take it at the very first moment I notice one coming on.
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I used to suffer with migraines in my younger years and quite by chance when I was in a health food shop I decided to ask what they would advise. Result of which I bought a small phial of feverfew essence and I put one drop under my tongue every morning until it was finished and I have never ever had another migraine to this day!

    It certainly was triggered by things that I ate..chocolate and strong cheese were the main culprits in my case but it is so different with each person. Have you tried keeping a diary of what you eat so that you can see if there is a pattern of occurrence?

    Hope you can soon get some relief as it is such a nightmare!
  • laurenmoe
    laurenmoe Posts: 13
    I have horrible Migraines (which I take Imitrex for) when they are full blown. I also use to get DAILY headaches that would stay with me all day, I was the queen of 3 Ibuprofen/2 extra strength Tylenol. My acupuncturist suggested adding a Magnesium supplement daily, and since I started taking Magnesium my daily headaches are no more.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I do and I have for about the last 5-6 years. I get them during that time of month although the doctor had me try all kinds of birth control and that just gave me more headaches all the time. Now I am not taking anything for them and I just take my imitrex for those few days. I still hate it but at least I have an idea of when they will happen.
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    Thanks everyone for the info. Migraines are truly a mystery. Hopefully the neurologist will be able to help.
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    I used to suffer with migraines in my younger years and quite by chance when I was in a health food shop I decided to ask what they would advise. Result of which I bought a small phial of feverfew essence and I put one drop under my tongue every morning until it was finished and I have never ever had another migraine to this day!

    It certainly was triggered by things that I ate..chocolate and strong cheese were the main culprits in my case but it is so different with each person. Have you tried keeping a diary of what you eat so that you can see if there is a pattern of occurrence?

    Hope you can soon get some relief as it is such a nightmare!

    How long has it been?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    My triggers are stress and dehydration. Intake ibuprofen and paracetamol with codeine. As others say, only works if intake it as the beginning. When I get one though, I can get rid of it sooner by going to bed and doing relaxation techniques bi found I was getting so stressed about the pain that was making them worse.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I get them at least once per week- and they get so bad that nothing will take them away aside from going to sleep or vomiting.
    I found many factors trigger them for me. Stress, not eating a meal at meal time, perfumes, and neck pain at the base of my skull will work its way up to a migraine in my head & intensify. I have tried everything you have mentioned and nothing has worked, I secretly hoped they found something in my head so I would have at least had an answer. I have been tracking in my food journal if I get a terrible one, but I should write about my milder ones as well. Maybe I will see a food trigger pattern.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    I've suffered from migraines since I was very young (about 6 years old). Mine are visually triggered, usually by an excess of artificial light and some random patterning that I've never been able to pinpoint. They're very severe and typically start with me having trouble focusing my right eye's vision, which I ultimately completely lose within about 20 minutes. It hurts a lot, obviously, but I can usually ease it and regain some of my vision with excedrin, caffeine, and some very dark chocolate. It doesn't always work, but I'd say I have about an 80% success rate with it.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I tend to get horrible migraines every so often, usually before or during my period. They can be quite debilitating and in rare cases, make half my body go numb. The only thing that helps is lying down and waiting it out. I have also tried a medication called Relpax which works amazingly, but I don't have health insurance at the moment, so back to waiting them out it is. You said you tried all meds, so I guess that means you tried Relpax, too. I know being gluten intolerant can have many symptoms, so I think cutting out gluten as an experiment is worth a try since you seem to have tried everything else.
  • BunnyW22
    BunnyW22 Posts: 33
    I do have migraines. Terrible, god awful migraines. I went from never having them to having one every single day. I tried everything. The only thing that works for me is Topamax. It's almost been like a miracle drug for me the past four years. It's a preventive medication. My only gripe is that the side effects are what I call stupid mouth (you'll mean to say one thing and say something else or constantly forget mid sentence), tingling in hands and feet, and the cost started out super pricey. Thankfully, it's now generic and much cheaper.
  • karu77
    karu77 Posts: 14 Member
    I used to get them very often as well. In my case it's usually triggered by lack of sleep, dehydration and stress, so I try to avoid those. When I feel the first symptoms I take a higher dose ofnacetaminophen to nip it in the bud, if that doesn't help then I take sumatriptan (it has some side effects, but everything is better than this pain). Autogenic training also helped me a lot. But what really made it better was to stop taking the pill, the frequency has gone down a lot since I did that.
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks everyone for the info. Migraines are truly a mystery. Hopefully the neurologist will be able to help.

    Have you never been to the neurologist before? The first migraine I remember having I was about 6 years old, I know now it was a migraine because of the blacking out and tingly feeling in my fingers and face. I had "headaches" the whole time I was growing up but my pediatrician never did anything about it. When I was 22 and newly pregnant with my daughter I was driving down a busy road and started to get one and blacked out momentarily. I went to a new doctor at this point and they sent me to the neurologist that I am still seeing to this day. Mine have changed over the years, I don't black out anymore, but the aura part of it is worse now. When one is coming on I start to lose the center of my vision. For years I tried to control it with diet and avoiding very smelly places (like Hallmark stores) and avoiding strobe lights but last year it got to the point that I was suffering 3 or 4 days of the week and it was seriously effecting me taking care of my daughter. I went back to Dr. Strauss and he put me back on Topamax (is this a preventative that you've been on?) I also have phentermine that I take if I don't realize one is coming on and it's suddenly there or I wake up with it. But last year when I had so many Dr. Strauss thought that I might have sleep apnea because I was waking up so often with them. I finally got him to understand that my sleep was all broken up throughout the day so I wake up bunches of times a day. But that when I can sleep I get really good sleep. Oh and my food triggers are too much salt (too much ham), too much sugar (Butterfinger), sour cream, Asian food with soy sauce bases (msg). I can also bring one on by wearing my sunglasses on top of my head for any amount of time and headbands are a no no.
  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    Mine have been much better since I learnt reiki.
  • missalica
    missalica Posts: 12
    Topomax made me a crazy person, I had little to no control over my emotions. I would have crying fits over missing painter's tape and yet have no reaction to a friend passing away. The side effects were way too much for me. After having migraines for half of my life and a grand mal seizure, I have been sent for MRIs and CT Scans, I've been poked and proded, and tried numerous meds such as Naproxen and Imitrex all of which either didn't work or I couldn't take the side effects. I know take a product called Migracell that my mother actually found at a healthfood store and it's the best things so far. Doesn't completely get rid of them but makes them manageable. Most important things that I need to do to prevent them, keep my stress low (which is tough with my job) and drink tons of water.

    Everyone is going to have their own story and remedy, it takes time to find out what works for you but if you can find your trick whether it been meditation or breathing exercise, the perfect medication hold onto it. Best of luck!
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    Yep, all the women in my family get them. Mine are triggered by stress and when I don't take care of an old back injury. When I get one I can't deal with light, ANY noise and will be vomiting if I can't medicate quickly enough.... Once I start vomiting its either a trip to the hospital or or lock down in a dark room hoping I can fall asleep. I have found that regular stretching and strengthening my core muscles has helped alot. I hope you find something that works for you!!!
  • j3an22
    j3an22 Posts: 77
    I am too suffer from chronic migraines. and I think it something if the doctor cant figure it out it something in the person's diet.

    example for me the migraine is worst when I drink strong drinks like orange juice and even soda/pop. so im trying to limit those for now. and soon be off those.

    for me I just bare with them. even if it really really bad. I do what I need to do.

    instead of cutting things out completely SLOWLY take things out of your diet. especially if you are used having those items
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I hate migraines. Mine were getting so bad I had them everyday. I started seeing a chiropractor and havent had one in two months. I've also significantly increased my water intake. I drink over 100 oz a day. It sounds like you may have tried all of the different docs. I have heard that removing gluten can help some people. That was going to be my next step. I hope you can find some relief soon. Migrains are the worst.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    Another sufferer of migraines since forever here. For me, they tend to present in the middle of the night with a nice bout of motion sickness. I will vomit for the next 12+ hours, regardless of the fact that my stomach is empty after the first go. I used to have to take the bus to the theater with migraines. I'd pick up a bottle of ginger ale before I went, and used the bag to discreetly dry heave. At its worst, I'd even blank on stage. I put up with it until last year because doctors like to tell me that my body is so messed up that I should just deal with pain.

    Midrin was a bust. Didn't even touch it, and the bright red pill doesn't look very pleasant. Gabapentin made me hostile and suicidal and increased my depression and anxiety issues, but it fixed the symptoms!

    I'm currently on propranolol. I have to push sodium all the time because my BP is too normal for it. Noe migraines so far, but I get pins and needles and lose feeling in my feet daily. I guess they're right. There is no fixing me. Amitryptaline is next on the list...