Weight whatchers/ Slimming world

mag104 Posts: 35 Member
Anyone doing another plan as well as MFP? If so what do you think is best ?


  • kezzak2010
    kezzak2010 Posts: 12 Member
    i have lost 9 pound in 12 weeks on slimming world but in jan i lost 9 pound in 4 weeks on MFP so iv decided to go bak to cal counting but still go to get weighed at my class weekly to keep me motivated and i use alot of SW recipes too :D
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    I follow Weight Watchers UK Propoints as well as logging on here. A few years ago I got to target with Slimming World but my weight losses were all over the place- I would drop big, stay the same, gain half a pound then drop big again but I steadily gained and then couldn't get the plan to work for me anymore. I then started following WW and this fits my lifestyle much better. I cook mostly from scratch so find that my points go a long way without feeling like I'm depriving myself and the weekly points give me freedom to enjoy myself. I always cook with vegetables but don't eat a great deal of fruit despite it being a zero point item. When I count at the end of the day I find my propoints and calories generally match up. I think all plans work though if you stick with them and what suits one person might not suit another.
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 267 Member
    Same here, counting WW Pro Points, but logging my calories on here. Seems to be working better for me. Some days the points and calories work out roughly the same, other times, I am lower on calories.

    Am trying not to eat the extra 49 pp allowance at weekends, but only dip into them if I am extra hungry. I am so much more disciplined during the weekday when I am at work, than I am at home at the weekends. Too much temptation at home I guess with food on tap.
  • mag104
    mag104 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for your replies folks. I have done WW and SW, but do prefer MFP. I know where I am with the calories :smile:
  • kezzak2010
    kezzak2010 Posts: 12 Member
    im thinkin all the free foods on SW are great but wen u convert them to cals u do eat hell of a lot which is why im thinkin i need to be strict!! i am gutted i do like my food but i need to see some results so MFP here i come :D XXX