Does any one lose weight just by eating healthily ?

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
After becoming obsessed with m nBMF and counting calories, I tried to eat healthily and moderate what I eat. I just can't do it though and I've put on what I've lost. Does anyone manage this, and if so, how? Is there a happy medium?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    as you know, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, whether you're eating healthily or not.

    you say you cant moderate what you eat, maybe you need to give some more thought as to WHY you are over eating - bordom, sadness, routine, whatever.

    i know that i sometimes go crazy with a bag of sweey & salty popcorn because a) i can be a right porker when the mood takes me, but also b) because i CAN.... i am at maintenance, so going 1000 cals over once or twice a month is fine, it balalnces out and i dont put on weight... but if i did it evey weekend then it would be a problem as i would start to gain!

    not sure that really helps... but might give you some things to think about?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    It tends to be tiredness I think. That makes me bored as I can't be bothered to do anything. Don't know why I get tired. Had blood tests done but all ok. Generally eat healthily and drink plenty of water.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It's all about self control. No miracles, no shortcuts... you either control yourself and succeed or don't and don't.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I lost about 20lbs through just eating healthy. But this was going from eating a lot of junk food to eating as clean as possible. It would have been a huge shift in the amount of calories I ate per day anyway (I'm guessing about 1000-2000 less cals a day) so I would have lost weight doing that. Of course, once I got down 20lbs it levels out and I didn't lose for a while. I started tracking my calories from then, and lost another 20lbs eating at 1200 cals a day. Then I stalled again, and upped my calories and started exercising.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It tends to be tiredness I think. That makes me bored as I can't be bothered to do anything. Don't know why I get tired. Had blood tests done but all ok. Generally eat healthily and drink plenty of water.

    ok, so why are you tired? not sleeping well/enough? if you had blood tests then its unlikely that you're anaemic as that would have been picked up.

    working long hours? overtraining?

    to me, bored is not tired though, if i was bored then i could go work out (but generally choose not to, then sit there moaning that i am bored, then reach for the biscuits!), if i was tired i could not.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    It is a well worn conversational path, but do you get some exercise you enjoy? So you get some good serotonin or whatever the feel good chemical exercise induces is called?

    Are they your dogs in your picture? Walkies for an hour morning and evening?

    One can lose weight just by eating at a calorie deficit. It is easier to stick to a plan, though - to be disciplined about something - if you have a positive state of mind, and some exercise helps with that.
  • AbnormalYak
    AbnormalYak Posts: 55 Member
    "Healthy" is one of those tricksy words that can mean lots of things. You can eat only the healthiest of healthy foods - smoothies and salads and lean meats and raw vegetables - and still gain weight if you eat too much of them. On the other hand, you can eat nothing but quarter pounders and beer and lose weight if you keep a calorie deficit (I don't recommend this by the way - you could end up with all kinds of other medical problems due to nutrient deficiency).

    Losing weight is partly about swapping "unhealthy" foods for "healthier" ones, e.g. if you drop the midmorning cookies and instead eat a banana. This benefits your health because bananas contain useful vitamins and minerals that are absent from cookies, and cookies can contain harmful substances such as trans fats that you're better off without. But that doesn't help you lose weight. What helps you lose weight is that the banana contains fewer calories than the cookies.

    It comes down to the old calories in vs calories out. Eating "healthy" food is good, but it doesn't mean you can forget about portion control. I'd say track everything you eat, then if you don't lose for a few weeks you can look at your log and try to understand why you're stalled. There may come a time when you have retrained your brain to understand what portions sizes you should be having and you can do away with the tracking. But if you're stalled or gaining, track, track, track everything.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I'm going to go back to tracking calories but generally eating healthily with the odd treat thrown in to hopefully stop me binging
  • seabuckaroo
    seabuckaroo Posts: 85
    as you know, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, whether you're eating healthily or not.

    you say you cant moderate what you eat, maybe you need to give some more thought as to WHY you are over eating - bordom, sadness, routine, whatever.

    i know that i sometimes go crazy with a bag of sweey & salty popcorn because a) i can be a right porker when the mood takes me, but also b) because i CAN.... i am at maintenance, so going 1000 cals over once or twice a month is fine, it balalnces out and i dont put on weight... but if i did it evey weekend then it would be a problem as i would start to gain!

    not sure that really helps... but might give you some things to think about?

    ^ absolutely! TRUTH
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Based on what you are saying, it sounds like you feel restricted in what you are eating. Your last post stated "to prevent me from bingeing, I have the odd treat". If you are feeling like you are restricting yourself, then its going to make you less successful. But, instead, try to "swap" as another posted suggested. Don't think of it as "I can't eat anything that I think tastes good because I'm fat". I did that, and I ended up gaining weight back. Instead, I reminded myself of my goal, and I found foods that weren't as bad for me that tasted just as good! It takes time to find those things though....

    Have you evaluated why you are doing this? Do you have a goal in mind that is not just losing weight? Is it an outfit, a class reuinion, a fitness goal? Losing "weight" is so broad that sometimes you have to put a goal in front of it to help.

    I have lost about 20 pounds eating healthy and exercising sporadically. Overall, it's calories in<calories out. If you are eating less than you are using (within reason) your body will use the excess storage (fat) to make up for the deficit. It is possible. Good luck!
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Here's my take on this. I joined Weight Watchers and lost my first 10 pounds without doing a darn bit of exercise. Then it just STOPPED. That's when I came here, because I realized I wasn't too happy with Weight Watchers anyway.

    Weeks that I do not work out, I generally don't lose except for maybe a few ounces. Weeks that I don't work out I feel more sluggish and just generally yucky.

    I recommend working out. If you really want to do this, DO it. Figure out your TDEE - 20% and eat at that deficit. Make healthy choices. Occasionally treat yourself to avoid massive binges. Find a workout program that works for you. Walk for thirty minutes four times a week to get started, I know people that have dropped so many pounds just by walking and eating at a deficit.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    Ive lost 35 with eating healthy. I find planning my meals in advance helps, I hate standing in the kitchen going,,,what am I gonna eat? I cook large amounts and freeze half. I feel less stress of eating.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    It tends to be tiredness I think. That makes me bored as I can't be bothered to do anything. Don't know why I get tired. Had blood tests done but all ok. Generally eat healthily and drink plenty of water.

    Before I joined myfitnesspal I used to eat when I was tired. I would eat sweet things in hopes that it would give me an energy boost. Or I would drink more coffee. Neither of these things worked. If you are tired and your blood work is fine you should talk to your Dr about a sleep study. Some people have undiagnosed sleep apnea. This makes you tired and more likely to gain weight.

    These days when I am tired I try to get outside for a short while (usually energizes me). If that doesn't work I take a nap. I guess I am lucky though b/c at the moment I have not gone back to work after taking time off to be a stay at home mom.
  • Baltcode
    Baltcode Posts: 9 Member
    I lost 12 lb just by eating healthier and reducing the amount I consume or substituting some products. For example I used to love buns and pastries and when I stopped eating them regulary I noticed changes. Also I eat oats and eggs for breakfast to keep me full for long and I wouldn't snack. I substituted chocolate with fruit, etc. Also did some walking. I am still away from my goal weight but I think weightloss taught me to work and harder and see that effort pays off.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I removed junk from my diet. I would have bread, veggies,fruits and lean protein. Somehow eating seven or eight servings of veggies in a sitting at lunch and dinner, and several servings of fruit a day, did not help me lose weight. I removed the wheat and now I no longer binge on food of any kind, unless I reintroduce the wheat of course. Wheat really sends me into a frenzy. You have to count the calories. Some call vegetables "free food". I am proof that they are not free at all. You can get fat from whole food.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    First off, if your diet/meal plan is not sustainable for you....then IT WON'T WORK.

    Everyone always asks for diet/nutritional advice. The answer is a food journal. Write down everything you eat (MFP anyone), watch your weight progress. If pizza makes you gain 10 pounds, give it up. Find what works for you!

    Your diet/exercise program needs to be designed by you for you.

    Do you have health issues? Injuries? these things matter.

    Your age, height and weight matter.

    Personally, I have, finally, listened to my doc and gone gluten free. I have lost 9 pounds easily.

    Listen to your body and be honest (MFP) with yourself.

    It will take time, but you will see patterns, and learn to make positive changes.

    Telling yourself, I am on a drink lemon juice diet (or other such nonsense) will not work because it is not sustainable.