Do you have a funny body shape?



  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    My hip/butt area is large and my waist is small so finding pants is a nightmare. I generally have to go for pants (especially jeans) with stretch. I can't get them tailored at the waist because then they don't fit over my butt.
    Not quite sure where this booty came from, everyone in the family has no butt....
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Yes. I have a long torso, broad shoulders, and am generally 'thick' through the upper mid-section between my shoulders and waist. It makes clothes fit really weird and makes me look like I have muffin top in the back if I wear anything clingy. Also, I'm 5'9 and have to buy pants that are "short", which gives me some funny looks too like they can't believe people can have short legs. Also, I am a tad bit worried that if I get smaller my head will look ginormous on my yes. funny body shape.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    I've always felt my body was ridiculous. I'm super short with boobs way too big for comfort, fat in my middle, not a lot of *kitten*, and big muscular legs. Buying jeans is pretty much impossible. T-shirts mostly highlight how disproportionate my chest is to my height/weight, so I wear dresses (with enough room for my ladies....not an easy task) almost exclusively.
  • lizcr13
    lizcr13 Posts: 26 Member
    I generally am fairly lucky with a natural hourglass shape. HOWEVER, I do have a natural muffin top. It's very odd, but if I am standing there butt naked, I have a muffin top. I HATE it!

    THIS!! I think my natural muffin is caused because i have a big pelvic bone then it goes in a bit but then my thigh bones are stickin right out again. There's just this natural dip there, and it doesn't help that my weight goes to my hips. Pants are a nightmare! They just wanna hang out in that dip and make me look mega muffin top, because they're too loose above my hips where my waist goes in. So they slip too low and give me a saggy butt look on top of the muffin.

    But my chest probably gives me the biggest woes. It's very wide set and my boobs seem a mile apart. Plus they are slightly uneven in size, it's one of those things where it's not obvious but I know it and drives me nuts. I also get fat in a very odd place, right on the bottom of my ribcage, on each side of my ribcage.

    I'm trying to accept that these are all nitpicking and that somethings are going to change when I'm fit, and somethings will not. But overall, having a happy healthy body will look the best :happy:
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm not quite sure! Before my weight loss, I had a pear shape (I think :tongue: )

    But now my hip measurements are two inches past my bust measurements, and my waist wavers between nine-ten inches less than my hip measurement. Different sites tell me different body shapes (from pear to hourglass to banana) I used to be a banana body type before a huge growth spurt. Sooo I dunno. :ohwell:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I hate that I'm shaped like a fat linebacker
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I have no boobs. The rest of body is not too bad except I have really big knees. My legs are thin. The tops of my legs are only 17 1/2" and my calves are 13 1/2" , but my knees are 15" So skinny jeans are definitely not in the picture.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm the same--all my weight is in my boobs/arms. As I've lost weight, the shape has stayed mostly the same, just got smaller. But, I hope that as I get closer to my goal, the weight will come off my problems areas. (It has to, right?) :smile:
  • Well I do have a difficult time finding clothing that fits properly. I wouldn't call my shape "funny" because it's certainly nothing to laugh about! :(

    I think (hope!) that when my extra weight comes off and I'm finally healthy, I'll fit into normal size ranges. For example, looking at the Gap website size chart for jeans: according to my hip measurement I wear a size 8. According to my waist I wear a size 20. I don't think I look *that* out of proportion, although I admittedly have a large waist. I end up wearing around a 10 or 12 in pants so I guess that's my middle ground?

    I don't know, it's frustrating to carry all my weight in my tummy. I know a lot of people who gain weight in their rear and it just gives them an hourglass figure. NO FAIR!
  • Jashwood92
    Jashwood92 Posts: 38 Member
    I have such a weird body. I am 5 foot 3 and 126 pounds currently. I am a pear shape. I'm a 34A and I wear a size small shirt in women's and juniors and I wear a size 8 pants in women's and a size 11 pants in juniors. I have been this size since I was 11. Shopping as a child was a nightmare. I remember as an 11 year old looking for pants that would fit me in the kids section with no luck and then my grandparents asking one of the employees for help and the employee asking my pants size as I was looking for pants and then I told her and she said: "wow my pregnant daughter is 4 sizes smaller than you." I went to the bathroom and cried lol. Thankfully I can find more things that fit now that I am an adult and shop in the adult and juniors section but in elementary and middle school it was tough! I carry ALL of my body weight in my hips and thighs. I've never gained weight in my upper body but I always do in my butt, hips and thighs. I am a white girl with a big butt lol.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    In order to have smallish legs my boobs have to go away, my arms must look like tooth picks and you must be able to count my ribs. My pants are always too big around the waist and tight on my thighs. People who wish to be pear shaped instead of apple should think twice.
  • Hi guys

    Try reading Trinnie and Suzzane (may not have spelt correctly), they give fab advise on how to dress for your body shape. Before reading their book I thought there were only three standard shapes, apple, pear and hourglass. This gives some fab ways to determine your shape and how to make the most of what you've been given. Exercise and weight loss may alter things slightly, I carried my weight around boobs and tummy, but I found no matter how much I loose I'm a hidden "pillar" or "Candlestick", broad shoulders and big boobs but thin everywhere else (minus the pounds of course). Okay so I can't change what's hidden underneath but you can dress to what suits you and this can do wonders for confidence. What's the point in striving for the perfect hourglass when you had no hips to begin with. Love the skin your in :smile:
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I have long arms and legs and a short torso. I also have somewhat of an *kitten*, and im built like a box...not much going on in the curves area..LOL

    actually I am the human version of spongebob squarepants.
  • timandjocelyn
    timandjocelyn Posts: 21 Member
    For sure. I am a pear with a flat chest.
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    I have no idea what my body shape is. I have always had a huge butt and hips. I'm 5'4" and even when I weighed 135 lbs I was still in a size 12 pants because my butt was so big. I have small breasts even when I was pregnant they never got bigger than a C-cup. I had a boyfriend when I was 17 that told me I had the body of a cherub :-(. It's always been impossible to buy shirts because if I get them to fit around my stomach, they're huge at the top. Same goes for dresses.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    I have ridiculously big ribs. When I lie on my back they stick out so much that you can sort of get a whole hand around the bottom of each side of my rib cage (I don't know how to explain that properly). But it's not that I'm ridiculously thin - my weight just comes of my ribcage, chest and shoulders first so I'm quite skinny there but the fat around the bottom of my stomach and top of my thighs will not shift. Wish you could choose where to lose fat!!
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I hate my body type, I have flat hips and no chest. Overall size is short and stumpy ><