Going on a Cruise! Anxious about gaining back...

I am going on a cruise next week ... My wedding is actually in the middle of it... I am so afraid of undoing all I have lost with the buffets and chocolate and ice cream...

Anyone gone on a cruise and not gained???
Any suggestions?
I plan to hit the gym on the ship... but I said that last time too... at least if I promise myself 45 min of cardio each day on the ship... I hope I can do that!


  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    I am going on a cruise next week ... My wedding is actually in the middle of it... I am so afraid of undoing all I have lost with the buffets and chocolate and ice cream...

    Anyone gone on a cruise and not gained???
    Any suggestions?
    I plan to hit the gym on the ship... but I said that last time too... at least if I promise myself 45 min of cardio each day on the ship... I hope I can do that!
  • lilnatn2
    lilnatn2 Posts: 55 Member
    I went on a cruise over New Years and had an absolute blast, without gaining any weight! I love cruises, especially because of all the amazing food. I told myself from the beginning that nothing was off limits, and I would at least try everything that I felt I wanted. I think the key for me was focusing on small portions of everything, and eating slowly. You try a little of this and that and before you realize it you're full...then you stop! It also helped that I had some friends with me and we all kept eachother busy playing cards, sunbathing, dancing, etc. so you're not so focusing on eating! I would also recommend taking along some healthy snacks like almonds, fiber one bars, and freeze dried fruit because its hard to find light snacks onboard without going to one of the restaurants and eating a whole meal...save those for your actual meals. And of course, exercise if you can...I told myself I would and ended up not working out at all (felt a little guilty about that), but it definitely helps.

    Above all, HAVE FUN!! Don't worry about it too much either or it will surely take away from your vacation. You can get right back on track when you get home. Where are you going/what cruise line are you on?
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    Just take everything in moderation. It's o.k. to have the chocolate, just not the whole pound! :laugh: relax and enjoy yourself. congrats!
  • mitstac17
    mitstac17 Posts: 29 Member

    I, too, went on a cruise with my husband for 10 days right after we got married. I am sure you will stay active and try to burn as many calories as possible...however, running on the treadmill on the ship is very tricky. Hold on because there were times I thought I was going to run right off it because the gym was located at the front of the boat, especially if the ship hits some rough seas...congrats on the upcoming wedding. Stop and take in every second. As far as not gaining any weight on the cruise, it will be a challenge because the food is amazing! Enjoy and congrats...