First day on Zumba!

However is it perfectly normal to have no idea how steps are done because the instructors make it look COMPLETELY different than what they taught you? I'm having a very hard time since they teach you something, but then the way they do it.. is like what.
Also, is it normal for uh.. people to feel like robots if they can't dance? I'm planning to stick this out, be sure of that, but i'd like to know if anybody else had awkward stiffness when they first started. Just so I know i'm not alone.


  • alejandralozano89
    I'm SO glad you said you're planning to stick this out. I LOVE zumba! It is a great workout and it is really fun too.
    You just have to get the hang of it, it is completely normal to feel kinda lost on the first sessions, but once you get the hang of it, you'll really enjoy it. Plus, the more you get familiarized with the steps, the more energy you'll put into it, and the workout will be more and more intense and fun!

    On the other hand, zumba is a class that really depends on the teacher. So you might have an amazing zumba instructor that gets you energized and creates a fun class, or you might have an instructor that doesn't make class as pleasant... If it's your first time, I would encourage you to stick to that class for a while and if you still don't enjoy it after a few sessions you should try a different teacher. It could completely change your experience!!

    Hope this helps!!
  • PrettyLilPixie
    I started Zumba about 6 weeks ago. It was definitely awkward at first. Our instructor doesn't show you the moves first, we all just sort of jumped in. Coming from someone who has zero moves and is still sometimes off beat- keep at it. It will get easier, you will become less "stiff" and if you're anything like me, you'll learn to laugh at yourself when you are off. Good luck!
  • CalypsoNi
    CalypsoNi Posts: 44
    Awesome, thanks for the confidence boost guys. =)
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I love zumba! Just had my class last night!

    It's a more fun form of cardio for me since I'm a trained dancer, but definitely don't feel down if you're not getting everything! The best part about it is to have fun and as long as you're moving, you're going to work it!

    Like others have said, even as a dancer my first class was interesting since they generally don't walk you through the movements before hand. But after a while you will get used to it and become less self-conscious about your body movements.

    Stick to it and it will become a great way to exercise, relax, and have fun! : )
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    Awkward stiffness here yes!!

    But after a few classes if feels a little more comfortable and you'll notice yourself putting more into it. Just remember most those in the class are focused on their own dancing and wont even notice.

    Everytime they inroduce a new song, that awkwardness comes creeping back LOL..

    But its still loads of fun.
  • misslmarie28
    misslmarie28 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a zumba junkie, and I felt like you at first. As I got familiar with the steps and the music..the easier it was for me. Take different zumba classes because they can be so different and find one you feel comfortable in . Maybe start out in the back row so you don't feel so bad..then work your way up to the front = ] Thats what I did. But stick with's so much fun and a great workout.
  • erod2974
    erod2974 Posts: 4
    I started Zumba in January of this year and I Love it!!! I dragged my sis-in-law when I first started and now we both are addicted to it! We have gotten friends and co-workers to join - our little exercising group is growing. :smile: At first I was uncoordinated but with time I've remembered the steps and songs!! I love our teachers and they always said as long as we are moving we are doing it right!! Just remember to try your best and as long as you are moving you are burning calories and having fun!!!
    Keep at it, it will get better!
  • rachelc677
    rachelc677 Posts: 83 Member
    I love love love Zumba.... But because I have so little time to get to classes I went out and bought the Zumba game for my wii and now I get to do it whenever am ready. Keep up with it you'll get the moves fast enough. I remember when I started I was lost at times but now even when I hear the songs on the radio I can replay all the dance moves in my head lol!!!!

    Good luck and enjoy!!!!
  • samr73
    samr73 Posts: 440 Member
    All these guys are right - stick with it and you'll be addicted. Just keep moving and giggling and you'll have a blast :laugh:
  • Txbuggin
    Txbuggin Posts: 1 Member
    OMG! I started doing Zumba this week and I thought about giving up. I felt like a robot, with no programing. I am so glad that someone else felt like that too. I think I got more exercise laughing at myself, thinking okay old girl you can do this. There are days when 50 feels really old, especially when learning Zumba. I am going to keep at it, if for no other reason - laughing is burning calories.
  • ParrosFan
    ParrosFan Posts: 77 Member
    I've been doing Zumba since Jan, I love it. I now go twice a week. My teacher says the only rule in her class is to keep moving. She said if you get lost, march or dance in place.

    After a few times you will get it and it will become a lot of fun. Also the teacher makes a big difference.
  • CalypsoNi
    CalypsoNi Posts: 44
    Thanks a bunch guys!
    I am VERY self conscious about this, so much so that I get disheartened when somebody so much as looks at me AT ALL. So i'm using dvd's to try to get over it, but even that is leaving me feeling like I want to cry even when my boyfriend glances over at me haha. I'm petrified beyond reason of looking so bad. =x
    Nice to know it'll pass though! Will def keep it up. =)