Weirdest thing about your "new" body

marcel_theschell Posts: 18 Member
The weirdest thing I have discovered with losing weight is that my glasses don't fit like they used too! They constantly slide down my nose because they don't have the same amount of support near my head. Who knew you lose weight in your head?! (I actually did, but it's still odd to me)


  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    The veins in my arms starting to show, and the bones in my hands also, oh and does Amy one else bruise real easy after losing weight and lifting weights? It's all weird to me! I've never been this small!! Lol
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    ♦ No thigh rubbing
    ♦ Clothes don't fit
    ♦ Back fat is not measured during bra sizings
    ♦ I can feel my hip bones
    ♦ Went down a shoe size
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    The weirdest thing I have discovered with losing weight is that my glasses don't fit like they used too! They constantly slide down my nose because they don't have the same amount of support near my head. Who knew you lose weight in your head?! (I actually did, but it's still odd to me)

    This has happened to me too but I am too lazy to get them adjusted!
  • missmidge84
    missmidge84 Posts: 100 Member
    When I sleep on my side I have to put a pillow between my knees. Apparently I used to have lots more cushioning there because it was hurting and waking me up. My wrists and elbows seem more angular and I'm constantly hitting them on things by accident. Lol pretty random stuff!
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I have collar bones, I've never had collar bones in my life!
    Always cold
    My feet look so bony now. Used to look like fat blobs with little toes.
  • TsukiNeko
    TsukiNeko Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't loss that much weight to notice right now but a couple of years ago I did notice that I went down in bra size. They say you can't loose weight in your chest but they so lied! lol.
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    I guess I no longer have that youthful layer of fat on my chest and/or gravity has helped pull everything down, but now I can see my chest bones. It's not unattractive, just strange to me. I've been much skinnier in the past and never saw those bones before....
  • kjmenser
    kjmenser Posts: 30
    Down a bra size, had to remove a link from my watch band, cheek bones are back and I am down 4 sizes! I am also hitting my hip bones all the time. OUCH!!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I can see veins now. I used to have such small veins that nurses would complain and have a hard time starting IVs. Now after lifting or when I'm warm they really stand out. Kind of freaky.
  • chixyb
    chixyb Posts: 107 Member
    I get cold very easily now, am always covered in bruises (but my blood work came back normal), oh and my feet shrunk! I have to buy smaller size shoes now. RIP all of my heels.
  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    I'm still surprised everytime I go to put on an outfit that fit last year, only now it's too big and unflattering! I don't know why but it surprises me every time! And yes, I am bruising easier and cold a lot! Hoping my feet will shrink and my hands, my wedding band hasn't fit for several years!
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    I feel the cold! I've never felt the cold!
    I've taken 80% of my wardrobe to the charity shop or ebay!
    I have pointy knees - LOL!
    Two hats that didn't fit me now do! I mean WTF.
    I now look good in lycra (I cycle) not fat in lycra!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    None of my old shoes fit me! I went from a size 8 to a size 7! And I've had to get my engagement ring re-sized 3 separate times. My hands kept shrinking, too.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    When I look in the mirror I see exactly the same person... But when I'm walking and look down, my legs look like tiny little sticks to me, and my shadow seems so skinny.
    When I smile, my face has a nice shape and is not a circle haha
    My pants keep sliding down. Funny because all I can think is "these pants are getting bigger". Lol!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I can't stop grabbing my butt cheeks!

    I'm always flexing my arms and squeezing them to feel my biceps and triceps. I know it's just a matter of time before I get caught.

    I love wearing tight work-out clothes and checking out my strong, defined quads in the mirror.

    The weirdest thing by far is that this insecure girl has suddenly become cocky........and I love it!
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I can see bones in my body
    I'm always cold
    I thought I saw a stranger in my house out the corner of my eye but it was a reflection of me in the mirror ........ :noway:
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member

    y is it yall think we was just so covered in flab that we had coushin? I really do not know y , but I bruise so much easier now!