I auditioned for The Biggest Loser!

Hi everyone!

I recently attended the Boston casting call and made a video for the casting directors. If anyone would like to please watch my video & give me feedback it would be much appreciated!

I'm not sure if social media plays into their decisions at all, but it can't help to see that someone has support from those around them.


It was initially very hard to put this out there, but it feels very good to be honest and to air it all out.

Fingers are crossed for the best, but either way the goal is to get healthy :)


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Good luck!
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I hope you get in!
  • lrobrn
    lrobrn Posts: 17
    Good luck, I'll watch your video. That takes courage, hope you keep motivated.:smile:
  • msleanlegs
    msleanlegs Posts: 188 Member
    Good luck! That headstand you did at the beginning was an attention-getter, for sure! And way to go on joining that bootcamp cardio class. You may be coming in last now, but that'll soon be a thing of the past with all the positive steps you're taking to lose the weight. (And those poor rotten vegetables in the fridge - I can relate.)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    GOOD LUCK....

  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Good LUCK!!!!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    That's awesome! Best of luck to you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    You are so endearing, I hope they select you to participate!! :flowerforyou:
  • Love the show, and loved the video, and loved you! I wish you the best of luck and hope you get picked!

    I can totally relate with so many of your statements. From your statement of putting everyone first, to your statement of feeling "less than" because of your weight. But I also see a strong intelligent and beautiful woman, that you just don;t see right now and I sincerly hope you find her!

    I laughed at your fridge, beccause that was my fridge long ago. Would by so much produce and it litterally melted away in the fridge. And the hiding of ice cream behind the frozen veggies....me too! :bigsmile: And the hidden cabinet with the WW Hungry Monster...I lost all my weight on WW.

    Love your goal with your wedding dress and hope with all my heart that you you reach that goal.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    great video.. you can do this - even if you don't get accepted to The Biggest Loser! you are ready and thats the most important thing for actually going forward and committing to weight loss :)
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I really love your video! :smile: I think you have a great story that's really interesting, and I hope they pick you! Good luck! I'm rooting for you!
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    Great personality in the video! Good luck!
  • i watched your video. first thing is.. way to sell yourself and show your own personality.. your beginning is very memorable. can i give you major freaking props for doing a handstand.. like omg you are awesome!!

    now at the freezer section.. dont HIDE things. thats a problem. and let me tell you about something called a vitatop muffin. (can be found in the freezer section of walmart and most stores).. try the chocolate ones.. for me it was a great "treat" thats just 100 calories. wohoo excellent job at trashing that stuff!! didn't that feel empowering??

    your wedding dress as a motivator is freaking awesome. thats definitely something to look forward to. 1/4 mile is great if you can run it. if you keep at it.. i guarantee you will get better at it. that boot camp sounds awesome.. well hard but so would the biggest loser right?

    im glad you say that even if it biggest loser doesn't happen that you are still gonna get that weight off. good for you. i think this place is an excellent place to do that and if you can do that boot camp or things like it.. i feel like you will totally get to where you want to be. having said that.. i DO hope that you get to be on biggest loser. best of luck.
  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    That was awesome! Your sincerity shines through. I really hope they choose you!
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Great video!! Best of luck to you!!!

    You are amazing and I know that you can do it!!!

    I hope you get accepted!!!
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    That is a great video. I hope you get picked! If not, you are well on your way to becoming a better you! Good luck :happy:
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Congrats and good luck! I would never have the guts to put it all out there, but I admire you for it and hope you succeed on the show or not :D
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    I loved your video. You are such an amazing person! I hope you get picked!!
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Great video! I think you made it memorable enough without being too out there. Easily someone watching it can identify with your struggles and your wanting to lose weight!

    Hope it brings you much success wether its on the show or with your weight loss in general :) (and get picked fingers crossed)
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Awesome job for taking this BIG step in your weight loss goals! I felt your sincerity throughout the video; so much so I almost cried a couple of times. I know how it feels to WANT to look and feel a certain way, but your present CHOICES keep you stagnant. It's great that you've already decided that with or without the Biggest Loser, the weight IS coming off. Keep that attitude throughout this weight loss journey. Take each step one day at a time. Know that there will be minor setbacks along the way, but if you keep pushing forward in the right direction, eventually you continue to breakthrough to success. I'm hoping you not only make it on the show, but that you make it to the REAL you; that person that desires to do more and be more and win in life! Best wishes! :flowerforyou: