giving up cereal?



  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    I wouldn't give it up completely if you like it. Just rotate. I eat eggs quite a bit but will have some cereal now and then. Oatmeal sometimes. Just change it out a bit. And yes, measure your portions...takes some discipline.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    LOL I'm so happy that there are fellow cereal-eaters out there!!!

    I just switched my unsweetened cornflakes to high-fiber, no-sugar muesli. Works like a charm! Add in a couple of chocolate chips if you feel like :)
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I am a cereal addict, i usually have two bowls per day and not at the recommended serving, usually x3 that because a 50g serving is not enough! so i'm racking up 500 calories at breakfast before my day has even begun, so i'm switching to brown bread with jam for breakfast for the time being.

    I'm going to give cereal a break for a month and see where that takes me because i understand it is high in carbs and i definitely need to lower them.

    has anyone had any results from doing the same?

    *Rolls around on floor wailing with fingers in ears*

    Cereal addict for life here. I tried giving it up for Lent last year, and was moderately successful.

    Unfortunately, the cereal addiction never left and it returned with a vengeance. I know it's not filling, and for me a 'serving' is 150g minimum, but life without cereal isn't worth it and I aim to lose weight more slowly :-)

    My breakfast easily tops 700-800 calories every day. I eat less at lunch to compensate typically.

    One thing I try to do now more often is treat cereal as a snack, so have something else for breakfast, and have cereal late night when I've eaten my dinner and am relatively full. But gotta have my fix most days!

    Porridge oats - yuck.
    Toast and PB with baked beans is a personal favourite for breakfast.

    Some people swear by eggs/bacon but I don't have the luxury of time for a fry-up and I'm not a big protein person, hence the reliance on PB.

    I tried to replace my morning cereal...I couldn't do. I told my coach that it is one thing I will NOT compromise giving up. I do stick to the recommended serving size (I try to find cereals that allow at least a cup as a serving) and I stick to just one bowl a day - and yes for breakfast.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    cereal and peanut bite just leads to ...too many bites.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I love cereal, all kinds.
    Health cereal.
    Sweet cereal.
    Kids cereal.

    If I lived alone, I think I'd live off the stuff because I truly hate cooking and it's so versatile. I can put it in a cup and go anywhere.
  • Kklape
    Kklape Posts: 1
    You are probably actually a sugar addict. I KNOW that was my problem! I LOVE cereal! But starting my day with a big bowl of carbs loaded with sugar just made me crave the sugar even more. The rest of my day went downhill from there. I have stopped buying cereal, I skip the entire aisle and save myself a lot of money. Cereal is expensive!!! I start my morning with a smoothie. Strawberries, blueberries, mangos, spinach and carrots.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Cereal is dangerous for me.. I can't stop eating it once I start and I used to binge on them.. like the whole friggin box of cereal in one sitting. Now I don't buy them anymore.
  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    good luck! It may help, idk...
    I LOVE CEREAL. and have a bowl of fiber one EVERY night before bed. 2 no no's..maybe?? but i will not quit. :)
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Yeah it sounds like your problem here is portion control. I have two cereals I will eat on a regular basis, grape nuts and raisin bran with 1% milk. I don't eat it every day but when I do, I just have one serving. Small bowl! Plus, what cereals are you eating? The ones I eat are relatively healthy. And I've been losing weight with that in my diet.

    If I had 3+ servings of count chocula with way too much milk I probably be putting on the pounds fast. :wink:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've been a cereal junkie my whole life. Breakfast and bed time snacks were always cereal. When I started changing my eating habits, I finally ditched my morning cereal because it left me hungry an hour later, and because I was looking for more protein. For several years now I've been eating eggs & toast, or oatmeal with Greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast instead.

    I do still have cereal for a bedtime snack sometimes. But I do pay attention or serving sizes, which are freakishly small if you go by what it says on the box! :tongue:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I can't stand carbs in the morning. Why do people do that? It pisses me off when that's my only option because carbs don't make me feel full. I usually eat full eggs and some meat; fish, chicken, steak, or bacon. Every single day.

    Yogurt and fruit, cereal, etc. yuk! I'm hungry like 30 minutes later, and sluggish and tired. No thanks.

    Try more protein breakfasts. I think you'll be surprised how much more substantial they are. You'll feel more full and they are better for weight loss than such heavy carbs first hing in the morning as your first meal.

    so because carbs do not agree with you in the AM, then the rest of us should not eat them either??? LOL
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    cereal was my favorite food growing up but i too ate about 3x the recommended serving. Most have a serving size of about 3/4 cup which definitely isnt satisfying as a meal but I mix different cereals together to eat more with a smaller calorie content. For example honey bunches of oats is one of my favorite cereals but its largely made out of corn flakes. Instead of having a giant bowl of them i mix them half and half with corn flakes or wheaties. You can't tell the difference. You can do the same with things like lucky charms and cheerios, fruity pebbles and rice crispies, etc. just find similar textures. i dont eat cereal as much as a i used to for the same reasons as anybody else but when i do, i do this and it satisfies my craving.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    Before my lc life style change I used to like cereal, however it never filled me up. I think cutting it out is a good thing, because it almost always led to me eating too much (because I could never keep full by just sticking with cereal.)

    Personally, I like lots of protein for breakfast (eggs, sausage/bacon, or even left overs.)
  • This sounds like a good idea for me too! I just ate cereal as a snack after P.E. class. I can easily eat a regular size box of Special K or Frosted Flakes in 2 days! Makes me disappointed in myself :P I did oatmeal for breakfast instead today with Truvia and Cinnamon.