Intermittent Fasting- 16:8

Today I did a bit of research on Intermittent Fasting and I am thinking I will follow 16:8 method as I am not a breakfast person and can stay without food until lunch. Taking into account that currently I am doing P90X any opinion will be highly appreciated. Thank you!


  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    I tried it, green tea helped get me through the hunger spurts. Taking BCAA's will help I've heard but Idk
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    I feel Breakfast is necessary because body is starving the whole night....metabolism may slow down if body is deprived of food for a very long time IMO.
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    That's the beauty of IF, it's 16 hours so you metabolism is not affected. It takes much longer than you think to kill your metabolism
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    A friend sent me this article on IF this morning - I thought it was interesting.

    I think if you just copy and paste the link in your browser the article will come up.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I like the idea of IF. I don't know that I could get all of my calories eaten in an 8 hour period though! lol..hmmmmm. To OP, I don't think it would harm you with doing P90X though at all. It's not like you would be trying to do a hardcore workout after eating only 500 calories during the day.
  • klappeh
    klappeh Posts: 49 Member
    That is what I'm currently doing. I don't like fixing/eating breakfast and I would rather have a larger dinner. I've done some research on it and it seems like something that will work well for me, and probably you too. I have been doing it for the past week and it has really helped me from going over my calories at night or feeling deprived--that's my favorite grazing period. Good luck !
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    bump to see responses...I'm intrigued!
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    A friend sent me this article on IF this morning - I thought it was interesting.

    I think if you just copy and paste the link in your browser the article will come up.

    Thank you, it is interesting!
  • I've been working on reducing to an eight hour window recently. It was really hard initially to eat enough calories by the end of the window, but I'm starting to be able to get there by eating frequent [healthy] snacks in addition to breakfast and lunch. I personally much prefer breakfast and lunch to lunch and dinner, so my eight hour window is 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 depending on when I get going in the morning.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    There's an IF group on mfp that will help you out :)

    Intermittent fasting is an umbrella term for several different plans:

    -alternate day IF-every other day restricting calories, to fasting levels, and then every other day eating normal amounts of calories
    -5:2 IF-two low calorie fasting days a week, with 5 normal calorie days the rest of the week
    -eating windows, usually 5 or 8 hour windows.

    I did alternate day intermittent fasting and loved it-lost the weight and now have a much healthier relationship with food. Now that I'm in maintenance I just do one IF day a week and will always do it, for the health benefits :)
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I started 16:8 on Monday, day 5 today. I've been drinking 2 or 3 cups of coffee with Splenda and lots of water to help the mid morning hunger. I really like eating a big lunch and dinner. I'll probably work towards 18:6 over the next week or two. Recommendations for women are to start with 14:10 and then a small eating window if no side effects.
    Good luck!
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I feel Breakfast is necessary because body is starving the whole night....metabolism may slow down if body is deprived of food for a very long time IMO.

    The body does not go into starvation mode after 7-9 hours of sleeping-that's utter nonsense. Please do some research on how metabolism actually works and IF-there's many health benefits associated with it. The whole 'breakfast is needed to jump start metabolism' has been thoroughly debunked.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Bumping for more info on IF
  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 55 Member
    bump... I I have been steadily gaining weight for some time while trying so hard to eat the "right way". I just looked back at my weigh ins through the last 2 years and I could not believe the difference. I am going back to just having something to drink in the morning and saving calories till later in the day. Interested in IF. I don't know where I have been, but I have just heard of this and didn't know there was an actual movement about it, so will be following this to see more.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    Thank you all!
  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member
    I am on day 3 of my IF plan. I read a bunch on it and it seems reasonable and more importantly - doable. I get up at 5:00 am, so am assigning 11:00-7:00 as my eating hours. So far so good! Yesterday I was so focused on eating healthy during my eating hours that for the first time in a long time, I met my protein goals.
  • anwickes
    anwickes Posts: 24 Member
    For those who want to know more about IF, read this...... It's an amazing book and very short and easy to read.
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    I did IF and liked it, I stopped a short time ago and am considering doing it a few times a month, perhaps even 1 day a week but not every day. There is a group here that has people doing several variations including 16/8 that might be a good resource for you.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I do IF on a 20/4 schedule and I lift ~19 hours fasted every day. It's fine to workout fasted. Check out for more info.