Cottage cheese anyone?

Hey everyone!

Happy Friday and stay focused through the weekend hey ;0)

Ok, soooo maybe an odd question but I am wondering if any of you have lost weight and along with that your cellulite on your thighs, bum etc?

I would love some details on this?

Thanks for reading :0)


  • robsonv
    robsonv Posts: 23 Member
    I have lost about 20lbs in the last 4 months and I can honestly say I do see a difference in my cellulite. There is still some there but definately less! Two things I think have made a difference is Kettleballing (lots of lower body work) and something called Mineral Complex from Herbalife....a friend told me it was "liposuction in a bottle" and I was skeptical....and it could still be a coincidence but I am going to continue to take it anyways :)
    Obviously just getting rid of some of the fat in my body has helped.
    Good luck!
  • HealthyDreamy
    HealthyDreamy Posts: 42 Member
    Ooooh that has just made my day.....cannot wait for my run this eve now!

    Cheers robsonv ;0)
  • HealthyLeeLee
    HealthyLeeLee Posts: 97 Member
    Absolutely. Losing weight while toning will make a difference ;)
  • HealthyDreamy
    HealthyDreamy Posts: 42 Member
    AND WTG 20LBS IN 4 MONTHS *bows down* :0)
  • HealthyDreamy
    HealthyDreamy Posts: 42 Member
    Oooh thanks healthyleelee...can I ask what tricks you do? Squatting?

    Great news to hear :0)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
  • robsonv
    robsonv Posts: 23 Member
    Thx :) isn't easy and I still have a long way to go...believe me! This site has been a great help though....just don't give up no matter what....enjoy your run!
  • HealthyDreamy
    HealthyDreamy Posts: 42 Member
    Ahhh thanks robsonv...I am powering on through like a right little trooper...I CANNOT WAIT TO POST SOME PROGRESS PICTURES ON HERE when im at a great weight, very fit and super lean....a fighting machine lol! Hahahahaa ;0)