Help me please! 30 day shred level 2

Hi everyone, today is my 1st day of 30ds level 2 and I can't get over how much I struggled, on all the plank based moves I had to have a break and I'm just feeling so rubbish about it :( does it get easier??!! I actually began to enjoy level 1 and I can't believe the changes already and have lost 4lbs :) I just don't want to lose my focus and motivation :(


  • aperradise
    aperradise Posts: 90 Member
    yes it gets easier each and every day. Level 2 was the worst for me, I hated it. But on the positive side, I loved level 3. Do what you can and don't feel bad about modifying! Just don't give up. You can do it!! :)
  • Muchmoretogive
    Muchmoretogive Posts: 73 Member
    Hi yes it gets easier as you do it more. You will get there in the end. I have had 1 week off from any dvd exercises as I have shin splints. Got back into workout today did level 1 of 30 ds and omg was like I had never done it before I found it really hard even though i had been doing strength exercises all week and walking.

    Don't stress its best thing in the world when you can do it :)
  • gibsonrv
    gibsonrv Posts: 28
    Thanks :) I have read that level 2 seems to be hell on earth, I am pretty determined to finish it! On a couple of the moves I couldn't do I have it a go until I couldn't do more then filled the gaps with cardio moves, I figure as long as I'm moving then that's good, and I plan to build up my reps on those tough moved each day. I think I just wobbled because I've gone from doing a confident workout to struggling x
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    Level 2 is a killer... I am currently doing a mix of 30DS, RI30 and 6w6p. The shred's level 2 always has me panting and curing JM. But then it works wonders. Try and do with Anita for a while. Whenever u feel a little comfy, try doing it Nat's way. U can do this.

  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I know how you feel!! I felt almost exactly the same way. I liked Level 1, but liked it enough that I knew I had to move on…and Level 2 Day 1 just about killed me…but now I'm on day 7 and it's not so bad :) Jillian isn't getting called nearly as many bad names lol. Just keep pushing through it :) you can do it!
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    Nothing is killer like Jillian and her planks! Hang in there. You will get there. It just takes time.Keep focused and doing what you can. By the time you're ready to move to level 3, you'll have level 2 down pat. And then level 3 will seem like a breeze. Good luck!
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    well aren't you just cute....loosing weight isn't supposed to be easy cupcake. stick with don't really enter hell until level hurts to type right now.....
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    I'm on level 2 day 8, and it definitely does get easier. Personally though, I still have to modify the moves, but I just try my best, and that's what counts.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    I was disappointed with 1, 2 was ok now 3 I like i have one more week of level 3 to go!!! I haven't lost weight but i am starting to tone up a bit..
    maybe next time around ill actually start losing the weight...

    you'll get there!!!
  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
    Lol, I'm on day 3 of level 1 and I already want to bore a hole in jillian's head but I just keep saying no pain no gain. Stay motivated!!! You got this!
  • gibsonrv
    gibsonrv Posts: 28
    well aren't you just cute....loosing weight isn't supposed to be easy cupcake. stick with don't really enter hell until level hurts to type right now.....

    Argh! This reply both scares me but gives me a much needed snap out of it slap! Thanks :) and thanks everyone for your encouragement! Here's to giving it my very best shot in the morning! X
  • belkatya
    I'm a bit late to this thread, but I'm now on level 2 day 4, and I still can't hold a plank for more than 10 seconds! I have no upper-body strength at all, so this level is Hell for me :( I'm keeping at it though, and hoping I can get it up to 20 seconds at least :P I'm also filling the gaps with cardio to make up for it
  • marisagibler
    I'm in level 2 right now, with NO upper body strength, and I finally found a modification that doesn't feel too much like cheating for me- bending my arms and lifting myself with my forearms instead of hands. Other times, I just stay in plank position (on my hands) without doing the cardio aspect, to get my arms used to it. I hope it gets easier, at least to the point that I can actually DO the exercises...
  • Shinypenny10
    So glad I have found this side, love the sense of humour!
    The firs think I liked about 30 days shred DVD it was shredded in price!
    I paid under £5 and love it! Jillian didn't had to work hard to make it but she sure made my arxe sweat and my mouth to swear. She is for real, she charge for what it is to help people to shred the fat and keep them fit.
    She is very clever because she use motivation words such as 30 days.
    I am on second week level 2 and I have to be honest I only work out 7 days then 2 days off.
    The first week of level one was hard but level 2 I found much easier because I have master the breathing technique.
    I also stop like jillian saying 5 seconds and I make sure I have water one litre and drink to hydrate my self.
    I have tendency to swear during work out and I feel a sense of relive. Lol
    I also inspire my self by reading other review and that motivates me.
    If any one struggle I suggest they have to discipline them selfs to set a routine doing a work out around same time every day and brain naturally will think it is something u do.
    I do not eliminate comfort food and what I mean by that if I am fancy crisps I sure have them but I don't eat packs of them same for sweets. I loose half a kg per week, that is awesome because loosing more results in stretch marks on the skin, so do moisturise after shower.
    I have notice I gain muscles and I have lost 13 cm in two weeks now that is fantastic! Muscles are heavier than fat and yes in abdominal area it seem bigger because the muscle getting bigger of course fat is on top. Lol
    I drink 2 l of water it is my a must plus tea...
    Good luck to u all! Thanks for motivation! X