Water, Thank you!



  • Lindyxx
    Lindyxx Posts: 34
    Also, did you know the less water you drink the more water you retain making you feel bloated??

    Yea the 1st week I started drinking water regular, on a daily basis, I lost 6 pounds, was obviously just all the water I was holding onto, cos I never drank enough before.
  • kaylabrose
    kaylabrose Posts: 71
    I drink 6 cups before 10am :P
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I honestly don't know how much water and unsweetened iced green tea I drink each day. I have a 52 ounce soda jug I bought from a gas station that I keep filled with ice water or unsweetened iced green tea. I fill it up at LEAST twice during my day and sometimes as many as 4 times. I also drink four or five 12 ounce bottles of water at home. I have always been a thirsty mofo and so giving up soda and drinking water and tea has been great. Less bloated, my wedding ring doesn't want to stay on anymore and I feel a whole lot better.
  • planetamy
    planetamy Posts: 4
    Great idea - thanks!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Try adding it to your daily routine. I have a 3.5 cup water bottle I take to work every day an drain before lunch. I have flavored water at lunch that boosts it up to 2 cups, then I have another 2.5 at dinner of crystal light (I'm a recovering soda-aholic, so I replaced all my sodas with flavored water). It practiaclly sits up there at 8 cups or more daily.

    Bare in mind water comes from food sources too, don't discount those. Fruits and veggies contain some water that can add up to a cup over time.

    I was under the impression that if you had flavored water or water additives you shouldn't count that as water as it's filled with artificial sweeteners. Heck, beer is 97% water but I don't count that :P
  • OneandOnlyAwesome
    2nd day of drinking 8 cups so haven't noticed yet but I have eczema a bit so hopefully I will see an improvement in my skin! also by the way Jessica I love your hair, so pretty :]
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I read this thread with a bit of guilt. I have not been drinking nearly enough water. I went into town and bought a one litre sports bottle today, filled it and have got loads more water in today. I add a slice of lime and it's so refreshing. I really needed this thread, thank you OP!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    So along with eating right and exercising, I’ve been making another big lifestyle change (for me, at least), and that’s drinking 8 cups of water a day.

    It’s always been a bit tough for me to remind myself to drink water in the past, and my usual day would consist of two to three cups of water a day, max. Now that I have upped how much water I drink, not only am I full longer, but my skin has seen an overall improvement in its overall appearance. It’s great!

    To keep track of how much water I drink, I put a tally mark on my Styrofoam cup that I drink from at work each time I finish cup. It’s a great visual reminder for me to get up and get more water 

    Anyone else reaping the benefits of more water in their diet? Just thought I’d share.

    Yep--the more water I drink, the better I feel. I squeeze a bit of lemon juice into each glass. It is important to make sure you are getting adequate vegetables and fruits though, as drinking water without paying attention to fruits and vegetables messes with your electrolytes--especially now that the summer is coming on.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I sweat WAY more during my workouts than ever before. Which in return makes me drink more water... my skin does feel/look nicer as well.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Also, did you know the less water you drink the more water you retain making you feel bloated??

    Yep---because your body starts "thinking" that you are in a scarce water situation and sends powerful hormones into your bloodstream to cut back urine production. This is NOT good for you.

    On the other hand, you can drink too much water (google "water intoxication"--technically called "hyponatremia"). A gallon a day--16 cups (INCLUDING coffee, tea, milk, etc. since they are mostly water) is PLENTY of fluid for most normal adults (unless sweating a lot and then you need to let thirst be your guide). Most people will vomit up the water if they are getting close to hyponatremia but some have died when they have ignored their body's signals. If someone is eating a lot (such as athletes in training or bodybuilders, etc.) they are taking in enough nutrients to avoid electrolyte disturbance when they take in a lot of water. But when someone is taking in only 1,200 calories a day and burning 600 calories in intense workouts (just today, I saw someone posting on here who does that) it would be dangerous for them to drink a lot of water. Be careful, folks.
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    I was under the impression that if you had flavored water or water additives you shouldn't count that as water as it's filled with artificial sweeteners. Heck, beer is 97% water but I don't count that :P

    If you have a cup of coffee and add sugar and milk to it, it's still coffee, no? I count flavoured water and diet pop as water, although I rarely have pop now. Most of the time I only have regular water too, but adding a bit of flavour to it doesn't make it something other than what it is.
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    Reading through this thread, with many comments from the women that their skin looks or feels better to them reminded me of something one of my chemistry professors, many decades ago, said to the class. He was not happy with all the marketing of moisturizing products to women. He said that long term these products are detrimental to the natural water transport system in the body at the cellular level. He said that if you start rubbing this stuff on your skin at age 40 or younger to prevent wrinkles you would need to take a soaking bath in it by the time your were 65 to get the same effect. His advice to all the young women in the class(18 to 20 years old) if you young healthy looking skin when you are 65 years old drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin from the inside. He added that you will look and feel better and you will have more money in your pocket because you didn't waste it on moisturizing products.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I was under the impression that if you had flavored water or water additives you shouldn't count that as water as it's filled with artificial sweeteners. Heck, beer is 97% water but I don't count that :P

    If you have a cup of coffee and add sugar and milk to it, it's still coffee, no? I count flavoured water and diet pop as water, although I rarely have pop now. Most of the time I only have regular water too, but adding a bit of flavour to it doesn't make it something other than what it is.

    You lost all credibility if you count diet soda as water.

    Here is a secret, nearly all drinks start out as water. Tea, soda, beer, Koolaid, coffee....all water, then stuff is added to make it something else. So by your theory, everything could be counted as water.