Help me pick!

I was wanting to know what yall all thought my weigh in day should be. I wanna weigh in on only one day a week. And I was wanting to know if yall think Sunday Mornings would be better since seeing how Sundays are my rest days...or weighing in on Monday mornings the day after my rest day!!!

Please let me know what yall think and also it would be great if you would share how often to weigh in and what days!!!!

Thanks so much :)


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Weird - Sunday is my rest day too and I weigh in first thing out of bed just to make sure I'm still where I want to be. You have exactly the right idea to weigh in only once a week. Although - if you are really working on losing weight, assuming you are logging all your food (HONESTLY - people lie here - which is really strange...) and exercising 6 days a week, I recommend to my clients to only weigh in once a month or every 28 days.

    Sometimes when you think the scale should move and it doesn't, or not as quickly as you think it should, you can get depressed. Getting bummed out hurts your weightloss journey much more than not weighing in and feeling better. Also, if you're doing resistance stuff (please do!) then sometimes the scale doesn't move as quickly as we believe it should, but your jeans fit better and you look better and most importantly, you FEEL better. If this is the case, then put the scale away for a month, trust the system and you'll be happier - as long as you are honest and dedicated!!!!!!!

  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I've always liked Sundays as my weigh in day, but I am usually just as active then as the other days.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    My rest days are Sundays but I've picked monday as my weigh in day. Although I couldn't help myself today and had to weigh myself. XP
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I don't have a weigh in day (I don't have a scale so i really just weigh myself whenever I can get my hands on one), but I remember someone posting a long time ago that she likes to weigh in on Monday because it helps keep her accountable for the weekend. Like, if you weigh in on Friday, you may not be as compelled to maintain good habits during the weekend because you'll have the whole next week to make up for it. So I'd say that if you're someone who tends to indulge on the weekends, a Sunday or Monday weigh in would probably be best.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I've always weighed on Saturdays. I don't know why!!! I'm always puffy when I wake-up...don't know why this is, so I weigh about 15 minutes after I wake-up. I have to say not weighing got me into the mess I'm is called denial. I didn't weigh and then was forced to weigh at the Dr. with a hurt kneecap and bam....9 lbs in one year. I do step on the scale on Mondays, but don't log it. I just want to see where I'm at after the week-end!!!
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    If I were in that situation I would weigh on Saturdays.

    I know most people don't agree with what I do, but I weigh everyday. The reason I do this is because I KNOW my weight fluctuates everyday. I put my weight and body fat % into a spreadsheet (and her on MFP) so that I can see an average over time, that way I don't obsess about one day being high for no reason. I really don't worry about it when my weight goes up one day, I really do just look at the trend over time. For me this is the best thing. That way, I'm weighing everyday, first thing in the morning and my weight loss is on my mind from the time I wake up, I'm not going to forget about it or put off my exercise, I'm working on it right away. Also, if I were to weigh only once a week and that happened to be on a heavy day and then knowing that I had to wait another week to see if it really was just a heavy day or if I was making progress, THAT would be depressing to me. Weighing everyday is working really well for me.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Weird - Sunday is my rest day too and I weigh in first thing out of bed just to make sure I'm still where I want to be. You have exactly the right idea to weigh in only once a week. Although - if you are really working on losing weight, assuming you are logging all your food (HONESTLY - people lie here - which is really strange...) and exercising 6 days a week, I recommend to my clients to only weigh in once a month or every 28 days.

    Sometimes when you think the scale should move and it doesn't, or not as quickly as you think it should, you can get depressed. Getting bummed out hurts your weightloss journey much more than not weighing in and feeling better. Also, if you're doing resistance stuff (please do!) then sometimes the scale doesn't move as quickly as we believe it should, but your jeans fit better and you look better and most importantly, you FEEL better. If this is the case, then put the scale away for a month, trust the system and you'll be happier - as long as you are honest and dedicated!!!!!!!

    Terrifc advice!!! I haven't told a lot of people I have been eating healthier, and yesterday someone told me i looked lke i was losing weight and how good i looked blah blah this morning got on the scale, and only had lost 1.6 more pounds, meaning i only lost 5 pounds all together. I was so upset, thinking for sure I had lost more. I am a person that loses inches way faster than weight, and I think a lot of people are like that, and they put way too much enphasis on the number the scale says instead of how they feel.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I used to use monday as my weigh in but I actually found trends (in my own personal weight data - cause i do weigh myself everyday) but Monday was my heaviest day generally. So I moved the day to Friday and it seems to work well for me. It tends to set a good tone for my weekend (where I have the hardest time staying on track).
  • imma_rosta
    imma_rosta Posts: 30 Member
    My rest day is also Sunday. Mostly because that's when I get a homemade meal ;) But I chose Wednesday as my weigh in day. I don't think it would help if it were Monday because of the rest day prior. And Tuesday seemed to soon after Monday. Ha ha! So I weigh in on Wednesday mornings because I know that it is after a good 2 days of work-out and diet and it keeps me pushing hard throughout the rest of the week. Good luck!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Thursday. I don't drink enough water on the weekends because I can't be near a bathroom all the time like I can at work, so I am in water-retention height on Mondays.
    I could weigh-in on Fridays, the weight is usually the same as Thursday, but I've had a house guest also every Thursday-Monday for the last few months and it's been difficult to keep myself focused.
  • 4myheartnsoul
    I weigh in on Friday morning. I never know what I am doing over the weekend and Sat & Sun are the days I usually go over . I am on a schedule Mon-Fri and it is easier to stay on track. Also if I mess up on Sat, I have the week to fix it before next weekend. When I did Weight Watchers, I weighed in on Monday night and it was horrible!!
  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54
    I TRY to only weigh once a week and I chose Friday. I decided on that date because I may go to a party or not do as well on a weekend as I do during the week and weighing Friday gives me time to get back on track. I've just begun all of this so maybe I'll change later but so far this is working for me. I am still committed to following my plan during the weekend but life happens sometimes and I think I would really beat myself up if I weight on Mondays. That being said, I tend to get on the scale anyway like I did today which I need to stop doing because it doesn't help my motivation, just makes me frustrated. Regardless I only RECORD my weight once a week on Fridays. Also, I don't really have a "rest" day. I try to do some sort of physical activity every day and if I miss a day because I'm tired or because of my schedule then I guess that's my "rest" day. I try to be very vigilant about recording and staying within my calories but other than that I try not to be so rigid because then I won't stick with the plan.
  • NewMe80xoxo
    WOWo thanks yall so much for putting your really has help me!!!
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    If there is a specific day when you usually consume more calories, for whatever reason, then make your weigh in the day before. That way you have the rest of the week to burn off those extra calories and you dont get discouraged by seeing a weight gain.