Constructive criticism, anyone?


I'm fairly new to the MFP program and must say that I LOVE it! I will be honest and tell you that I was clueless as to how much I was previously eating and the impact it had on my weight. I like knowing how many calories/fat content, etc. are in each yummy morsel that I eat!

I would like someone with more expertise than I to look over my food diary and tell me what I need to do differently to optimize my weight loss while still providing a balanced diet.

A little bit of insight on my behalf before you begin your critique:

The water intake is not necessarily accurate; I tend to not document the true amount but suffice it to say I exceed the daily minimum without much effort on my part.

I am a picky eater; the only fish I can handle is tuna fish from a can! I'm a big fan of fruits and vegetables but sometimes the prep work is difficult because of my schedule. I can see that I need more protein but not sure what the best way to get it. I am not a fan of yogurt.

My living situation is "not normal" for me at the current moment and won't return to "normal" until mid-September due to a variety of reasons. What does this mean to my diet? It means that I can't/won't be cooking full-fledged meals during the summer because of my schedule so I need meals that are a quick fix or ones that can be made on the fly.

I actually exercise more than what has been shown since I began the program a few weeks ago. Things should be returning to my normal routine after summer but I'll do my best to get in what I can for the time being. Once I begin exercising again, it is with cardio/strength training/elliptical/spinning at a rate of 4 times per week or so.

I also want to let you know that while I have gone under the suggested calorie intake on occasion I don't feel like I am depriving myself at all; I actually have to find food to eat to fulfill that requirement. Based on what it states after I complete my entries for the day, it makes me wonder if I am not eating enough and this is causing my metabolism to slow down and hoard all that lovely fat!

Additionally, I ordered The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise and completed a colon cleanse about a month ago.

Please look over my food diary (I can't believe I'm crazy enough to open it for all to see!) and post any comments you may have.


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    My advise to you is to to incooperate more fruits and veggies in your said you like tuna, something i do is always have a tuna(or salmon) seasoned steak(starkist makes them n pouches already seasoned) and if i go to mcdonalds get two side salads and throw the fish on top. You seem to not eat that much for lunch...and you should make breakfast and lunch your "big meals" Hope this helps:)
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    I can eat fruit and veggies all day long but then I'd have a problem eating anything else as that fills me up. It's normally difficult for me to eat more during breakfast or lunch because I tend to be on the go then. Thanks!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Well done for joining MFP it really is a great place.

    To begin with I mjust state that I am not an expert, I am merely sharing what I've learned along my journey so far. I only want to lose 10-15lbs but it has been a real challenge.

    I used to be able to lose 7lb in about 2-3wks but this year everything changed. Not only was it hard for me to lose weight I was actually gaining weight even though I was eating very little and exercising loads. I had effectively shut down my metabolism.

    I came to learn that I was putting way to much pressure on my body. I read a great book called burn the fat feed the muscle and learned that the best way to lose weight (especially when you only have very little to lose) is to eat as clean as you can and eat little and often. After several months of weight gain I have finally reversed the situation and am slowly beginning to to lose weight, just a lb a week but it is coming off.

    From looking at your food diary I think you probably need to eat a little more (at least 1200 cals) and try to eat more frequently (every 3hrs ish)

    You say that you are a fussy eater (I'm the same way) but you did say you liked tuna - go for a tuna bagel (wholegreain or multi seeded)

    You can also get losts of protein from beans and lentils (if there are any that you like)

    As I said, I'm not an expert but please feel free to look at my food diary for ideas on what to eat. All the best
  • LittlePam
    I sent you a friend request with a note attached...
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Exactly what I thought and was concerned with as well! All of the Olive Garden entries were from 1 meal - it was my son's birthday and I love the chicken scampi but only eat a very small portion at the restaurant and tend to bring the rest home, which I must then eat over 3 or 4 days. The lasagna fritta was compliments of my mother! I actually don't "eat out" unless absolutely necessary and because I am shuttling kids constantly, it becomes a necessity.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    First off, bravo to you for allowing the MFP world to see your food diary. That, in itself, can be a brave thing, especially when we're new on this journey.

    I'm a teacher, and I REFUSE to eat in the school cafeteria, so quick meals that I can throw into my lunchbox and scarf down in 20 minutes during my lunch period are a necessity. I tend to do a lot with whole grain wraps. While they're not inexpensive, the pre-made grilled chicken strips are easily thrown into a wrap with some lettuce, tomato, mustard, etc. and make a nice 200 calorie sandwich that is packed with protein. I also tend to eat some baby carrots and yogurt with dice apples for lunch (though I know you said you didn't like yogurt).

    Scrambled eggs, an egg white omelet (I use eggbeaters a lot because they're easier) are good protein choices. I tend to pair them with a small bowl of oatmeal (for good complex carbs) in the morning.

    Almonds and other nuts are great 'on the go' snacks, as is celery sticks and peanut butter. Nuts and nut butters, while high in fat (good fats, though), are also good sources of protein. I generally do a peanut butter 'smear' on a low sodium rice cake mid-afternoon (1T PB and 1 rice cake = 100 calories).

    You're more than welcome to look at my own food diary. Keep in mind, though, that I eat a LOT because I burn a lot of calories throughout the day. Even eating 2000 calories/day puts me at a 700ish calorie deficit based on my calorie expenditure.

    Also, one more thing...Sunshine mentioned the book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle...another good one is Tom Venuto's "The Body Fat Solution: 5 principals for burning fat, building lean muscle, ending emotional eating, and maintaining your perfect weight."
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    one thing i fell in love with is oatmeal to go bars...they have TONS of fiber and protein to help you feel full longer...and just make sure to have one lean and green meal a day(lean meat and bunch of veggies) and you should be have the right idea so far though! Also opt for a chicken salad at a fast food joint and just have some salad dressing on hand, or get whatever low fat/low sugar dressing they have and just use it sparingly. Also, if you are tired of salads get your hamburger or chicken sandwhich in a lettuce wrap. I'm SO JEALOUS from your olive garden though....I looooove olive garden, especially the bread sticks.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My thoughts in looking over your diary (and by the way, my food diary is public so feel free to peruse it!) is that you eat a lot of processed foods, are rather high in your carbs, and eat out quite a bit, which doesn't give you a lot of control over content. PLUS I would eat more of your calories earlier in the day, rather than later. Based on your post you indicated you are somewhat restricted for a while in regards to food prep (not exactly sure what that means), but would encourage you to pack more of your own meals, using fresh vegetables and fresh fruits; freezer vegetables which can be steamed; Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers are good freezer food choices on occasion. Salads are easy to prepare and store and travel, if you pack your dressing separately (I just use red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar and little olive oil). There are some great all natural bars (Lara Bars or Bora Bora) that make easy to go snacks and are very filling. I just recommend trying to eat more fresh foods (the perimeter of the grocery store) and cutting back on the white flour, white sugar carbs. I am almost 52 myself and started my weight loss plan on January 4th. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like an encourager!
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Wonderful! I will certainly check out your food diary as you seem to make sense with what you said. I am the type that could go without food for the entire day and not really have a problem with it - but I know it is creating havoc with my metabolism.
  • michelle29714
    Bananas are not good for you if you are dieting they carry alot of calories, addionally try and stay away from whites. Meaning: white bread, white pastas etc.....Mac and Cheese is not good if that is all your need to add veggies, fruits, protiens like fish, chicken and pork. If you eat out alot then chose those things at the rest. or if you know where you will be going or frequent a certain rest. look up what are the best menu items for dieting. Alot of rest. such as AppleBee's for example do offer low calorie meals that are indicated on their menu selections. I hope this helps some
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I'm probably just going to be an echo of everyone else. One of the major things is going under 1200 calories. Just try adding a few snacks in your day to get over that mark. A serving of almonds or some veggies with hummus. Even though you don't think you are depriving yourself, you will see the adverse effects of not getting enough calories.

    You can increase your hunger by going for a walk or going to the gym. I find I eat much more in a day where I have worked out compared to one that I haven't.

    Is there a way that you can make pre-made lunches or supper? If you are always on the go, just take last night's supper with you for lunch the next day.

    Welcome to MFP. It's really a great site for tips and encouragement.
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    HAHA! I stayed away from those scrumptious breadsticks - I knew better!
  • michelle29714
    Oh and one more thing....stay away from McDonald's and Olive garden...very high in calories and not the good calories at all......I myself can not handle McDonald's my diary is also public as well
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you - that helped! The reason I only eat a little hamburger is because that is truly all I really want. I need to address the issue of not getting enough calories. Your comment about how you would be able to eat like me if it wasn't for your husband is exactly why I'm eating (temporarily) the way I am!
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    I addressed the Olive Garden in a previous post - all those meals were from leftovers from my son's birthday and don't occur regularly.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Honestly...i give you props for avoiding the breadsticks!! I'm literally salivating now just thiking of them! So basically to jist that everyone is saying is eat more veggies and fruit, less of the "already prepared food" and try to incooperate more food during the morning and lunch, and some healthy snacks(nuts, fruits, veggies) and if you eat out, just make wiser choices. Also stay away from the white stuff!(sauce,pasta, and bread)
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Hi!! I'm going to disagree with a previous poster about bananas. You don't need to be afraid of them, they are very nutrient rich, and you need MORE calories, not less, so it is ok to get 100 calroies (for you) from a banana.

    As for the 1200 calorie thing, that is a MFP hot spot. IMO, It all depends on how much you weigh. You're only (and I mean only, as in you aren't trying to lose 100lbs, not that it is easy.) have 5 more lbs to lose according to your profile, so you maybe you only weight 130 lbs, and you don't NEED the calories that some of the rest of us do. That being said, I would raise your calorie limit to 1300, just so you aren't so afraid of going over it. I'm not a total believer in if anyone goes below the 1200, their going into "starvation mode", but I AM concerned because you're not just a little below, you rarely break 1000. Try and hit 1100 a day, and see how you feel. You CAN eat calorie rich HEALTHY food, like bananas, avocado, orango juice, etc.

    Do you have a Trader Joe's nearby? If so, I would recommend checking it out. For those who don't have time/ability to cook, it is a great alternative. They have prepackagev fruits and veggies too, to help your intake of those.

    My diary is public too, if you want to check it out. I don't recommend the "diet" shake thing to everyone, I just do it because of the convenience in the mornings, since I have a really long commute.
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Yeh! You disagree with the banana issue! It's a great snack for me and I didn't want to give those up. The 1200 calories may or may not be so far off - I am about 5'2" and weight about 121 or 122, depending upon the morning. I want to get to about 115 because that's how much I weighed before I got married and had those 4 suck-the-life-out-of-you (while managing to leave the fat!) AND destroy-your-body-while-they-are-at-it children! I just figured it was a good goal to shoot for.

    No Trader's Joe close but there is a Wegman's.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Tortillas! You can put anything in a tortilla and call it a meal. There is a whole variety of them, from ones that are low in carb, high in fiber, sundried tomato, spinach, whole wheat, corn, etc.
    You could take that can of tuna and put it in there with some veggies and a bit of low fat cheese with some salsa and you have a meal. Or scrambled eggs.
    What about beans? Do you like black beans? You can also put them in a tortilla with the veggies and call it a meal. I do that all the time. Black beans are high in protein. Well, all beans are. And they are canned and relatively cheap.

    Also, I second the whole banana thing....they are chalk full of potassium and are great after a work out for muscle repair. For about 100 cals to boot.

    Do you have a rice cooker? You can make up a batch of brown rice on Sunday and make rice bowls thru the week. Add the beans, salsa, veggies, cheese, etc on it. Chicken even.

    I tend to do a lot of quick cooking on Sunday so I can have at least three dinners easily ready and all my lunches done to grab and go. It takes the thinking out of it you know?

    Good luck!!