Starting over

I'm new here. I am a convert from another site. I was on that site after cancelling my WW membership in July. I just was not fond of the interface and as crazy as it sounds, I wanted my own home. My assistant at work uses the other site and reads a lot of blogs and makes comments and such. I wanted somewhere different.

A little history to bore you to tears. I had been going to meetings since October and weigh about 5 lbs more than when I started. I started with my cousins so we could support one another. They are both in the same boat, weighing the same or more than when we started. I found myself going alone about 2 out of 4 weeks. Not to mention, I have heard what they are saying before. I was not getting a lot out of the meetings. What finally helped me make the decision was when I bought an Incredible. The apps you can get are great. I am giving MFP a chance. I like the look and feel of it so far. Better than others I have tried.

A little history and current state of affairs...
I lost 60 lbs about 14 years ago using WW. I gained a little back but lost it and then some when I got married. Our first year of marriage was rough with my job and deaths in the family. I was having anxiety attacks and overly organized but I weighed my lowest at 165/170.
Fast forward a few years. Life calmed down. I quit smoking 4 years ago. I am thinking I replaced smoking with eating. I also have a 2 year old daughter now. Between quitting smoking, having a daughter, and dealing with a little "internet addiction" recently, I am not losing.
I have recently been in counseling since I felt like I was lazy and was not getting anything done at work or at home. After talking a lot to the counselor, I found that I can be a little ADD and obsessive compulsive. More the personality...don't think hand washing or touching light switches. Think oh look, message board, must read all posts. Oh crap where did the last 3 hours go.
I am using the Beck Diet solution and cognitive behavioral therapy to battle my eating habits as well as not getting things done.

I have been lurking around MFP for the past day or so. Yesterday was my 36th birthday so what better day to start anew. I have 3 weeks of summer vaca left before i start back to work. I started today tracking my food and going to the gym. Yippeee for me. Now off to clean my house. I look forward to making a few friends and getting slimmer.


  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Happy birthday!!
    the best present you can give yourself is good health:)
    Welcome and wishing you all the success..
  • luckyluciano
    hi countrymama.. i hear ya on alot of what ur saying.. my problem is not addiction to food.. i just really love to eat.. lol .. anyway i had a son 4 years ago and was doing the weight watchers points... which do work.. i came here cuz a really good friend of mine is also my pilates instructer and she suggested i really go to calories so i can really see what i am eating.. so here i am.. when i see 11 lays wavy chips r 10 grams of fat and my daily allowance is 40 its puts things in perspective!! lol

    yesterday was a bad day for me cuz we had a bbq and party.. with drinking cake ect. but i am not going to dwell i just gotta make sure im extra careful today.. anyway welcome and hope to see ya on here more.. (:
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Glad to see you on here. I've been here for three weeks and I am an addict of the site for sure! I have some issues also with ocd, but I focused them on being here and logging in all my foods and being totally accountable for my health. It's working, I feel great. I wish the same for you.
  • SuzyT01
    SuzyT01 Posts: 12
    One thing about this site (as I am a newbie also) is that you get to see how many calories other people burn and if they stay under their calorie intake goal. I think that is MOST motivating, because I do not want to be the only one of my friends not doing anything. And it always seems like on my days off from the gym is when everyone is burning the most calories, which gives me fuel to get back to it the next day (as I go every other day). The best thing you can do is just keep logging in and keep in touch with your friends so you feel more motivated and supported! Plus you will see others going through the exact same things! And alot of people don't just post how good they do, they also post about their slip up days which makes you feel a little better when you have them so you don't feel so alienated!

    Good luck!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    Welcome this site is the best. I looked at and tried a couple others just to see but i landed right back here. I lost weight using this site, then got complacent and gained it all but 9 lbs back. I logged back in about 3 months ago with a new determination. So far I am down about 48lbs and pray i can continue to my goal. I will get there this time once and for alll. One day at a time. I find that as long as i stay vigilante in logging in and staying in contact with my MFP family i am on the right track.

    You made a great choice choosing MFP!!!
    Wishing you much success on your journey
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member

    I found that I can be a little ADD and obsessive compulsive. More the personality...don't think hand washing or touching light switches. Think oh look, message board, must read all posts. Oh crap where did the last 3 hours go.

    Me too!! Hopefully I can transfer my *slight* obsessions to the gym!

    Good luck!
  • countrymama08
    Thanks for the welcome and the friend requests. I have been wasting some time playing around and reading the message boards. Very insightful.

    Just peachy--it is tough channeling that obsessiveness. Like today...I sat for over an hour and a half reading these boards instead of cleaning like I should. I just get sucked in and then can't pull away. I am learning though. I joined a gym for the second time in my life and I am trying to make it a goal to get there at least 4 times a week. I am also being a little obsessive about logging my food.

    Here's to making good choices today!
    Mine was coming to the boards instead of the fridge when I was restless and trying to avoid cleaning. :happy: