88 lbs to lose... all friend requests welcome!

Hello everybody! I'm 24, 5'8", and currently weigh 240 lbs.. :(
I have huge bones and I carry it off ok (really lol, curvy frame) also because I'm good with clothes.. but it's time to lose it, this time for real.
It's a hugely transitional period of my life and I feel I changed a lot inside, I'm a lot STRONGER and I want my body to show it!
Shooting to lose 90 lbs... getting down to 150!
I have no idea what it will feel like. I've been overweght all my life.


  • jhwellness
    jhwellness Posts: 156 Member
    Fell free to add me I log on daily and support is critical for everyone's success !
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm in the same situation as you are. I'm 25, 5'9 and started at 258 in April and now down to 247. I carry my weight very well considering my weight but I want to loss the extra baggage once and for all. My goal weight is currently set at 160. All may add me.
  • thanks everybody and AMANDA OMG YOU'RE SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!v:love: (no homo!)
  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    You can totally add me. I love this place! :)
  • Intakekim
    Intakekim Posts: 1
    i am new to the site looking for some buddies in this weight loss campaign my name is kimberly, i weigh 259 pounds. I started going to gym 4 days ago it is a killer.
  • tarameow1
    tarameow1 Posts: 4
    I sent you a request I have about the same amount to lose :)
  • noluckducky15
    noluckducky15 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello! I'm close to your age, I'm between 5'3 and 5'4 and I started at 240. I, however, did not carry my weight well. But I have lost over 60 lbs now and am still counting! Feel free to add me :)
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    lets kick *kitten* its summahhh:) YOU WILL DO THIS!!
    Kristian Rocco
  • I love this place! Everyone is so friendly and supportive of one another. I'm only 5'3 and my goal weight is 145 so I have over 100 lbs to loose at the moment. My goals for May is to exercise at the gym three times a week and up my cardio to 5 days a week. Feel free to add me if you like. I understand it can be hard to stay motivated to hit the gym but I am willing to be your online gym buddy if needed :)
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    You can add me, I've been big forever but at the end of 9th grade I lost weight in a size 10-12 but then I had my son and boy did I eat... and not only that the weight kept adding and adding so we started to eat healthy but not count calories, cut soda and more out. I think I lost weight but not a lot I started this site I was 355, and not I'm 334 it's going slow but my first goal is to get under 300 pounds this is the biggest I've been ever so we can be buddies. I go to the gym with my husband four days a week, and do 30 minutes cardo and 30 minutes weight lifting.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Hey hon... your stats could be mine 5 years ago. However, I'm 80 pounds smaller now than I was then. Feel free to add me! :)
  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    You can do it girl... I am ready to motivate and help you on your journey. All the peeps I have met here on MFP are encouraging and great to help you away on your journey.

    Add me as a friend if you like.

  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    I bet you don't look as if you weigh that. Your height can "hide" a lot of weight. Please add me as a friend; at 5"7'--I get it!
  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am older, but am 5'8" and started off with 100 lbs to lose. I am trucking along and only 5 lbs away from the 50 lb lost mark :)
  • SmileyJessie10
    SmileyJessie10 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me! =) At my heaviest I was 220lbs, with a goal of losing 70lbs. I just didn't find this site until a couple of months ago, and I wish I had found it sooner. It definitely keeps you accountable. Awesome place!
  • I've been here on MFP for a few weeks now. Logging what I eat is really helping. I would love some new friends on this journey and all are welcome to add me. I think we will all have better luck with friends who are supportive and know the struggles.
  • cchapa0911
    cchapa0911 Posts: 14
    You can add me, too! :)
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    We sound fairly similar, I'm 5'7" and started at 230 and I hope to get down to 155. I also carry my weight well and no one believed me when I said I weighed over 200 pounds. It's a blessing and a curse I guess. So far I've lost 29 pounds. It's not easy, but so worth it.

    Good Luck!
  • All can Add me!! I just joined this site. before the winter I lost 60 pounds. Im down to about 330 but have along way to go...support is good. Im hear for everyone!!
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    Feel free to add me...I am here every day!