Runners Knee and Plantar Fasciitis

So I'm trying to run but end up having to do much of it walking. Between runners knee and the PF I'm finding it difficult to work up a jog. I've noticed as long as my heel and toe has good cushion it is bearable. Can I keep using the shoe insoles to relieve some of this or what am I doing wrong that I can do right? I've been walking for 6 weeks, 3 miles a day, 5 days a week.


  • kellymill2
    kellymill2 Posts: 21
    What about different shoes. ? Where did you get the insoles from?
  • kate21797
    kate21797 Posts: 77 Member
    Take it slow at first. Suddenly taking on too much can result in injuries. For the PF, lay off for a few days, icing and stretching your foot and calves. I had minor PF last winter, and by doing some stretches and icing and not going overboard, it's gone now.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Are you wearing a strap? They work wonders for my runner's knee.
  • sherri730
    sherri730 Posts: 4
    I'll look into the strap because runners knee is much more painful for me than the pf. I bought one set of insoles from ****s Sporting goods and 5 different insoles from Meijer (I know its ridiculous) hoping to find something that helps. I will start stretching and icing it. I think I need to get properly fitted for shoes too.
  • Not sure about the knee, but I was shopping with my wife and we went into the skechers store, they had these shoes that have memory foam for soles. I thought that was pretty cool. I would personally never wear skechers as I think of it as a woman's brand, not sure what people's thoughts are on these but it would seem to have great support.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I ended up with major PF last year while training for a half-marathon. I was committed to the race as I was doing it with a friend and ran through the pain. Not smart. Even though I iced and stretched I ended up at the podiatrist. I wore a stretching boot a few times a day, had a steroid shot in the heel (ouch) that really did nothing and was casted for custom orthotics. We ran the race at the end of April and I completely quit running and doing any impact activities other than walking for the summer. It took me until mid-December for it to finally go away. Come March I started training for a 10K and guess what is back, now in both heels. Biking it is for the summer!

    Good luck and don't let it get too out of hand before you seek help! You might want to look online for a "Strassburg sock" which will keep your foot in the proper stretch overnight. Way more comfortable than the boot!