Public Committment to lose weight

LieslLuna Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
HI! I am brand new to this site today....I am an avid reader of a couple of weight loss blogs and on one of them, there was a challenge put out to "publicly committ to lose weight" so that's what I am doing. I currently weigh 202 pounds and I SWORE that I would never let myself get over 200, yet here I am....ugh! So committ with my friend...let's motivate each other!


  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Well HELLO! I understand your battle. I always said I would never allow myself to get over 150. I sat at 200 lbs. a month and a half ago. I have lost 10 pounds, and I do not want to stop until I am at my fittest. I want to be able to run a mile, not just walk. I would love to be here to encourage you along your way. Sometimes we have to say out loud to the world what we will accomplish. I did.
  • I can definitely relate...I also read in jillians book how you should make a public commitment...I always said i'd never get overweight and here I am morbidly obese @ 272 lbs now...started off 2 292......nice to meet you....good luck and best wishes on your journey
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    HI! I am brand new to this site today....I am an avid reader of a couple of weight loss blogs and on one of them, there was a challenge put out to "publicly committ to lose weight" so that's what I am doing. I currently weigh 202 pounds and I SWORE that I would never let myself get over 200, yet here I am....ugh! So committ with my friend...let's motivate each other!

    Hi, welcome to MFP!

    I made a few things public and it sure does spur me on. I stuck a status on my Facebook along the lines of "fed up with all this blubber, time to lose some weight" - of course, I was unable to turn back at that point. I've also made a few things public on MFP about what I intend to do etc. Pride is a massive factor in making me persevere and I think what you are doing is excellent, you are now committed.

    They say "pride comes before a fall" and "pride is one of the seven deadly sins" however, it all depends on how you look at it, pride, when used in a positive way can be an enormous asset.

    Best wishes in your weight loss :flowerforyou:
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    I commit to lose weight with you. I have just gone up to a dress size i promised never to be! I am ashamed of myself and am determined to lose the weight. willpower needed :-)
  • I am with you... after looking at photos from my birthday last week... i realized things had gotten out of hand. Lets stick together and stay motivated. I will drop 30 lbs!
  • good for you!! baby steps, right!? one pound at a time....congrats on your weight loss so far and i hope you continue!
  • i so understand the photo thing....every pic i have seen of myself over the last few years i have thought in my head "that will be my 'before' pic" and i will start my diet tomorrow....well, TODAY is that tomorrow and i guess it's better late than never! i actually saw a pic of just my arms and side veiw and i thought, "who is that?" because i didn't recognize myself so overweight. i am so tired of being the chubby girl in all the pictures. keep up the good work and good luck with your goals!
  • i sooo relate to pics.. ughhh!! :sick: im so over my rolly polly stomach!!! and big *kitten* ... cant wait till my ticker reads "x" amount lost... sigh.. one day at a time!
  • Hi everyone!! I just joined today and I'm excited to get started and use this great tool. I was shocked at how many calories the food I ate today had in it, that was a big eye opener for me.

    Good luck to everyone!!
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