Squat critique needed

vorgas Posts: 741 Member
This is the second time I've stalled out approaching 315, so I figure there's probably something wrong with my technique. If anybody cares to check out any of these videos and give me some feedback, I would love it.




  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    This is the second time I've stalled out approaching 315, so I figure there's probably something wrong with my technique. If anybody cares to check out any of these videos and give me some feedback, I would love it.



    Do those links work for you? I can't load anything. Double-check the links and I'll take a look. Tell us more about your programming and leg exercises.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    the links work for me.

    Take a look at this. I have been following Clint Darden for a long time. He has been around for years and know what he is talking about.

  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Yeah, they work for me in several different browsers. Although I don't have IE, so can't say.

    Program is Stronglifts 5x5
    Squat, Shoulder Press, Deadlift
    Squat, Bench Press, Bent Over Rows
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    the links work for me.

    Take a look at this. I have been following Clint Darden for a long time. He has been around for years and know what he is talking about.

    Thanks for the link, but it raises all kinds of questions for me. For example, the guy in this video doesn't seem to go parallel to me, but it's never mentioned. So am I going too low?

    "His back is rounding because he's reaching down with the bar instead of his hips." I don't even know what that means :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I can't see the video's but "reaching with the bar instead of the hips" means instead to me instead of getting deeper by way of knee and hip drop- he's lowering his chest- and the bar- which means- the back is going to arch UP... instead of maintaining that nice flat back needed for squatting.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    BTW, when you say you are not progressing. How long have you stalled on progression?
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I think you're missing the point of SL and SS and the like.

    They are a BEGINNER template. They are for untrained and starter lifters to get their strength level up in a few months time. SL is NOT and never was a template for lifters past the beginner level of strength.

    If you are lifting 315 for reps, then you my friend are late intermediate starter advanced levels of strength. You're far outgrown SL. It's time for you to switch to a different template. If you're looking for continue building strength, look into 5/3/1. If you want a more of a size building routine, then look into PHAT.

    Also, while the above is true and you do need to switch templates regardless, stalls could just as easily mean you're not eating enough. If you want muscle to get stronger, it needs food to grow.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    the links work for me.

    Take a look at this. I have been following Clint Darden for a long time. He has been around for years and know what he is talking about.


    Clint Darden is great for sure but unfortunately that video is not Clint Dardon and that dude's form needs some help. He's definitely not getting to parallel and towards the end his movement looks all jacked-up.

    If you want to watch a video on form, I have yet to see a better video series (6 videos) that demonstrates how to squat correctly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ME8gEN54Ao
    I think you're missing the point of SL and SS and the like.

    They are a BEGINNER template. They are for untrained and starter lifters to get their strength level up in a few months time. SL is NOT and never was a template for lifters past the beginner level of strength

    I would agree with that. Some people can progress longer on a linear method but there is a definite wall that you will not surpass with a linear method. If you really like this style of lifting checkout MadCow 5x5 or the Texas Method, however; I believe they are also linear in design whereas 5/3/1 is not. If not, 5/3/1 is a great method for sure. The Cube method is an intermediate program that I'm learning about right now myself and I'm loving it.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Uploaded videos to youtube.

    I am eating at a calorie surplus of 250 to 500 calories per day.
    I got to this point and could'nt complete 5x5, so deloaded to 225 and started back up, adding 5 lbs each time. Now here I am again it's just a real struggle.

    I heard that until you were squatting over 300 you were still a beginner, lol :) I know everytime I watch these videos I see people talking about 315 like it's light and not much weight. Heck, that guy posted earlier was doing 365s x 10, etc.

    I do appreciate all of these suggestions, and I will look into a different routine, but so as not to get too far off track, what I am looking for is critique of my form.

    Specifically, I see my tailbone seems to be rounding under at the bottom, but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, or if it's normal.
    I've heard that you shouldn't elevate your chest too early, but I don't know when is the proper time or if I'm doing it.
    I hear not to let your knees come in, but I don't really know what I'm looking for there.
    I read where you should drive up with your hips, but again, I don't really know what that means.

    The problem is I don't have a trained eye. I just can't pick out these differences. So anybody that does that could give me a hand, I would really appreciate. I just don't want this thread to devolve into what workout program is better, as that won't really help my form :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I would agree with that. Some people can progress longer on a linear method but there is a definite wall that you will not surpass with a linear method. If you really like this style of lifting checkout MadCow 5x5 or the Texas Method, however; I believe they are also linear in design whereas 5/3/1 is not. If not, 5/3/1 is a great method for sure. The Cube method is an intermediate program that I'm learning about right now myself and I'm loving it.

    I would agree too. Your form looks good. I think Medhi himself recommends switching to Madcow 5x5 around your range (~300lb squat). That's what I plan on doing. Or go straight to 5/3/1.

    How many sets are you doing btw? If you're still doing 5x5 then that's amazing, but I'd drop it to 3x5 as Medhi prescribes. I dropped to 3x5 at 200lbs, myself. 5x5 of max effort squats, 3x a week was brutal (especially in a deficit). I'm doing 230lbs 3x5 currently and will probably drop to 1x5 by the time I get to 250lbs (my squat is weaksauce).
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    the links work for me.

    Take a look at this. I have been following Clint Darden for a long time. He has been around for years and know what he is talking about.


    Clint Darden is great for sure but unfortunately that video is not Clint Dardon and that dude's form needs some help. He's definitely not getting to parallel and towards the end his movement looks all jacked-up.

    If you want to watch a video on form, I have yet to see a better video series (6 videos) that demonstrates how to squat correctly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ME8gEN54Ao
    I think you're missing the point of SL and SS and the like.

    They are a BEGINNER template. They are for untrained and starter lifters to get their strength level up in a few months time. SL is NOT and never was a template for lifters past the beginner level of strength

    I would agree with that. Some people can progress longer on a linear method but there is a definite wall that you will not surpass with a linear method. If you really like this style of lifting checkout MadCow 5x5 or the Texas Method, however; I believe they are also linear in design whereas 5/3/1 is not. If not, 5/3/1 is a great method for sure. The Cube method is an intermediate program that I'm learning about right now myself and I'm loving it.

    The video I showed was Clint Darden commentating on a client of his.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    the links work for me.

    Take a look at this. I have been following Clint Darden for a long time. He has been around for years and know what he is talking about.


    Clint Darden is great for sure but unfortunately that video is not Clint Dardon and that dude's form needs some help. He's definitely not getting to parallel and towards the end his movement looks all jacked-up.

    If you want to watch a video on form, I have yet to see a better video series (6 videos) that demonstrates how to squat correctly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ME8gEN54Ao
    I think you're missing the point of SL and SS and the like.

    They are a BEGINNER template. They are for untrained and starter lifters to get their strength level up in a few months time. SL is NOT and never was a template for lifters past the beginner level of strength

    I would agree with that. Some people can progress longer on a linear method but there is a definite wall that you will not surpass with a linear method. If you really like this style of lifting checkout MadCow 5x5 or the Texas Method, however; I believe they are also linear in design whereas 5/3/1 is not. If not, 5/3/1 is a great method for sure. The Cube method is an intermediate program that I'm learning about right now myself and I'm loving it.

    The video I showed was Clint Darden commentating on a client of his.

    Ah, I'm at work and have to keep my PC muted. LOL
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member

    Specifically, I see my tailbone seems to be rounding under at the bottom, but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, or if it's normal.
    I've heard that you shouldn't elevate your chest too early, but I don't know when is the proper time or if I'm doing it.
    I hear not to let your knees come in, but I don't really know what I'm looking for there.
    I read where you should drive up with your hips, but again, I don't really know what that means.

    What it means, when you are in your seated position is your hip to almost be moving forward, this is where your drive needs to come from. If you are feeling the burning sensation (of fatigue that you get when lifting) in the inner part of your leg, chances are you are moving your knees first. When you drive forward with the hips, you will feel it more in the outside of your leg.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Once you start stalling on all of your lifts, you should look at advanced novice or intermediate programming. Starting Strength has an Advanced Novice Program that incorporates Front Squats on Wednesdays. There's also Texas Method, Madcow, and 5/3/1 for intermediate programming.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I heard that until you were squatting over 300 you were still a beginner, lol :) I know everytime I watch these videos I see people talking about 315 like it's light and not much weight. Heck, that guy posted earlier was doing 365s x 10, etc.

    I do appreciate all of these suggestions, and I will look into a different routine, but so as not to get too far off track, what I am looking for is critique of my form.

    You're well past beginner my friend.
  • jajnn
    jajnn Posts: 33
    Form looks pretty good, I would widen your stance a few inches. I'm sure you'll get it soon.

    When I squat I really don't lift with my chest, I just drive my hips up and forward. My shoulders and core are so tight throughout the lift that my chest pretty much stays in the same position until I drive my hips forward.