TKD vs 4HB vs backload

Hi, I'm trying to combine methods I read about like carb backloading, targeted keto and the book 4 hour body diets.. there are a lots of similarities but also some things I'm not sure about, so I'd like to know your opinions.
Basicaly my diet would be like:
- 6 days a week going low carbs (<30g) during day and 1 day(saturday) eat anything
- 3 resistance exercie a week on low carbs days in the evening, backload with carbs after excercise

not sure about:
- no breakfast on excercise day, only coffee (backload diet) - coffee on empty stomach is very aggressive
- little carb dinner on resting days (backload) vs staying ultra low carbs on evening too (tkd)
- little carbs before excercise (backload - no; TKD & 4HB - yes)
- midweek carbs spiking (dont remember which diet, but you would surely know about this)
- backload after hiit?

so my plan is:
wednesday - resistance training, backload
friday - fullbody resistance, backload
saturday - eat anything
monday - HIIT - to deplete glycogen after saturday and get keto faster, (backload??)


  • jajnn
    jajnn Posts: 33
    Why not just keep it simple? What are your goals.

    Low-moderate carb all the time, on days you workout you can add some extra complex carbs after your workout and watch your calories?

    You don't need refeed days or carb spiking/cheat days.
  • gustozz
    gustozz Posts: 3
    I need a diet i would stick to for long time and don't abandon it. I don't heave willpower to stay low on carbs for long period, there should be some cycle excercise/reward mechanism. Enjoying a diet is very important factor I think. But also all these diets are trying to get you into keto phase, so the carb timing is important too I think.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I need a diet i would stick to for long time and don't abandon it. I don't heave willpower to stay low on carbs for long period, there should be some cycle excercise/reward mechanism. Enjoying a diet is very important factor I think. But also all these diets are trying to get you into keto phase, so the carb timing is important too I think.

    Why not just create an energy deficit, get enough of each macronutrient to suit your goals, and structure your carb timing based on personal preference?

    You talk about increasing dietary adherence yet you are combining multiple protocols that are each unnecessary.

    Going low carb is not necessary (although some people do very well on them so I wouldn't arbitrarily rule them out for everyone), CBL is not necessary, and Tim Ferris's information is largely crap.

    I'm not trying to be rude to you with this reply, just telling you how I see it. I think you're already making this way more complicated then it needs to be.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Too complicated. Make your plan simpler if you intend on sticking to it.
  • gustozz
    gustozz Posts: 3
    Well this is me. I like things organized and precisely defined. With every question answered things go simpler and well rounded.

    I agree with all of you, going moderate carbs and calorie counting IS the way to go. But to me it feels more restrictive to do moderate and count everything 7days/week in oposite to contain myself in morning, go extra low on carbs and get rewarding dinner after excercise and/or 1 day in week free to pizzas/donuts/icecream whatever.

    Everybody started with calorie counting and excercising .. but I usually ended even losing fat AND muscles or gaing muscles AND fat... So after reading these 3 similar diets, going keto and backload (even if it looks little more complicated) looks like holy grail for lowering BF% AND maintain/gain muscles AND dont feel shame to eat your favorite food 1 day a week.

    I dont know if it works, so I'm asking if anybody has personal expereince with this type of diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Everybody started with calorie counting and excercising .. but I usually ended even losing fat AND muscles or gaing muscles AND fat...
    Good does everyone else. To what degree is the difference.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition