Cheat day without counting



  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    I agree with all the people telling you to still log it. I have days where I just want to go out for pizza and beer, which I allow myself to do, but by logging it afterward I get to visualize how doing these 'cheat days' could negatively affect my weight loss. Even if you end up going 2,0000 cals over, still log it and start fresh tomorrow :) Go HAVE FUN!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I would personally log it....why? Because I then might make a "small" additional deficit the rest of the week to make it "not so bad".

    My son had his graduation from college last weekend...I went way 1K calories...was just one day, no big deal. But knowing the number, let me add in some additional walking this week (wasn't much, but at a 3-3.5mph pace for 20 minutes at a time), and I ensured I was under my calorie goal by 50-75 each day (which was real easy to do)...the result....that extra 1K didn't mean sh1t, I more than made up for it and am actually glad I had that cheat I got some extra fitness in as a result.

    Do what works for you. No one "overday" will kill your goals, only consistently having those days will.
  • standoug888
    standoug888 Posts: 126 Member
    Only trouble im gunna have logging it is idk how many cals or n e thing because at a party all the stuff is usally in party trays woth no bitrition facts
  • NYUbookworm
    NYUbookworm Posts: 42
    I saw a TV segment with Chris Powell (Fitness expert and host of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition) this week. He suggests that everyone working to lose weight have one day when they eat what they want, ideally on Sunday (he calls it "Sunday Funday"). He said that doing that helps to manage cravings during the week, and getting back to your eating and fitness the next day (Monday) helps boost metabolism. That explains why people are surprised when they still lose weight after going overboard for a day. I haven't started doing the "Sunday Funday" thing, but I might once I start doing some of the more hardcore workouts (like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Body Revolution). Anyway, I say all this to let you know that as long as you get back into your regular food and fitness groove the next day, you should be able to enjoy yourself!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Only trouble im gunna have logging it is idk how many cals or n e thing because at a party all the stuff is usally in party trays woth no bitrition facts

    Don't expect to be exact...a handful of chips is about a serving...etc..etc.. Just eyeball it to get a general sense. 2 burgers....could be alot, could be a little, things like potato salad, could be "not so bad" could be atrocious...just keep it to a general amount in your head and log what you can remember later. Doesn't have to be's really just to give you an "idea" of the relative amount you were over.

    ETA: Don't obsess over what you doing on this are there to have fun. I will usually "graze" on the veggies or fruit a bit before I go into the stuff I know is high calorie (chips, dips, burgers/dogs/brats/etc..)
  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    Yesterday i took a cheat day! :( took my daughters out of town for a small trip and decided to just enjoy every single moment. I logged in what i ate but was way over. For some reason it still felt good logging in and keeping track of what i ate even if i went over. Guess once you see those red numbers you get scared and wont want to fo that again.
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I agree with some of the other posts. cheat, but log it does help you to stay on track and it holds your accountable.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I had a non-counting cheat day a few weeks ago. I even went to a buffet, and I was fine. I actually found that I didn't even want to go too crazy and I stopped eating once I felt full.

    Of course, half the reason I didn't bother logging was that I was out of town actually doing stuff and didn't feel like bothering with the phone app.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member

    This post is unbelievable! The fact that your planning on cheating is despicable! And at a baby shower no less??

    It ALWAYS counts! Think of your marriage and the children.
  • theecatt
    theecatt Posts: 31 Member
    Enjoy it! I "cheat" 1 day every week, and have been losing 1.5 to 2 pounds a week pretty consistently. I honestly think it helps keep my metabolism up.
  • nobleammonite
    nobleammonite Posts: 64 Member
    I've found that having a cheat day usually means I drop a pound the next day! Of course you can't "cheat" too often. :D But I've also found that letting myself eat as much as I want means I feel waaaaay too full and gross. So it's a nice reminder, too.
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    Life is too short, to not enjoy eating favorite foods once in a while..emphasize on once in a while, Sometimes my once in a while turns into years before I get control again...enjoy, but be careful you are doing so well!!
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    i wouldn't log and would just enjoy things... if you seriously havent had a cheat day in like 4 months it might be what your body needs. i usually have "fat sunday" and drink some champagne, eat whatever, don't workout. i probably consume about 3000 calories or a little more. in exchange at the gym on monday I have more energy, my lifts increase, and the bloat is gone by tuesday.
  • kevinpruitt
    kevinpruitt Posts: 50 Member
    Go ahead, a cheat day every once in a while doesn't hurt a thing. Start fresh tomorrow and get right back on track. It took my wife forever to talk me into a cheat day because I had such guilt over it. Now we have a twice a month cheat day. Nothing crazy, just out to eat somewhere we normally wouldn't. Have fun with your cheat day. Oh yeah, I would Deffinetly log it.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Sorry, I don't believe in "cheat days". I would however accept days when I eat/drink and log way over (I've only been doing MFP three and a half months and haven't faced that issue yet despite a lot of business travel, conventions, eating out, etc). Personally I want to know where I am but maybe that's just me. It's going to happen to me sooner or later and that is how I will deal with it. It's no big deal, it's just the concept of a cheat day that offends me somehow as if that makes it OK.
    I don't understand how you can not "believe in cheat days" and still "accept days when [you] eat/drink and log way over." If you're over the allotted calories for the day, it is, by definition, a "cheat day," is it not?

    Not at all. As I tried to explain it is the concept of "Cheat day" and therefore not logging I don't like as if it is OK to cheat, you're only cheating yourself after all. Eating over is something different that happens and for me, should be logged without the concept of cheating. Sorry if it's a bit esoteric :wink: It is a weekend and I think too damn much maybe..............
  • standoug888
    standoug888 Posts: 126 Member

    This post is unbelievable! The fact that your planning on cheating is despicable! And at a baby shower no less??

    It ALWAYS counts! Think of your marriage and the children.
    Lol your just mad cuz i lost all this weight n can eat like this every now and again as long as i hve same manyality i had last 4 months straight get off ur high pediastool dumb *kitten*
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member

    This post is unbelievable! The fact that your planning on cheating is despicable! And at a baby shower no less??

    It ALWAYS counts! Think of your marriage and the children.

    Pretty sad that this is your approach. Pretty sure you will eventually fail. Get off your soapbox.

    He's just making a joke. He leaves enough clues that it should be apparent that he's referring to cheating as in marital infidelity, not about calorie consumption.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Sorry, I don't believe in "cheat days". I would however accept days when I eat/drink and log way over (I've only been doing MFP three and a half months and haven't faced that issue yet despite a lot of business travel, conventions, eating out, etc). Personally I want to know where I am but maybe that's just me. It's going to happen to me sooner or later and that is how I will deal with it. It's no big deal, it's just the concept of a cheat day that offends me somehow as if that makes it OK.
    I don't understand how you can not "believe in cheat days" and still "accept days when [you] eat/drink and log way over." If you're over the allotted calories for the day, it is, by definition, a "cheat day," is it not?

    Not at all. As I tried to explain it is the concept of "Cheat day" and therefore not logging I don't like as if it is OK to cheat, you're only cheating yourself after all. Eating over is something different that happens and for me, should be logged without the concept of cheating. Sorry if it's a bit esoteric :wink: It is a weekend and I think too damn much maybe..............
    I think eating over is - by definition - cheating, whether you log it or not (and you should log it). If it is a day in which you cheat, it is a "cheat day." You can quibble over semantics as much as you like.