Need help and motivation please!!!

tara3103 Posts: 107
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
So I did great from June 1st thru about July 15th. That's the week my brother go married. So much family in town so I had family dinners and parties. After about one week of that, I got sick and haven't been back to normal yet. Not to mention the knee injury. So last Sunday, I said Monday was the restart, but that's when I got sick. So this past Sunday, I said Monday was going to be THE restart, but its also fair week and my husband is working crazy hours this week. I want to do this so bad, but have been out of the game for a few weeks and now having a hard time jumping back on the wagon. I am making "okay" food choices, but have not excercised in a few weeks. I am finding it harder and harder to make my lunch each morning and to eat a healthy breakfast. I lost 17 lbs in the first month and a half, but am fearful I am going to put it all back on! I know this happens to some, so what made you jump back on the wagon? Thanks for listening!


  • You can do it. I am struggling right now as well. Add me as a friend we can help each other.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Decide to start now. Even small good choices can be made now. I started my diet while bed ridden. I couldn't exercise for two months. I still lost weight. I started by using my excess time to learn about nutrition and make everything I ate about nurishing my body. This site is a fantastic tool to figure out how to get more iron, calcium, vitamon C, fiber, into your diet. While driving to a party this weekend, we stopped at the grocery store's deli for a fresh fruit salad that would fill me up. And a veggie platter to bring with me. That way the cheese appy platters were not even tempting at the event.
    I have been reading the blog of a man who started at 505 pounds. His sucess was built on eating anything as long as it didn't go past 1500 calories/day and by exercising daily. It took three years but his journey taught me that you must decide now and every moment from now on that food doesn't control you. You control the food you eat. "Re-starting Monday" is a delay tactic. He did that for decades. Here is the blog's adress:
    Keep up the effort, you can do this.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi! Don't give up!! You've done so good and you can get back on track! I understand how you feel about making lunch have you tried getting it all together the night before? I get sick of cooking dinner because I'm tired, but I know if I continue making healthy choices I'll feel better in the long run and so will you!!!

    It's okay you got sidetracked, we all do, but now is the time to get back to business!! Try doing just a little bit of exercise this week, even if it's a 15 minute walk, you will feel so good!!! :smile:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I have fallen on and off the wagon more times in my life than I can count. Almost to the point that I hate that phrase. The only motivation I've had was my honest determination to reach my goal (which oddly enough the closer I get to reaching it the farther way it gets). So think about it... How good did it feel to lose that first 17 pounds? What about the next 17? Stop looking behind you (it's the best way to fall of the danged wagon) and focus forward on what you want. Life is hard. There are things that will constantly get in the way of your goals. It's what you do about those obstacles. Do you stop and say- "rats, somethings's in my way... guess I'm stopping here" and lay down and stop trying or do you say "well, better figure out a way over under around or (my personal favorite) through the stupid thing." Personally I've gotten so determined I find myself kicking the obstacles down and calling them names as I step on them on my way past.

    Find what drives you. Give yourself things to work for and throw out your excuses.

    Make/pack your lunch as you put away dinner in the evening. Make breakfast easy and mindless (fruit and yogurt, turkey bacon and oatmeal with a banana, english muffin with almond butter and a piece of fruit etc...) Make it a habit to get out and walk at night after dinner, take the farthest parking spot at work, go for a walk on your lunch break, take an extra lap around the grocery store with a full cart. All of that is more than nothing at all and it WILL help bring you success...

    Good luck.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I have been there myself many, many times. I was reading some quotes earlier today & ran across this one and I just thought of it when I read your post and I thought I'd share.

    "And finally, I want to acknowledge that making changes in your life is never an easy task. The key, however, is not to get caught up in the distance you have to go to get to where you want to be. Nor should you despair over the amount of control you have over your circumstances. Progress is made in the small, intentional steps, and chances are, you have more power than you think. By focusing on little steps you can take every day, the progress you make will motivate you to continue your journey, and eventually, you can go wherever you want to go. The important thing is simply to begin." Stephen Cherniske, M.S

    So the best thing you can do is just make the decision to start and then work around whatever circumstances come up. ..because this is something you will want to learn to do anyways so this can be a lifestyle change and not just a diet. Good luck. . .I know you can do it!!!!:heart:
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