Does anyone else live with a totally unsupportive family?

I am a student and live with my family during the summer. My family has never eaten healthy. There are at least 8 boxes of sodas in the kitchen, along with frozen dinners, pizzas, French fries, ice creams, and every bad food you could think of. As a student focusing on school taking summer classes I do not have a job. I am giving 300 dollars a month for groceries and other necessities while away at school during the fall and spring time but now that I am home for the summer I do not have that and go grocery shopping with my family and I am never able to buy what I want. I try to get healthy food at the store but as we all know healthy food is usually a little bit more expensive than unhealthy food so the frozen dinners and cookies pile up in the cart and I am barely able to buy any healthy food.. It's very frustrating. I also do not have a gym membership and work out at home and my working out is meant with criticism like questions such as "why are you working out?" And I get pressured to eat bad food all the time. They make me feel like there's something wrong with me for not wanting to eat bad food so sometimes I eat it just to get them to stop bothering me. I feel like I have no support (except for my boyfriend) and its really frustrating. My parents are both very overweight and my sister is usually a stick at 98 pounds (but she's pregnant now at 125 and eats horrible) and can still manage to order a whopper, large fries, large sprite and an icee at the same time and stay tiny but me on the other hand I gain weight so easily! My family is driving me crazy. Any advice?


  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    first of all I'd would be getting a summer job to help get some money

    as for the "type " of food being offered, you can choose the amount you eat, so eat less of it until you get some money coming in.

    as for exercise, you can walk, you can grap a couple of cans of food and use them as weights, you can do push up and leg raises, ab / core work. skipping ropes are cheap and good exercise

    put some fliers around the place for dog walking, exercise and earn some money :)

    i hope this help

    as for support there are some very supportive people on this site, you are welcome to add me as is any one
  • Zeppyb
    Zeppyb Posts: 71 Member
    Wow- sounds very unsupportive, but you can still succeed! Maybe you could offer to go buy the groceries and take on preparing meals a couple times a week. Maybe that would be a way for you to show how yummy healthy balanced meals can be. That way you could have more control over food choices. You could make tacos, have all the fixings (lean chicken instead of beef, low carb wraps instead of flour tortillas, lots of veggies for toppings) so you are still able to make your's healthier. Meanwhile they could still enjoy too. Good luck!! We are here to help support you too and hear you vent :)
  • FerociousKoala
    FerociousKoala Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in the same situation. Home for the summer and having a really hard time finding a job for just a few months here at home. It sucks a lot. The only one who supports me is my mom, but the rest of the family complains at her if she sides with me on meals and groceries. I don't want to cause some sort of rift to develop because of me. I just use some of my money to buy a few groceries for myself and I used my last paycheck from work at school to buy a bike.
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    I'm really worried about this - I'm going home in three weeks and I'm used to being able to log everything which will be more difficult when I haven't done the cooking, and I bet my mum will get antsy about my weighing things.

    I think I'm going to work on fitness and trying to get more of my deficit through runs and cycle rides. If I don't manage to get a job, I'll have the time for that. If I do, I'll be able to justify cooking for myself at odd times. The issue is that my brother refuses to eat lots of healthy foods so we end up with lowest common denominator food, which I don't even like that much.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Use as motivation for being better. You don't want to end up being unhealthy and overweight like them do you? It's daily inspiration as to why you are controlling what you eat. If you can't change it, use it to your advantage.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Use as motivation for being better. You don't want to end up being unhealthy and overweight like them do you? It's daily inspiration as to why you are controlling what you eat. If you can't change it, use it to your advantage.

    this. plus get a job. maybe a job at a health food store
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    You get to a point where you realise that only YOU can support YOU. When you arrive there, everything really takes off.

    Harsh but true, so go for it!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oddly, as a SAHM with a husband with a different idea for diet and weight loss I can totally relate. Also as a former student on limited income I relate. Two things. 1) it's only for the summer so you will be back in control of what's in the fridge in a couple months anyway. 2) in the meantime you can use portion control and this website for the time being to make sure none of those "unhealthy" things make you gain in the interim.

    Look up all your family's favorite fast food haunts and find reasonable meals at each. Don't be all obvious by ordering the "kids meal" great trick but they will immediately jump on you for that. Order something regular but low cal like the burger that comes with just mustard and ketchup and say "no ketchup" and then instead of fries a side salad. It will seem like you are being "rational" but slightly healthy but not breaking the bank with pricey health items. Also sometimes I just order the cheap azz fries and then toss them in the bag little by litte until they are gone b/c those are too caloric for my cal goals. Sometimes I eat some if I can afford the cals that day.

    Whenever you get two pennies to rub together buy yourself any bars you deem "healthy" and carry them in your purse. They'll last forever and no one will know they are there. At the market remind everyone that OJ is good for pregnant mom's due to folic acid and it will then be in your house for sis and you. Good luck to her on her pregnancy, and good luck to you on your projects you are working're education & health. All worthy goals, both in need of support. TWO flowers for you. One for education, one for weight loss.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: (You decide if you'd like to share one with your sister. :wink:)

    ETA: I thought I should make it clear since you are not at the place in life yet that I am, that the reason I can relate as a SAHM, (Stay-At-Home-Mom) is that in the effort to be home for our child I have chosen not to work outside the home, this is a major sacrifice that I think is totally worth it, but it does mean that I forgo a steady income that I would do with what I please. We both feel it's important he provide me with cash to use as I see fit, but of course that is no match for the paycheck I would otherwise earn and spend at my discretion. Even though it was a mutual decision, he sometimes takes too much control over what goes in the cart at the market so I relate to your experience on shopping trips especially in light of the fact that we are on two different weight loss plans and he deems his far superior to mine, so I know what that's like wanting to buy certain things and feeling shot down. Even with little input what goes in that cart, I manage to do my plan as I set out to. I remain a SAHM and complete that goal. Every plan in life has some wiggle room. Find the wiggle room in yours and exploit it to meet your needs. Like my daddy used to say "Where there's a will, there's a way". Your will is to be healthy with your eating, you'll find your way.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Buy frozen veggies and meats. They're cheaper and nutritious.

    It's May. You shouldn't be working out at home anyways. You should be outside.

    Also, as DavPul suggested. Find a job, even part time. It'll allow you to be more independent and make your own choices as to what to put in your mouth.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I used to lol.. I still sorta do
    My sisters and mom would eat rubbish every day, get take out on weekends, eat and drink chocolate, etc

    Now at least discovered how bad their eating habits were, and are trying to diet down a bit.. My mother doesnt quite get it stilll though
  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    Hey there!

    YESSSSS I AM!!! OH thank the lord im not the only one who has a family like that.

    Yep crisps, chocolate, bread, chips, take aways ect!

    Its very very fustrating i know, however i think people who can diet and loose weight living with all of that junk in the hour has serious motivation!!

    Just try to store your food away from theres if its bothing to see, or ask them not to flaunt it infront of u ect.

    Good luck x
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Yes & no for me.
    I have a partner who likes to have 5 different blocks of chocolate in the cupboard, Coke, etc. etc. Do I always eat them? No...Up until recently I was hurting for cash as I was trying to sell an empty house, not working - so there was literally NO extra money. Did I manage to eat healthily. Yes. Or if it wasn't the healthiest thing I had the smallest portion.

    I hope your summer at home works out for you :flowerforyou:
  • Kasalova
    Kasalova Posts: 4
    I kind of view your situation in this way: You are a missionary of wellness, and your family is your first priority. I think most unsupportive family situations stem from insecurity - they see you doing something that they would like to do, but they think it is too difficult, so they try to get you back to their level instead of working hard and rising up to your level. In other words - they need YOUR support. Use the motivation of knowing that you might be your families only hope for turning their health around and living longer, more fulfilling lives.

    Just a thought - I definitely could be wrong. Either way, know that you are definitely not alone when it comes to that kind of issue - I'm sure that is right up at the top of reasons why it is so difficult for many people to get going on the right path.

    My problem is just me - I have support, I have the access to healthy food and time to exercise, but I binge eat and go on long streaks of being really lazy. Unfortuneately no amount of advice or new info will help with my problem - I just need to keep on getting up every time I fall down, and hopefully one of these times I will have learned all the lessons that I need and I will be able to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Good luck to you.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Maybe slightly off topic- but why do you need support? Your brain controls your mouth. I live in a house with sweets and junk food all over the place. I choose to eat healthy. When you go out to eat, the menu is mostly filled with crap. Attitude: Your fault if you put the wrong food in your mouth-not others for putting the food in front of you.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I'm sorry about your situation with your family. The thing is, you understand why you're doing this. You want to break this unhealthy lifestyle cycle within the family. My suggestion for you is Dr. Seuss' "Oh, the Places You Will Go!" It doesn't just apply for graduating students, but it can also apply to life in general. Found an easy link to it so you won't have to go buy the book:

    When your family tries to get you down, just read this for motivation.

    Also, here are a few of Toonami's YouTube videos that should give you some more motivation:

    The Choice Is Yours --
    Life Advice --
    Haters --
    Live to the Fullest --

    Trust me, the messages in these four videos should help quite a bit. :wink:
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Best of luck. Really its important to either just portion control, or just try to eat one your own when you can.

    My family eats fairly healthy, but my GF family, not always. They arent pressuring or anything, but sometimes having the stuff in the house can be dangereous
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    Oddly, as a SAHM with a husband with a different idea for diet and weight loss I can totally relate. Also as a former student on limited income I relate. Two things. 1) it's only for the summer so you will be back in control of what's in the fridge in a couple months anyway. 2) in the meantime you can use portion control and this website for the time being to make sure none of those "unhealthy" things make you gain in the interim.
    This is kind of my plan, maybe losing less but not gaining.
    ETA: I thought I should make it clear since you are not at the place in life yet that I am, that the reason I can relate as a SAHM, (Stay-At-Home-Mom) is that in the effort to be home for our child I have chosen not to work outside the home, this is a major sacrifice that I think is totally worth it, but it does mean that I forgo a steady income that I would do with what I please. We both feel it's important he provide me with cash to use as I see fit, but of course that is no match for the paycheck I would otherwise earn and spend at my discretion. Even though it was a mutual decision, he sometimes takes too much control over what goes in the cart at the market so I relate to your experience on shopping trips especially in light of the fact that we are on two different weight loss plans and he deems his far superior to mine, so I know what that's like wanting to buy certain things and feeling shot down. Even with little input what goes in that cart, I manage to do my plan as I set out to. I remain a SAHM and complete that goal. Every plan in life has some wiggle room. Find the wiggle room in yours and exploit it to meet your needs. Like my daddy used to say "Where there's a will, there's a way". Your will is to be healthy with your eating, you'll find your way.
    Just saying, that kind of control over what should be shared finances is often a marker of abuse.
  • 777twist
    777twist Posts: 75 Member
    You're probably not going to be able to change them. They have to want to change.

    But, without spending a lot of money, pick out items you can fill up on before their main meal. Like, have a bowl of oatmeal. Then even if you do partake in what they are eating, you won't be as hungry and won't eat as much of the bad stuff.

    You are in a bad spot, it's going to be extra tough for you. I feel for ya!

    The only other option would be to lie to them... tell them your doctor says if you don't lose "X" weight and keep it off, you could die. I have a friend at work who was only 220lbs, 24 years old, but his blood pressure was super high. I'm 41, and was 330lbs, and my BP even at my high was only a little elevated. Everyone is different and there are people who can carry the extra weight without a lot of major issues until much later in life, but others could have issues as young as in their 20's. So maybe lying is the answer... but I would make it your last resort, but it is an option.
  • Steph_in_FL
    Steph_in_FL Posts: 52
    I live with a sabotaging roommate, who is always trying to get me to eat what I don't want. She gave me candy for my birthday, knowing it would sabotage my diet. Unfortunately, I could not fight it, so I just ate it all very fast and used lots of laxatives. She makes me INSANE! Put bread and deli roast beef on my side of the fridge as a GIFT to me yesterday, even though I JUST told here I'm not eating bread or processed foods anymore. BTW, she is 5'2" and weighs over 200 lbs.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Not so much unsupportive family, but i've been in relationships which made it difficult to eat and live a healthy lifestyle. It can be tough, if your family isn't going with your program. I mean, try to eliminate the empty calories that aren't very nutrient dense. Like, if they're out getting whoppers and fries, just eat the whopper and not the fries. Ask for a diet soda instead of a regular soda unless you can just drink water, which is better. Same with any other foods. It's definitely not going to be easy though. Just try to make the best of it while you're there. Just my advice.