Looking for people as friends who can motivate

runilious Posts: 45 Member
Hi there,

I am currently doing the insanity workout and I am on day 6 up to now so looking for friends who are doing this program or anyone who is good at motivating.

Look forward to hearing from people



  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    I'm not doing insanity, but I am doing Body Revolution which is a 90 day program!
    I post stuff all the time, and I'm full of information if you need it.
    My diary is public, take a gander at it, if it interests you , add me (:
  • SmurphyKU
    SmurphyKU Posts: 62 Member
    welcome! this place is definitely the best to look to for motivation!
  • Kayshabay
    Kayshabay Posts: 7
    I'm sure you will be able to find some good friends here :) most of us need that extra boost every once in a while. Feel free to add me. All my stuff is public and you can view it to help yourself if you like .
  • cchapa0911
    cchapa0911 Posts: 14
    I'm doing ChaLEAN Extreme and it's also a 90 day program!

    If you want, feel free to add me! I'll do my best to motivate you :)
  • runilious
    runilious Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone :-)
    Looking forward to doing this now