Looking for healthy lifestyle support friend :D

Hiya everyone! My names Rebecca and I'm new to MFP! Let me tell you about myself..

I am eighteen years old and I am currently recovering from bulimia which I suffered for years and I cam very confused, self concious and I have gained a lot of weight. For years I kept my weight very low by eating next to nothing and purging it, it was a horrible time and now I am trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Thing is my cravings are going wild and I am binging like crazy and have rapidly gained weight and I feel so horrible because my clothes don't fit and my body is wobbly and flabby. Not just normal wobbly and flabby but hanging out of my clothes sort of thing. I don't feel very good :( I need help to lose this weight and keep it off and eventually get to the stage where I don't need to count calories and have just trained myself to eat normally again. I envy people who are able to listen to what their bodies need but I find it hard to know what's hunger and what's cravings although Ill be beginning to work with a dietician in the next few weeks. If anyone would like to contact me and help me achieve my goals I would love that! I feel that I need all the support I can get because I just want to feel happy :) They do say it's easier with friends and I'd be more than happy to support and encourage someone to help achieve their goals and also become a happier, more confident person :)

Sorry for the huge post by the way :D
If anyone is interested let me know and we can exchange email and the support shall begin!
Thanks for reading guys :D


  • redskiednight
    redskiednight Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 18 too and used to have problems with an ED so feel free to add me as a friend. It gets easier, believe me :)