Terrified to actually eat the 1200, let alone net 1200

I weighed 212.8 when I started using MFP. I have lost 17lbs in 10 1/2 weeks, now at 195.8. I am glad for the loss, was really happy when the scale started with a 1 and not a 2. However.... I have been reading a ton of posts saying not to eat too few calories. I average somewhere between 800-1000 a day, and don't eat back my calories burned. In my head I have a battle going on. I'm worried that eating too few calories has caused my metabolism to slow down, possibly sabotaging my efforts. I want to try to eat the 1200, but do NOT want to gain back any of those pounds I fought so hard to lose. I do circuit training with my very fit husband, which includes weights, body weight, and cardio. 4-5 days a week. Looking back at my weekly logs, I always have a deficit on my net calories of about 3500-4900. One week was 6878. I need to know, either that its ok to eat 800-1000 a day because I am losing, just slowly, or if I really need to eat 1200 or 1200 plus the calories I burn.


  • shanonwho
    shanonwho Posts: 6 Member
    The 40 lbs lost on my tracker includes weight I lost before using MFP.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    You might gain weight temporarily BUT you will lose it and continue to lose in a healthy manner rather than plateauing as many do when they follow VLCDs.

    I gained about 2kg going from VLCD to 1200 per day but they were gone in two weeks. I've also been losing ever since.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    "Terrified"? What in hell are you scared of????
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    You need to net at least 1200. You know there is already a deficit built into MFP, so if you are showing a deficit of 3500 on here, your actual calorie deficit is much much bigger.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I had a problem not losing and then I started eating exercise calories back. This has helped me out.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    "Terrified"? What in hell are you scared of????

    Lol thank you, why do people say terrified all the time, is it that serious??
  • littlelouis
    littlelouis Posts: 54 Member
    I was/still am going through this exact same situation. It comes down to this: Eat not enough, possibly damage your metabolism in the future but continue to lose weight now or eat enough, possibly gain a few pounds back, but continue to lose weight in the long run. I chose the second option. I was eating around probably 900-1000 a day but I've slowly been working my way up to 1200-1300 calories. Try adding 50 calories a day. I wouldn't risk eating as little as 1000 calories for much longer. I haven't gained any weight by adding calories in slowly, but I don't eat my exercise calories back. Good luck!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Try it for 4-6 weeks. You might get an initial gain for the first 2 or so, but it should come back off plus some if you give it enough time.

    If it doesn't work out, then you might want to go to a doctor and have some tests done. Also keep in mind that even 1200 might not be enough for you.

    For a little perspective: I started MFP @ 218lbs on March 13. Today I am 195.6lbs. I eat anywhere from 1700 - 2000 + (total intake depending on how active I am for the day) and I have everything set (fitbit & MFP) for a 500 calorie deficit. I don't do crazy insane long workouts. Usually only 20-40 mins of cardio (including circuit training occasionally) and I'm going to start adding stronglifts 5x5. I have 2-3 rest days a week.

    Now I know each of us is different. For all I know, my metabolism could be slightly higher than normal. Hard to say. But I do think you should try eating more.
  • Try to eat things that are healthy with a bit higher healthy fats, like avocados, I think bananas also have a higher calorie amount, that way you hit a higher calorie, because weighing about 190 your body uses more energy to just live and breathe and walk around so you really need to up your calorie intake. I know it's scary, and I went from 150 to about 125 with eating too less calories and not eating back what I worked off, and I'm back up to 144. So I seriously advise you to look over what you can change and hopefully make a better decision! I'll be here for you if you'd like encouragement!! I just know how upset I am with myself that I gained back weight once I felt comfortable and it's a horrible feeling:/
  • theghouse
    theghouse Posts: 9
    I would be terrified NOT to up your calories to a reasonable level.

    17lbs in 10.5 weeks doing 4-5 days of fairly intense workouts? That amount of work -- giving your body the nutrients it needs to do so -- can absolutely shred fat off your body. Instead you've lost 17lbs and most of it was likely not fat loss.

    You could be down 20 lbs or more of body fat by now.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi I'm Rachel...after I gave birth to my son, I weighed 202, I felt awful. I was an athlete before hand, jiu jitsu brown belt , but always had weight issues , always! So I decided to start dieting , I also restricted severely , I lost 62 lbs , but was not healthy, I drank coffee all day and barely ate...one day I woke up, and couldn't restrict anymore..I literally couldn't control myself , I ate everything and anything !!! I couldn't stop myself ....well ended up gaining back about 20 lbs .... So yes I lost the 62 lbs but was seriously unhealthy ..so to make a long story short, now I'm on here trying to do things the right way! I'm trying to learn how to eat good, exercise ,etc... So I can learn how to be healthy for life!!! I couldn't restrict forever, that's not going to last forever. It will end badly somehow , health, maybe eating disorder , gaining weight back... Whatever ..but either way , that's my story ....so what I'm trying to say is , I want to learn how to be healthy forever and make a life style change. I wish you the best , and you can request me if you want ..I just wanted to share my story with you , cuz I really messed myself up by restricting ..now I can't lose a pound ,my metabolism is all screwed up... So I wish I would've eaten healthy before, cuz then I wouldn't be dealing with this now... I apologize in advance for any typos , I'm on a tablet so it's hard to type:)
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    You need to eat more. You are not even eating enough for basic body functions which means that in an effort to supply your organs with the energy they need to function your body will cannibalize your muscles. So yeah you will lose weight but you will lose a lot of muscle right along with the fat loss.

    I'm eating at a net of 1630 a day and have lost 8 lbs in the past two months after being on a plateau for a couple of months. Food is there to fuel your body. It is not the enermy.
  • sh0emann
    sh0emann Posts: 46

    This was really informative and helped to make sense of where some of these numbers come from.
  • 22workout
    22workout Posts: 36
    Scared, I know what you mean dear. But you do need to eat those calories. The reason is because I used to weigh about 165 llbs, and I eat 1200-1110 a day and worked out. I lost it all obviously but my body could no longer go with that little food and I ate more and a gained half back.
    So eat before its too late.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Scared, I know what you mean dear. But you do need to eat those calories. The reason is because I used to weigh about 165 llbs, and I eat 1200-1110 a day and worked out. I lost it all obviously but my body could no longer go with that little food and I ate more and a gained half back.
    So eat before its too late.

    This is what happened to me...I'm really bad at expressing myself through writing , but this is what I was trying to say!!! Exactly what I meant!!!!!!!!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I would strongly suggest eating more and taking up heavier weight lifting twice a week. I went from eating around 1200 - 1400 calories a day with twice a month binges (from hunger / cravings), to eating 1600 calories a day and losing weight - or 1900 to maintain.

    The difference to my metabolism from the increased food AND activity has been amazing. I held on to a lot of muscle tone while feeling satisfied after meals.

    At 1200 calories my body would hit the wall during workouts and I would be mentally fatigued.

    So yes, I might worry about your body getting adapted to fewer calories. Ideally you want it to be adapted to maintaining weight effortlessly while eating more calories. If nothing else sneak a 1500 calorie day into your food plan every few days, just to start getting it used to more food.
  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    I would be terrified NOT to up your calories to a reasonable level.

    17lbs in 10.5 weeks doing 4-5 days of fairly intense workouts? That amount of work -- giving your body the nutrients it needs to do so -- can absolutely shred fat off your body. Instead you've lost 17lbs and most of it was likely not fat loss.

    You could be down 20 lbs or more of body fat by now.

    Listen to this guy, he knows his ****.
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I started out at 200 pounds in Janurary. I've been consistently eating 1550 cals (and over that sometimes with treat meals like Chinese food). I eat back most of my exercise calories and I workout 3 days a week. I've lost 25+ pounds. So, don't be afraid to eat more, it will be good for you! :)
  • cheetosandburritos
    cheetosandburritos Posts: 93 Member
    If you're losing weight at 1000 calories and continue to lose, there's no reason to worry. 1200 calories is not written in stone anywhere; some people need to consume less calories to function than others. I think you should keep doing what you're doing- it's seems to be working. Congratulations on your weight loss!