I'm Stuck!!

I can't seem to break out of the cycle of gain a pound lose a pound. I have lost the same pound over and over again. I am staying close to my calories(some of them are junk but overall I think I am doing ok there). I am working out every day for the most part. As the mom of 5 kids I have to work in the workout when I can and for as long as I can. I have tried adding a new workout (biking) to see if that would spark some results. I just have hit a roadblock here and I am getting so frustrated. Please help! I just don't know what I am missing?!?!?!


  • LadyNay191
    Make sure your settings are right so you are eating the right amount of calories and burning the right amount of calories to meet your weight loss goals. Be sure to track every little thing that you eat and drink, even bites and nibbles, and increase the intensity of your workouts so your heart rate definitely goes up. Good luck!
  • coold
    coold Posts: 85
    What is your water intake like??? I am also stuck....I'm actually up 2 pounds from my last weigh in....back in June !HAHA....I think I've put muscle weight on so try taking your measurements and see if u notice inches going away. I got so discouraged with being stuck up and down like u said that I stopped logging in my food 3 weeks ago, but I know I'll need to get back at it!

    Increase your water intake and you will lose!
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself and is it at the same time of day each time?
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Are you being certain to log every bite you eat? You're a mom, so is there any "finishing up" the parts the kids don't touch, or forgetting to log the single cookie you snuck? Those can add up. Make sure you aren't fooling yourself.

    Also, as people have noted here before, make sure you are regularly eating ENOUGH calories. Go to the tools and check the BMR calculator. This will estimate your basal metabolic rate--what you would burn if you just laid in bed all day. If you eat less than that number of calories, your body thinks it is starving and slows your metabolism. Crazy, but true.

    Other than that and the other things people have suggested, just be aware that sometimes plateaus happen. Upping your exercise can sometimes break a plateau. Sometimes you just have to wait (weight!) it out.
  • indiglow11
    Just concentrate on exercising and eating right for a while and stop weighing in so often. It's normal for weight to fluctuate day to day, what you are after is long-term trends. Weigh yourself once a week and that's it!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I was stuck for 3 weeks. I know a lot of people say "calories are calories", but some are better than others. I would recommend staying off junk food, and switching up your exercise routine. Do something new, or do a greater intensity. Your body adapts and gets used to what you are doing, but if you switch it up it kinda surprises it and it will start burning again. I did that, and after 3 weeks of being stuck, I lost nearly 2 lbs this week. Best of luck.