New to this site. Looking to burn off some calories

Hello. My name Is Diane . I am 27 yrs old married with no children as of yet. I have been on a weight loss rollercoaster forever. I remember always being large boned and taller than all of the other girls in school as I am, 6' tall. When I met my husband we started to get into the whole newly marrried comfortable with eachother over eating phase. We took action and lost I lost 100lbs. and he lost 150.00 lbs. Then the holidays came and we backslid some I gained 30lbs. and he gained 80 lbs. back. Now we are on track again and I have lost 20 of the 30 again. Still want to loose another 30lbs. My goal is 175 lbs. and I am currently 210.00 lbs. but I am tall so I think that is a good goal for me I tend to carry my weight well. Just looking for some good motivation. I know I can do it I have done it before. I can do it again.


  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    You can and will :). Youre obviously determined and know what works for you.x
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    Good luck with your goal. This site is awesome and really helps when you log every thing you eat and the exercise you do - you start to notice when you have bad days especially if you keep notes on your feelings. :smile:
  • LaToya921
    My name is LaToya Brathwaite I will be 36 next month. I would like to lose 100 lbs. to be at a healthy weight. I have a wonderful husband and two children and a dog.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Great job getting back on the bandwagon. I have found it is much easier when my fiance is on the weight loss journey with me - great support!! best of luck to you two. :)
  • esmilanich
    esmilanich Posts: 3 Member
    You guys can do it!! I hate exercising!! I do it at home through beachbody though!! I am now a coach. I used Chalean Extreme and went from 170 pds to 134! If you need help or motivation, email me!! You can go to my website at
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    This site is a great start to losing weight and getting support. I have a short attention span, so I like getting ideas and feedback from here. Right now for exercise I'm using the wii fit, the games are addicting and I break such a sweat trying to get to the next level. Have fun and keep it interesting.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    you have done great, i need to lose100 pounds i"m doing the hcg diet so right now i can"t exercise for a month but i"m gunho about doing my exercise tapes it"s hard to get into exercise but when you are on a good diet and after a few work outs it will start feeling like its the best thing you have ever done for yourself
  • Nleudemann
    Nleudemann Posts: 5 Member
    I know how you feel, I'm 5'10" when I say my goal is 165 or 170 I feel the need to say "but i'm tall". I'm currently at 191. I lost 30lbs after my ex and I divorced, but years later when I re-married, I put on about 10 lbs of happy fat. lol. I'm ready to get down to my size 10's. (currently a 12/14) I really think this site and all the great people on it will help!

    Plus, it's nice to know there are women out there with the same body type and frame as me. I've always been the 'tall' girl.