Any tough mudders or crossfitters out there

cowarhoss7 Posts: 12 Member
I'm Jake and I did the tough mudder Colorado last year. I'm doing it again this year and hope to have better results time wise and physically. I joined a crossfit gym and that has helped to gain muscle and mobility but I can't seem to really lose weight especially in my belly. Any people with advice or just motivational I welcome your in put.


  • Lestrange__
    Lestrange__ Posts: 19 Member
    Not yet, but I want to do tough mudders so badly. When I hit my goal weight, that will be my reward.
  • ConnieChick
    ConnieChick Posts: 70 Member
    I have been Crossfitting since Oct of last year, and though I have been doing Pangea Adventure Races and lesser Mud Runs for the last year and half, saturday was my first Tough Mudder. One of our teammates wasn't in quite the shape of the rest of us so we took LOTS of walking breaks, but we jogged a fair share too. But between that and the waits at the obstacles it took us about 4 hours.
    The only obstacle I couldn't complete was the Funky Monkey, (monkey bars) just not that upper body strong yet. But thanks to my team I completed all the rest. I really attribuet Crossfit to that and to why I felt like I coudl do it all over again at the finish. In fact, once I started doing Crossfit, I STOPPED doing my regular running/biking workouts for Adventure Racing and my times IMPROVED.

    As for your belly fat questions...that is ALL diet. :) Are you Paleo or Paleoish?
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I plan on doing them both. I have Rugged Maniac coming up this August and the Run or Dye with my daughter in August also. Good Luck and have fun gettin dirrrty!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'm a proud owner of two orange headbands.

    Remember your TM creed: this is a challenge, not a race. I will not put my course time before my team mates.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    For some crazy insane reason I've signed up for a Tough Mudder in October. Started trying to run again 3 days a week and then gym 3 days for strength and endurance training. Also having a PT session once a week and she is working through the Tough Mudder training plan from their site.
  • shamecatankerson
    I'm a Crossfit Newbie but I love love love it!!!!
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    I just finished the Gladiator Run here in Dallas two weeks ago. It was my first mud run. It was freaking awesome but so hard. I was in my 2nd phase of P90X. I am so glad that I did it in the mist of heavy lifting and running b/c there is no way I would have completed it if I did not. The next time I compete in one I will definitely put my emphasis on my upper body strength. The only obstacle I would not complete was the rope climb. Oh yeah and I did slip off the money bars mostly b/c my hands were wet and muddy. But it was a great experience. The corssfit team I joined ended up getting 3rd place so I was proud of that.
  • DesireeAshley90
    DesireeAshley90 Posts: 137 Member
    We have two or three tough mudders coming to Texas in October. I'm DYING to do one but can't seem to find anyone ballsy enough to join me. Well there are a few but I'm always up for more friends :)
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    I will be doing my first TM in less than 6weeks....I joke that my friends asked me when I was vulnerable and not thinking clearly - *kitten* hahaha
  • cowarhoss7
    cowarhoss7 Posts: 12 Member
    Paleoish, I try but something always seems to screw me up. I have been stuck at the same weight for about a month now, but I'm getting stronger thanks to crossfit so I'm ok with that as long as I see improvement in of some sort in my body.
  • ConnieChick
    ConnieChick Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah, I'm very strict Paleo monday through friday, but I loosen up a bit on the weekends. How much so, depends on the weekend. Naturally after having done the TM Saturday, I was a bit guilty of the "I can have this cause I did that" mentality.

    As for Crossfit/weight loss: yes, definitely keep in mind you will be building a lot of muscle so the scale is not your friend right now. Measurements and how you feel/how your clothes fit are MUCH better indicators. Though...say goodbye to skinny jeans if you're a crossfitter. ;)
  • cowarhoss7
    cowarhoss7 Posts: 12 Member
    Damn not my skinny jeans, oh wait I couldn't fit into my sisters close even if I wanted to.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    I'm a crossfitter
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Im gonna do the Tough Mudder in WV in October if anyone wants to link up for a team! Me and my guy are gonnat ry to get a team together of a few ppl. :) I can't wait to accomplish one of these!!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    In training for a mudder and a sprint tri this year (as well as my first 9 mile off roader run in autumn)
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    I have yet to do a mud run, and the tough mudder looks pretty badass! But I am certainly a CrossFitter and I freaking love it. Have been doing it almost 2 years now and it has changed my life! Anyone who does CF can feel free to add me as a friend!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    <~~~~ Crossfitter.