I need to become a better runner...



  • sammie121403
    sammie121403 Posts: 49 Member
    I was never a runner....always dreaded that day in gym class and even when I was on the basketball team, the track was my enemy. As I started using running for cardio to lose the weight I wanted gone, I did interval running. I began at slow pace, then picked it up. I did 1 min at 6mph, then 1 min at 4 (this is done on the treadmill) which averages out to a 12 min mile. I did that for few weeks, then upped the speed intervals and found that I did not need to walk as often and now I can run right through at about 5.8 mph for 2.5-3 miles. I feel its really about finding the right starting speed and going from there. Good luck!
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    Thanks guys! I will start doing a run 3 times a week like suggested. I thought everyday but it is sounding like that is too much. I have a pretty decent loop in my neighborhood that my boyfriend likes to run. Not sure how long it is but I will try it out and just try and run the whole time even if it is slow.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    slow at first very slow..breathe in thru the nose OUT thru the nose! read Born to Run

    If I had to breathe through my nose, there is no way I could run some of the race paces and workouts that I do. My advice on breathing is don't think about breathing, just do it!. Breathing is an involuntary action and we should let it remain such.

    You have been given some good suggestions. C25K is a great way to start. Running easy is important. You should run a pace at which you can hold a conversation with someone. If you can't, you need to slow down. Yes, you should start with every other day. Your body will need time to recover. You can work up to consecutive days, then to 5, 6 or 7.

    Just be consistent with it and you will see improvements.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    Yea I guess I know that part I just wondered if there was a "right" way to build endurance for running. And speed as well. I guess practice makes perfect :)
    Slow and easy n short at first then only incremental increases.
    You can see the weekly progressions at RunInjuryFree.com
    Training plans
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I am not sure why but I sort of expected to just naturally be decent at it... I do workout everyday... But I never knew that running is a whole other animal until yesterday. I definately need to start including it in my regimen. Thanks for your advice!

    yup it is. i've done 3 mud races (rugged maniac) and getting ready to do my 4th at the end of june - this one is 5 miles and doing warrior dash in september. you need start out slow go for a light jog, get the feel for the terrain (you may be better off running trails not the road unless this is all you have access to). don't worry about speed - keep in mind at the races you typically will run a bit slower (all that mud weighing you down plus the obstacles drain you at least rugged maniac obstacles do, someone told me rugged maniac is a bit more difficult than warrior dash guess i'll find out in september).

    don't worry about not running the entire 5k remember at the race you do get "breaks" (the obstacles).
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Since it's only a 5k, you don't need "long" runs - - but you do need to just get out there and do it. As most people mention, it's just a matter of working up your endurance. You can't do that quickly. Running Room suggests starting at 1 minute running, 1 minute walking. I find the 1 minute walking is too long - - start with 1 or 2 minutes running and 30 seconds walking.