Any Chocoholics Out There??



  • phylliciadenton
    hello you called me i looooove chocolate its why im on here.
  • shellir05
    shellir05 Posts: 16 Member
    I am super addicted to chocolate. Its very hard to give up. but I'm trying very hard to limit my intake!
  • Meecro128
    Meecro128 Posts: 20
    I love chocolate! I don't have a stash of it, I can't control myself. Every so often I go out and buy a ton and eat it all within a few days.:bigsmile:
    _FATNSASSY Posts: 107 Member
    Had a chocolate extreme DQ Blizzard (in chocolate ice cream) yesterday... I'm so bad!
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    Me! Oh Dear sweet Baby Jesus-I went through a 6 lb bag of ghiradeli dark choc chips in 2 weeks! I eat, sleep and dream chocolate. Part of the reason why I don't see the results I want :(
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I LOVE chocolate, but since I started MFP my tastes have changed from the milk chocolate 'candy' to proper dark chocolate (which I didn't like before). My current fav is Green & Blacks 60% with Burnt Toffee, and only 55 calories for 3 squares. That I can live with!!

    It is true you can have 3 squares of the Green and Black for 55 calories..... but, oh my those are tiny squares and I have a challenge to stick to just 3 :-) I buy the 85% .... it is intense and I have less when it is intense but, still more like 6 squares :-)
  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    I love chocolate! I don't have a stash of it, I can't control myself. Every so often I go out and buy a ton and eat it all within a few days.:bigsmile:

    That sounds like me with biscuits/cookies. Once the packet is open, they have to go! I'm careful not to buy packets of loose chocolate or that would go quickly too irrespective of the weight. I've had multiple migraines and sickness through binging on the stuff!
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I like to buy a big GhirardelliSea Salt Soiree bar and just have the serving size of 3 squares. It lasts longer and helps my cravings.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I personally love 70% cocoa. I've been cutting for the last two weeks and every time I crave sweets i usually have a small chunk of some of the dark chocolate preferably Ghirardelli or Trader Joe's brand.
  • sparkles9779
    sparkles9779 Posts: 29 Member
    I am one, but dont have it in the house because it is really hard to limit.....
  • Meecro128
    Meecro128 Posts: 20
    I love chocolate! I don't have a stash of it, I can't control myself. Every so often I go out and buy a ton and eat it all within a few days.:bigsmile:

    That sounds like me with biscuits/cookies. Once the packet is open, they have to go! I'm careful not to buy packets of loose chocolate or that would go quickly too irrespective of the weight. I've had multiple migraines and sickness through binging on the stuff!

    Oh god, I'm like that with biscuits too. And cake. And anything sweet really! I get sick from eating too much at once, but I really can't help myself.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    Yup, another one here. I buy the bag of Brookside Dark chocolate at BJ's either Goji Raspberries, pomegranite or blueberries. I immediately separate in to 1/4 cup snack bags that I throw in my office desk and keep some at home. I have to have a chocolate fix so I try to make it a healthy one. It's 180 calories but the 1/4 cup so I work it into my daily calories. I find if I do this then I don't binge and I stay on track.
  • tarnyacarrier
    tarnyacarrier Posts: 20 Member
    I LOVE my dark chocolate!!! Well I love all chocolate but have switched over to dark and def don't have the will power to stay away if I had that much laying around :P
  • DaSt82
    DaSt82 Posts: 11
    Chocolate is so much more than an indulgence for me. It's a way of life. Thankfully I've been managing to satisfy cravings with a small portion of paleo dark chocolate fudge. But I won't sit here and tell you that I don't dream of all things chocolate in my day dreams.
  • AnnetteGilligan
    I LOVE LOVE Chocolate!!!But I haven't had any Chocolate or even any refined sugars it in over a month & No longer crave it. I use a meal replacement shake Daily Comes in 3 flavors & its Super Yummy..fills me up, gives me energy, I get all my Daily essential Vitamins, also can add to the shake, Most importantly has improved my Mood Tremendously. & I have lost some weight. .. look me up if your interested, I'm on Facebook :)
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    TOM is the worst! Then anything sweet does the trick. :tongue:
  • wingyanwin
    wingyanwin Posts: 6 Member
    I have stash of chocolates, soft candies and icecream ~
    worse, i cant stop eating...

    sweets are irresistible
    rather run extra miles to burn them~
  • LBizzle117
    LBizzle117 Posts: 5
    I love chocolate more than anything! I eat at least a little bit every day!

    But it is absolutely vital there is none in my house and that I buy small bars. I have never been able to eat half a bar, even if the whole bar is 200g!
  • brencklea
    brencklea Posts: 7 Member
    Bigtime chocoholic here. Ashamed to say that I am capable of downing a box of Godiva. I have tricked myself into believing that I only like "good chocolate" , i.e., dark and $$$. That way I buy just a bar (Vosges is my new fave), savor it when I get it and enjoy slowly. Then I leave it alone!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Topic: Any Chocoholics Out There??

    You rang?

    My current fave is dark chocolate raisinets. I'm always a fan of the chocolate and fruit combo. So I bought a big resealable bag of it probably meant for parties or candy dishes or recipes. Since it's resealable I can take out as much or little as my calories allow and satisfy that craving. Plus I choose chocolate flavors for all my meal replacement shakes and bars. The end.