Forget Kim Kardashian... I just ordered Turbo Fire!

Okay so I made a post earlier this morning about Fit in Your Jeans by Friday. It's a workout by Kim Kardashian. It is effective in toning but I need FAT LOSS! I've been reading all about Turbo Fire on hear and I just ordered it on I hope it's worth the money! LOL! If anyone has before and after results solely on TF, not CE, please let me know! Thank you!


  • sjschwab
    sjschwab Posts: 15
    I think any workout by Chalene Johnson is great -- I have turbo jam, and Cha-Lean Extreme. Both are excellent workouts.
  • badknees
    badknees Posts: 16
    I'm 56 and not fit enough to do anything "turbo" but if you have any suggestions aout programs that work for toning upper arms I would love them. A walk on the treadmill is as turbo as I can get because of bad knees, but I still can do other things. Would love to get this flab off my arms, it is really one of the areas that really reveals the extra 10 pounds I have to lose. Thanks! Good luck with turbo fire!
  • Karyn1964
    Try and lose alot, im down fifteen lbs in a week and a half as are others on here and im on the 42 day plan
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    It just came out a few weeks ago so you wont be seeing a lot of complete before and after photos for another month or so, hehe.