Garmin FR210 heartrate & calorie burn estimate

Hey people. So I just got a Garmin Forerunner 210 with a heart rate monitor, and have started futzing around with it. It links and works, tracks heartrate through the whole activity. But based on my height (5'7"), weight (~150) and age (40), it's giving me calorie burn estimates that are below 100 calories/mile.

Whats interesting is that exporting the TCX file from Garmin, and importing to RunKeeper, (that has the same user profile info above) and has the GPS waypoints, elevation, and heartrate, it gives a calorie burn of almost 50% more.

Can that be right - burning under 100 calories per mile? If so, I've been grossly over estimating my calorie burn ever since I started up with this stuff.

EDIT: Here's some raw data. Captured via Garmin FR210 and HRM2-SS strap:

Garmin website: (586 calories)

RunKeeper (imported from TCX file from Garmin Connect): (851 calories)


  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    I think it depends on how hard you are working out or how fast. For example, if you are running a 10 minute mile, at 150 pounds, you will burn appx 110 calories according to one site... Runner's World has you at 113 calories for a 10 min. mile. If you run at 9 minutes per mile you'd burn 108 calories according to the first site I checked. But Runners World has you at the same calorie burn for a 10,9 and 8 minute mile and I am not sure why.
    I am 112 pounds and burn 85 calories for a 10 and 7 minute mile, although if you run longer than a mile, there is a bit of difference in calorie burn as a whole.
    I have a Garmin Forerunner 305 and it has me at the 85 calorie mark, at least, I THINK it does...I'll have to check.
    Maybe you need to reset the watch and start over?
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The 210 and all the other newer Garmins use a different calorie algorithm than most others. It is from Firstbeat and does not calculate from simple heartrate but rater from heart rate variability. It is supposed to be the most accurate method available but does give lower counts than other methods. When I am running (178 lbs) I'll usually get between 105 to 115 cal per mile where with other methods I get over 130 per mile.

    Read the white papers here for more info.
  • alfmaster
    alfmaster Posts: 29
    I would check to make sure that your data is truly in your watch as that is where the calculation happens. Also, do you know what Runkeeper is using to calculate the calories? If it is using a basic Speed/Distance calculation (most likely it is) and not taking heartrate into account, that is only 65%-80% accurate. The Garmin, using the Firstbeat Algorithm is 90-93% accurate . With that in mind, you could have a delta between the two up to 55%!

    Here is a little write-up someone did on the Garmin calculations:

    Good luck!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Also, the garmins with firstbeat continually collect and analyze your data and keep an updated athlete profile inside the watch based on that data. From my experience it takes about a week's worth of runs before enough data is collected for the calorie burns to be accurate and reasonably consistent.
  • alfmaster
    alfmaster Posts: 29
    I think it depends on how hard you are working out or how fast. For example, if you are running a 10 minute mile, at 150 pounds, you will burn appx 110 calories according to one site... Runner's World has you at 113 calories for a 10 min. mile. If you run at 9 minutes per mile you'd burn 108 calories according to the first site I checked. But Runners World has you at the same calorie burn for a 10,9 and 8 minute mile and I am not sure why.
    I am 112 pounds and burn 85 calories for a 10 and 7 minute mile, although if you run longer than a mile, there is a bit of difference in calorie burn as a whole.
    I have a Garmin Forerunner 305 and it has me at the 85 calorie mark, at least, I THINK it does...I'll have to check.
    Maybe you need to reset the watch and start over?

    I too have the 305 but it uses the basic speed/distance/weight which is not nearly as accurate as the new Garmin watches (darn old technology)! But I will not give this watch up except for a 310 or 910!
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I see a pretty big difference between what the Garmin (910xt) calculates and what Strava calculates (Strava usually give me lots of extra calories burned). I usually go with the Garmin and ignore Strava.

    Make sure your profile info is updated correctly on the watch.