Weight loss plateau?

I have been stuck at around 150lb for around a month! I am starting to get extremely frustrated. I eat healthy, about 1800 calories a day, and burn 900 through exercise. Any ideas of what I can do to start losing weight again?


  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back? If not, you are netting too low.
  • emilymayzes
    emilymayzes Posts: 19
    No I usually do not eat them back. My net is usually around 900, that doesn't seem too low?
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    No I usually do not eat them back. My net is usually around 900, that doesn't seem too low?

    That's definitely too low. You should be netting at least your BMR! Use this tool to help find what your BMR is if you don't know already: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • emilymayzes
    emilymayzes Posts: 19
    My BMR is 1600, but having a 1600 net sounds incredibly high to me?
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    My BMR is 1600, but having a 1600 net sounds incredibly high to me?

    My BMR is 2000......
  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    Your body may be getting used to the exercise you're doing. I run 6 times a week and I do interval sessions on the track now and again or go cycling, just to mix it up a bit. Also, I play with carb to protein ratios to get my body working harder to digest my food. Throwing in the odd fast day can also make a difference!
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    My BMR is 1600, but having a 1600 net sounds incredibly high to me?

    That sounds pretty normal to me! You should actually net somewhere between your BMR & your TDEE, so higher than 1600 which is what your body needs to just live and organs to function.
  • emilymayzes
    emilymayzes Posts: 19
    But wouldn't upping my calorie intake result in a smaller deficit? Meaning less weight lost?
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    Change your diet a little bit... If you are eating the same things over and over your metabolism gets use to these foods and actually starts to slow back down... Change it up and you can confuse your body... Keep pushing through and the wall will come down...
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    But wouldn't upping my calorie intake result in a smaller deficit? Meaning less weight lost?

    Your body needs fuel to function. If you are only netting 900 cal a day that is not near enough to make your organs work properly let alone enough fuel to workout. You are doing more harm than good. While you may start to lose again after your body realizes its not going to get anymore food....your metabolism will suffer. If you have a lot of low net days and then a high day (ie netting 1400 cal) then your body will not know what to do and store it until you continue to give it more food. Then you'll begin to lose. Your body is holding onto all that 900 cal just to keep you alive!! You are also going to start losing muscle mass because your body will use that for fuel b/c it has no food to use.

    You need to net at LEAST 1400 cal (most likely more).
  • emilymayzes
    emilymayzes Posts: 19
    Thanks for all the help guys, I'll try eating more and having a net of 1600 calories for this week and see how it goes. I'm just scared of gaining instead of losing.