Motivation trouble



  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    Alright. I'll give it a shot! Come to think of it, I don't typically eat the exercise calories. So that may just be the problem..

    I wouldn't say you have to eat *all* your exercise calories, but you need to at least net more calories. Some days your net was under 1000. Your body will store to fuel your organs and muscles.

    Also like Concrete said - you are new to this so your body/muscles could be retaining water. So, ironically enough, you need to drink more water to help flush out your body. Again at 165 you should drink at least 80oz.
  • aaronagostini
    aaronagostini Posts: 72 Member
    From a diet mechanics standpoint, if you aren't doing it already, I'd suggest measuring/weighing food. It drives my wife up a wall with all the tablespoons and measuring cups, but it really helped me to see what proper portions look like. And I don't think it's a problem if you have to spend time tweaking or dialing things in. The important thing is to keep track like you're doing.

    From a motivation standpoint, three talks from Movement really gave me a lot of perspective. They're all about the overall mental approach to diet and exercise. There's a lot out there about 6 weeks, 30 days, 90 days, what have you, but these are all about years and longer. Lou Schuler's the Hero's Journey takes the idea of the Hero from Joseph Campbell and applies it to people's fitness transformation stories. Dan John's quadrant lecture and goal setting lectures are about finding the right mix between your objectives, time, etc. and using that to plan your goals. Anyway, I though they were valuable. You can check out samples at that site (and I have no connection to them - I just really dig their stuff).
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Alright. I'll give it a shot! Come to think of it, I don't typically eat the exercise calories. So that may just be the problem..

    I wouldn't say you have to eat *all* your exercise calories, but you need to at least net more calories. Some days your net was under 1000. Your body will store to fuel your organs and muscles.

    Also like Concrete said - you are new to this so your body/muscles could be retaining water. So, ironically enough, you need to drink more water to help flush out your body. Again at 165 you should drink at least 80oz.

    I do my best to drink two liters a day. Dunno how many oz that is
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Aaron, ill check it out when im home. Thanks :)