Bike Riding



  • SueFromRI
    SueFromRI Posts: 206 Member
    At 160 pounds, my burn averages out to the following:
    sleeping 1 cal per minute
    warm-up 2.5 cal per minute
    light exertion 4 cal per minute
    moderate exertion (breathing heavy, can talk) 6 cal per minute
    vigorous exertion 9 cal per minute for 1st 30 minutes; 12-15 cal per minute after 30 minutes.
  • LuvORR
    LuvORR Posts: 36
    I am new to bike riding-

    I bought a cruiser and went on an eight mile ride on Friday. It felt so good and was too fun to be considered exercise. I bough a speedometer today to really calculate my speed. However, MFP told me I burned many calories even at a slow pace. Is this for real?

    The most accurate way to calc cals burned for any kind of activity is by a HRM. Once you really get into biking you will most likely get into either trail riding (mountain or hybrid bike) or road biking. The cruiser is fun here and there but IMO the road or trail riding is more exciting and pleasurable. Welcome to the club. :smile:

    Thank you! I do ride my bike now on amazing bike trails we have near my home and I envy all experienced bike riders passing me on their fancy bikes :happy: