Overweight, struggling with anxiety, miserable most times...

Hi all. I'm new to this site. I've used it a few times, but only to use as a guide for Weight Watchers points....I'm 25, a mother of one beautiful angel, my almost two year old daughter and a fiancée to my wonderful (okay, maybe not always wonderful, but either am I! haha) man. Problem is, I deal with anxiety (and a little OCD, too), which seems to be getting worse as I get older and although I never let it show to my daughter, I'm for the most part, completely miserable - I hate what I see in the mirror. I know everyone says not to focus on the negative or beat up on yourself, but when all you see is what you don't want to see, how do you do it? I cry a lot about my weight - the problem is, I start WW's and then somehow seem to stop. I did it for about 6 months, lost 30lbs (which, BTW I do applaud myself for), but then BAM!, I'm right back to eating whatever the heck I want :-I IT' SO DISCOURAGING! Anyway, where was I?....I really don't want to bore you all with a long, long story, but this is the jist of what I'm going through right now - weight problems, anxiety (some OCD) and I really need to get a handle on it not only for myself, but for my daughter because I REFUSE to let her grow up like I am right now. BTW, I did try a few counselors, but none of which made me feel comfortable by any means. I'm open to any suggestions, just please don't "bash" me, no negative comments would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks all.


  • JoB998
    JoB998 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm sorry you are having a hard time lately. I've been through depression and know how lonely problems can feel. I am happy to offer support or help any way I can, feel free to PM me if you like.
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi ya,
    I've suffered form anxiety due to medication i was on, i've come off them now but it cost 7 years of my life and i lost my partner to find out it was the meds. I'm still suffering the after effects of the medication.

    A friend once said to me take one day at a time, i replied thats too much, so one hour at a time, it sounds simple but it helped. Living with anxiety is awful, as is the physical pain that comes with it.

    Have you thought about making changes in your diet for life instead of "dieting" i've done WW before and it crept back on as naturally your depriving yourself of things you'd normally eat, it works for me, although i think it may be harder when you have a family. I now eat what i want to only in smaller amounts. If you ever need a chat feel free to pm me.
  • medicvaldez
    medicvaldez Posts: 42 Member
    if WW worked you wouldn't stop the process because the issue would be fixed right? Look I just speak the truth here, i'm just like you, bad days and good days, when you become honest with yourself and figure out WHY you self sabotage then life and weight loss makes more sense. I've been on WW, jenny crack, Nutri system and all the rest, when i finally figured out why I ate pizza then went into a crying fit in the shower, life turned around for me. I get it now, no gimmick diet is gonna work for me. I fail because someone else is telling me what and how much I can eat instead on making myself accountable. I educated myself, i read all the magazines, I have super fit bodybuilder idols, and i give myself credit when I have a good day and give myself a hug when I have a bad one...but at no point do i have the attitude that I just failed and can't ever recover from it. if I eat a piece of cake, i say "damn that was great, now to walk around the block, do some jumping jacks, drink some water, and GET OVER IT!!! it only takes a split second to get back on track. if your half way through the cake and realize it, quick!!...dump it in the trash, or hell, take another bite, savor it, love EVERY morsel of it, then DUMP IT IN THE TRASH!! You can do this. I have depression, anxiety too, maybe not as badly as you do, but i still understand. I'm just now using this page( had it months ago and never used it) to track my macros but i've been doing great for several months. If you need anything, just give me a holler, I'm brutally honest, but still care. :)
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    if WW worked you wouldn't stop the process because the issue would be fixed right? Look I just speak the truth here, i'm just like you, bad days and good days, when you become honest with yourself and figure out WHY you self sabotage then life and weight loss makes more sense. I've been on WW, jenny crack, Nutri system and all the rest, when i finally figured out why I ate pizza then went into a crying fit in the shower, life turned around for me. I get it now, no gimmick diet is gonna work for me. I fail because someone else is telling me what and how much I can eat instead on making myself accountable. I educated myself, i read all the magazines, I have super fit bodybuilder idols, and i give myself credit when I have a good day and give myself a hug when I have a bad one...but at no point do i have the attitude that I just failed and can't ever recover from it. if I eat a piece of cake, i say "damn that was great, now to walk around the block, do some jumping jacks, drink some water, and GET OVER IT!!! it only takes a split second to get back on track. if your half way through the cake and realize it, quick!!...dump it in the trash, or hell, take another bite, savor it, love EVERY morsel of it, then DUMP IT IN THE TRASH!! You can do this. I have depression, anxiety too, maybe not as badly as you do, but i still understand. I'm just now using this page( had it months ago and never used it) to track my macros but i've been doing great for several months. If you need anything, just give me a holler, I'm brutally honest, but still care. :)

    I love that you can be brutally honest and actually go into depth with explaining and understanding yourself and right now, myself. So, how do you do it? What's your intake like on a daily basis? Your workouts? I agree completely with you on the "cake" topic - I'd take one last bite and then dump it because well, if you dump it then I'm quite sure you're not going to take it out of the garbage, right?

    If you have anxiety, it doesn't matter what level, you'll understand what someone else that has anxiety is going through also. Anxiety (if we want to be completely honest here) is a *****! It takes over your entire body and just when you feel like you're in control, it takes over once again. It's horrible.

    Thank you so much for your response and I'll be sure to contact you if I need anything (which may be on a daily basis) hahaha
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Hi ya,
    I've suffered form anxiety due to medication i was on, i've come off them now but it cost 7 years of my life and i lost my partner to find out it was the meds. I'm still suffering the after effects of the medication.

    A friend once said to me take one day at a time, i replied thats too much, so one hour at a time, it sounds simple but it helped. Living with anxiety is awful, as is the physical pain that comes with it.

    Have you thought about making changes in your diet for life instead of "dieting" i've done WW before and it crept back on as naturally your depriving yourself of things you'd normally eat, it works for me, although i think it may be harder when you have a family. I now eat what i want to only in smaller amounts. If you ever need a chat feel free to pm me.

    You made a good point there - I'm on two meds. right now, one for blood pressure, the other for my thyroid (levothoroxine and metropolol for blood pressure)...anxiety is awful and I've been struggling everyday with it, it just takes over. Even if I tell myself over and over that it's okay, gather yourself, it will go away - it doesn't. But, since you've mentioned the meds, I definitely need to look into that. Thanks for the advice :)
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    I do the same things and I have a slew of serious mental disorders. I have yo-yo'd between the 110's and the 180's for years. What has been helping me is to focus less on my physical body and more on how my eating habits effect my mood and vice versa. As a masochist, I do terrible things to myself, including ****ing up my own eating habits in either extreme direction. Just this year I've noticed I need to focus on healing my mind and -wanting- the healthiest alternative for myself.

    It's hard ****, yo.