Low carbs vs low sodium when steroids are in my system...

Does anyone have any experience with this? I had a steroid shot in Feb which made me super hungrey and screwed up my cycle, gained 12 lbs in 2 months. I went to the dr. all my blood work is fine, she put me on one month of birth control pills to get my cycle back on track I am extremely desperate to get weight off ASAP because my planter fasciitis, which has been gone for 3 years suddenly came back. I got cortisone shots last tue which I assumed would make it all better and went to the zoo on Wed. That was a horrible idea because now my feet hurt horribly whenever I walk at all. Already doing stretches, rolling on ice, and bought tennis shoes and arch supports (for the bargain price of $180).

In desperation I started doing low carbs on mon. It has always worked in the past when I've done it but this time isn't working. I did a search last night and a site said with steroids in your system you should avoid salt. I admit I am a salt freak! Now wondering if I should give up on low carbs and try low sodium.

The steroid shots are still making me hungrey. Last night we went out to dinner at 5:30 and I had a 9 oz burger, with cheddar cheese, brocolli with butter 900 calories and my stomach was growling at 8 pm.

I am also hoping to get back to the podiatrist because honestly this seems worst than the planter fasciitis I've had in the past.

I also can't do my job, I have kids I watch part time and I can't sit all day, especially with a 2 year old that is a runner.


  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Why are you being given steroids?

    Have you discussed alternative treatment options for what you are being treated for? I'm sure that there are other alternatives that wouldn't have just nasty side effects...

    When the side effects are greater and worse than the effects of the medicine.. They cease to become *side* effects.

    "May cause anal seepage" Hey, bob, you wanna get out of the pool? Thanks.
  • I had rotator cuff surgery, cortisone shots, followed by oral steroids for frozen shoulder in the same shoulder. I do low carb, low salt which means I almost never eat out. Processed foods and restaurant foods are loaded with sodium. I drink lemon water throughout the day, a tablespoon of vinegar at night. Asparagus is a natural diuretic as are most veggies. It is mostly fluid retention you are experiencing if you are tracking your intake. The protein will curb your hunger. It will work, stick to it.

    The only exercise I can do is walk. Can you bike or swim? It stinks but this is doable.
  • ps. Monday is way too early to judge if it is working. The first couple of days is fluid loss anyway. Give it a month, stay off the scale!
  • emandbri
    emandbri Posts: 45
    The steroid shot was a one time thing for my allergies, I'm not still on them. I can't walk at all, my husband and I are at a gaming convention this weekend and I even had him pack for me because walking around getting my stuff to pack was too painful. There is no way I could swim, the idea of being seen in a bathing suit honestly makes me want to cry. I can do modified yoga and pilaties, I had foot surgery in the past so I am really good at modifying. I've been going to yoga and pilates on my days off, I could start going at night as well. I have not tried biking, I bet I could do that, it would have to be on my days off. I also don't have a bike but I do know where I could rent one. Honestly if it works I am not opposed to buying one, I have been considering getting one. Honestly at this point I am fine spending whatever money it takes to get better. That is how much pain I'm I'm.

    The weight gain and pain has made me very depressed, I have a history of eating disorders and have OCD and now stay up half the night thinking about how fat I am. I'm scared to take sleeping pills because a while back i had the oposite reaction and it made me jittery. I do have an appointment with my therapist who specializes in eating disorders.
  • emandbri
    emandbri Posts: 45
    I got my son's bike all cleaned up and put air in the tires. Went 1 mile twice yesterday, good news is my feet didn't hurt at all! Bad news my sit bones are very, very, sore. My cousin works in a bike shop, waiting to hear from him about what I should get. Thinking something like this, with a nice wide seat and high handle bars.

  • emandbri
    emandbri Posts: 45
    My therapist said sense the low carb didn't work try the low sodium or south beach. After 3 days of low sodium down 2 lbs! I know it is just water weight but I don't care! I just need these extra lbs gone!

    I went back to the podiatrist who gave me more cortison shots, an rx for Celebrex, and a cream to put on my foot.

    I'm getting my bicycle today! I as very excited!
  • emandbri
    emandbri Posts: 45
    I am totally loving my bike! Doing a little more each day, don't want to overdo it since it has been so long since I've ridden. I am looking forward to hitting the trails! Need a bike rack and trailer hitch.