I'm FULL but still want to eat



  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member

    That looks fantastic!
  • Huntress72
    Huntress72 Posts: 3 Member
    Everything on the blog is wonderful! :)
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I agree with the other posters who said you just need to add some protein and fat to round out your meal and provide satiety.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I am probably one of the most compulsive eaters you'll ever meet. My desire to eat is totally disconnected to physical hunger.

    When this happens to me I chew sugar free gum -- a lot of it! I also drink hot or iced green tea. Sometimes it helps to just focus on being present, breathing and feeling full.
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    I find that if I don't eat anything with fat in it (veggies and water) I end up feeling hungry. I started putting walnuts in my Yoplait 100 calorie fat free yogurt and the hunger pains afterward have disappeared.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    You should eat something that you really like b/c it sounds like you are an emotional eater. Next time have that slice of pizza and some veggies. Don't over stuff yourself. For some reason when I am stuffed I want to eat more. Perhaps it's b/c I feel uncomfortable and am also an emotional eater.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I would have some protein with my veggie bag.

    What she said ^
    I notice a BIG difference when I eat a good amount of protein! It is like my brain stops me. Because I get the same way.. I'm stuffed but don't care.. I want to eat more.. but its like when I make a big breakfast with egg's and ham and all that good stuff, I don't really think about food for hours!
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    You will feel more satisfied if you eat a more Balanced diet. A bag of veggies is not going to cut it, you need proteins and healthy fats and healthy sugars too.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Why would you only eat a bag of vegetables... your body needs protein and fat too.

    This. You must add protein to each and every meal, or you will constantly feel hungry. Plus veggies cause gas, which can easily be confused with hunger pangs.
  • darrenkhalaf
    darrenkhalaf Posts: 10 Member
    Are you health conscious . If i would be there definitely gone for the pizza