What's your particular inspiration? Photo? Quote? Visual?

I'm just curious about what keeps you motivated. Is it a specific outfit you'd like to fit into? A photo of yourself (or someone else)? An image in your mind? A certain quote that gives you strength?

I have a skirt that I haven't been able to wear for years. When it fits me comfortably, I will have reached my goal. : )

How about you?


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I want to be able to keep up with my two very active boys.
    I want to kick up my competitive sports game a notch or two.
    I feel better mentally and spiritually when I am doing things that are physically good for my body.
    And honestly, I wouldn't mind girls ogling me for once.
  • Fitscorcher
    Fitscorcher Posts: 47
    I have a photo I had taken with a celebrity I have liked for over 20 years. I had a major crush on him and to be honest it hasn't gone away. I met him 2011 while working at a local Theatre, when he found out I was a fan he invited me to his dressing room for a photo. I was so happy! I was there 3 days on work experience. I couldn't eat because of being around him, I lost 12 lb in 3 days and 16 lb by the end of the week! For the photo he put his arm around me and was so close his head was pulling on my hair. It was the first time in over 20 years a man has put his arm around me and I wasn't stood there thinking, "oh no he can feel how fat I am" I was just so happy and shocked at being there that it didn't enter my head until later. I went with a crush and came home in love ...Lol He was really really lovely. He is not a huge well known celebrity but I don't care, he made me feel special. That photo comes with me to the gym and to jobs where I'm nervous or anxious. It really helps me to push myself harder. It makes me want to be a normal healthy size and happy with myself. To be honest I think I should just go on tour with him, I would be slim in no time. :-)

    My goal now is to get another photo taken with him when I have lost weight (if he will let me.) I'm going to buy an evening gown too, I have a vision of myself out for the evening with my hair in a particular style, a red evening dress and going to the Theatre. I'm definitely motivated right now.
  • NeverSayNoToPanda
    NeverSayNoToPanda Posts: 6 Member
    Chaelaz, you might be getting the ogles and just not noticing. This happens to my husband.

    Fitscorcher, I think that is a perfect vision. Keep it in your head through the tough times.
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    I have a photo (see my profile) of myself in a blue dress in college. I kept the dress because I want to be able to wear it again. It is a size 12, currently I am a size 16. I can't even get it over my big old rear right now, but I'm working towards rocking it again!