How do you start your day?



  • I have to start with shower, eat and start the day's work :) But on weekends, I sleep all day LOL
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Piss, wash hands and face, brush teeth.
  • bleedingdesu
    bleedingdesu Posts: 63 Member

    I have provided a helpful graphic so that you may better understand my mornings.
  • Wake up at 6.30 am
    Sets snooze for ten mins
    Wakes up
    Sets snooze for ten mins
    Wakes up
    Realises I'm running late
    Gets a shower
    Brushes teeth
    Do my hair
    Quickly do my make up
    Gets dressed
    Has a quick cuppa
    Slice of toast
    Runs for bus
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Up at 2:45am. Shlt, shower and shave. Out the door by 3:10. At work by 3:40. Peek into MFP. Start running reports on yesterday's production.
  • GeeGirl82
    GeeGirl82 Posts: 32
    Up at 0440, shower, feed cats, out by 0535, start work at 0600, eat breakfast at muster, work 12 hours, do it again.
  • Briszler75
    Briszler75 Posts: 88 Member
    Woke up, fell out of bed
    Dragged a comb across my head
    Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
    And looking up, I noticed I was late
    Found my coat and grabbed my hat
    Made the bus in seconds flat
    Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
    And somebody spoke and I went into a dream

    :) Love The Beatles
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Up at 2:45am. Shlt, shower and shave. Out the door by 3:10. At work by 3:40. Peek into MFP. Start running reports on yesterday's production.

    LOL nice
  • - wake up
    - check my mails and social networks (in bed)
    - coffee
    - off to work
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Wake up .. alarm goes off at 4:15
    Bathroom stop
    Protein Shake
    Dogs for a walk
    Pre Workout Shake
    Gather my crap, be at the gym by 5:15
    Hour workout
    Post Workout Protein shake
    Then off to work
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    wake up. make up. coffee. school.
  • unless it's a weekend then i normally start by erecting a tent.

    :laugh: This made my morning!! :drinker: love it
  • whitey7862
    whitey7862 Posts: 29 Member
    wake up at 5:00a
    sneak out of the room to not wake the wife
    start pandora radio mix
    shave face
    shower (shave head in shower)
    get ready for work
    walk to work
    work my butt off for 10 hours
    walk home
    get ready for second job
    walk to second job
    work my butt off for 5 -6 more hours
    walk home
    fall into bed
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Usually starts around 6.30 with my son waking me up to tell me he's going down to watch Disney Jnr, I groan then roll over. 25mins later my alarm goes off and I hit the snooze...finally up by 7.05 then wash, go downstairs to empty dishwasher and make breakfast. Have a leisurely breakfast while checking my emails and MFP then spend the last 30-40 minutes running around like a blue-ar$ed fly shouting at the kids to get ready and throwing out numerous threats of punishment. Take the kids to school, run for the bus to work and arrive by 9.20 feeling like I've done a full day's work already and looking forward to hometime :yawn:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    catapult out of bed when alarm goes off
    put pants on
    brush teeth
    tell significant other it's time to get up
    fix hair
    grab my lunch
    check on the kids
    tell significant other to get up and stop pressing the snooze button, seriously.
    drive to work
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    up at 5am
    put on socks and shoes and shirt (sleep in shorts but if its really hot then i have to put on shorts also)
    grab my iphone and head to the basement
    3 sets of the following
    100 crunches on an exercise ball
    10 lifts of a 12lb medicine ball over my head
    40 russian twists
    20 seconds of bike pedals on the ground
    20 push ups

    drag my *kitten* up stairs and shower
    get dressed
    grab a bowl of cereal
    watch smallville till 630
    pack my lunch
    leave house at 6:45am
    get to work around 6:50am
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    by going back to sleep.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Get up
    Stretch like a cave bear
    Pee, brush teeth etc.
    Eat something
    Walk dogs
    30 mins or so on computer
    Go to gym
    Come home
  • Wake up.
    -Take a shower.
    -Drink 3 cups of water and 1 cup of psyllium husk water.
    -Make 2-3 cups of tea.
    -Make and have my huge breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 2-3 fruits, 2-3 carrots, 1 cup of hot milk and 1 bowl of cereals with milk.
    -Take my vitamins.
    -Bathroom stop (a big stop, 3 cups of water clears everything! hahaha)
    -Kids wake up in meantime, change their diapers, feed them both.
    -Drink my tea.

    The rest of the day varies, work on computer, clean the house, cook, exercise for 45 minutes etc etc. Stay at home mom, nothing interesting here. lol
  • DancingHev
    DancingHev Posts: 30 Member
    Get woken up by boyfriends alarm at 5.30am (I never have to be at work until 9.30am)
    Try and get back to sleep after BF has made a lot of noise getting ready for work
    Give in and get up
    Have a wee
    Weigh myself
    Move the huge glass coffee table
    Choose fitness DVD I fancy that morning
    Do said DVD
    Make a nice filling breakfast (because I need to be fuller, longer due to early morning)
    Do ALL housework because BF will not do a thing when returning from work
    Make up
    Get dressed
    Go to work/cook the boys dinner to microwave later/run errands depending on whether I'm working or not