May as well introduce myself...

I was told about myfitnesspal by a coworker and started using it while we are doing a Biggest Loser type contest at work (actually started at 308, started myfitnesspal a week into the contest and by that point I was at 302). While the competition did intrigue me, I felt enough was enough and I need to lose more than 100 pounds. I've got to say this site DEFINITELY helps, with the food in particular. Not to mention seeing everyone on the site being supportive of others. So here I am, trying to change myself.


  • jkeir7
    jkeir7 Posts: 5
    That's amazing, good for you! I only started yesterday and I think it might be the key to my success as well; really holds you accountable for everything you eat. If you mess up sometimes don't feel bad though, just keep calm and carry on ;) It's a journey.
  • dysonspacz
    dysonspacz Posts: 76 Member
    Remember, MFP will help you but you still need to do the work. Make sure you set reasonable goals. That way if you miss them, you won't beat yourself up and relapse. Baby steps. Dropping 100 pounds is a big goal (pun intended) but it should be more of a long term goal. Rome wasn't built in a day...
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Yeah, accountability is a big help for me, lol. I definitely plan on baby steps, lol. I will say this is probably the longest I've stuck with a weight loss plan of any sort in quite some time. I've set my goal to the recommended 1 pound a week and expect to stumble a couple times, I'll just have to make sure to get back up when I do.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Welcome, and good for you. You won't regret the hard work it takes. It is worth it.