Staring my weight loss after having my baby

Hi all
Its my first day today and im excited to get started I joined this to hopefully get help and support as all my family and friends live hours away so I would love some friends on here to help me out and possibly give me a kick up the bum :)
Any one in the same position as me after just having a little one?


  • motovilova
    motovilova Posts: 1
    Hi! Same here, but my baby is now a! I started on here yesterday.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member

    my youngest is now coming up to 3 now but have been on here a year. Good luck.
  • amywise10
    amywise10 Posts: 33 Member
    My daughter is almost a year old, and I didn't start losing the leftover weight until I joined MFP a couple months ago.
  • rachelklewis3
    rachelklewis3 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I have 2 girls, 11 months and 3 years. I just got back down to the weight I was when I got pregnant with the first! Wish I had been motivated to lose it sooner. It is awesome that you are here- I think you'll love it. I've lost 18 lbs. in my 2 months of using this site. Good luck to you :)
  • laurafinnie1905
    laurafinnie1905 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I have a 5 month old baby boy (my first baby) and I am 7kg down... 10kg to go.
    ITSSODAMNHOT Posts: 121 Member
    Congratulations to you all! Now, I'm a proud father of a 2 year old girl and a soon to be (August) baby boy lol. So I have gained "supportive" weight. Feel free to add me if you all like
  • AbbieTK
    AbbieTK Posts: 7
    My baby is almost 11 months, I've found it very hasrd to stick on track, baby takes up all my time!
  • Freckles1983
    Freckles1983 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you all for a reply I appreciate it my little girl is now 15 weeks old and she is my first x
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I joined MFP almost a year ago after my youngest was born. Feel free to send a friend request or a message if you have any questions
  • Congratulations! I too am a mom and have successfully lose the extra weight! Thanks to :)
  • karamevans
    karamevans Posts: 16
    Best of luck! My baby is nearly 4 but it took about 3 months to lose the weight, but another 9months to get as toned as I was before! You can do it! X
  • hi , congratulations ,being a mother is wonderful, I have a 2yr old boy. I gained over 4st when pregnant with him, I weighed 219lbs after I had him ,im now back to pre pregnancy weight of 158lbs.

    Its taken me a long while,but ive had a lot of medical problems along the way .

    you can do it hun, feel free to add me x
  • kiwinicola
    kiwinicola Posts: 19
    Hi.I have a 16 month old son. The day after my sons 1st birthday I thought it was time to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight lol .. feel free to add me :D
  • mhoffman2007
    mhoffman2007 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi - I have an almost 1 and almost 4 year old. I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy weight from my 1 year old but not the 4 year old. Then I still have a ways to go to get down to where I was when we got married. Then I have even further. Feel free to add me as a friend! We can all use all the support we can get.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    My son will be 1 at the end of the month, but I've been here since the end of September trying to get back into shape.. it is hard with the time constraints and demands of a little one, but have patience with your body and stick with it- you can do it!!! :-)
  • Fat2FitACE
    Fat2FitACE Posts: 34
    :bigsmile: My baby is now 13.....and I am still on my weight loss "journey", for lack of a better word.

    I have lost 60 pounds and I feel great where I am right now.....but it is an everyday, constant series of choices to keep me where I am.

    Best of luck to you! I know you can do it!
  • pga02
    pga02 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new and in the same place as you. Add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • crystala2
    crystala2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I'm new too, and in the same place, except my baby is also now a toddler. :) Feel free to add me as a friend as well. :)
  • butterfly_0104
    butterfly_0104 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same place but also with a toodler. Looking for more support myself help keep us on track and motivated. Feel free to add me:smile:
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    My son is 2 and I started here a few weeks ago. I know we can all do this!