Break Up & Motivation Loss

Hi guys,
I just had a breakup and I've lost my motivation. I feel like I'm not eating BAD, but then I realize I ate a candy bar & an entire bag of Cajun peanuts & tacobell.

Help! How did you guys get through it? Any advice? I'm at a point where I don't really care that much about diet, and I feel I should...


  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Sorry to hear about your break up.
    However, it wasn't long after I broke up with my ex last year that I really started getting into MFP. Use this time to focus on YOU and only you. That's what kept me going. For the first time in 3 nd a half years, I didn't have to worry about anyone else and what anyone else thought of me - I got the chance to be a bit selfish and focus on myself.

    Don't focus solely on the diet either - get your workout on. It feels great and if you've got any frustrations/locked up emotions, exercise can help work those out - whether it's through running or punching it out with boxing or getting your dance on at a Zumba class.

    Best of luck :smile:
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I know a bad breakup can significantly affect our motivation, but there's no better comeback than showing up with a finer physique. :)
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your breakup. My relationship ended about 8 weeks ago and I was devorstated.

    A counselling friend of mine mentioned allowing time for the mind and body to process the shock. During that time you are likely to do things you wouldn't normally, and seek comfort from things (like food) and friends while you subconsciously and consciously re-evaluate the world around you and how you fit into it.

    Once I got through that time (about 6 weeks for me, but I am only a few months off anti-depressants so low to start with), it gave me the motivation to a) loose the breakup weight and now b) get into some form of shape. (loooooong way to go on that one!)

    So I think the rule is at least for a little while don't beat yourself up, the situation you are in has already done that for you. Once you've got over the worst of it - turn it into something to fuel your motivation.

    There are a lot of nice people on here, so you know you are not alone.
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    This is the time that I usually go full steam ahead with diet and exercise. If nothing else you want to be able to show the ex how awesome you are and exactly what they are missing out on.
  • Sid1988
    Sid1988 Posts: 170 Member
    my boyfriend broke up with me two months ago after two years together with no explination, just a lousy text, i felt like my world had come crashing down, i took a week off work and stayed in bed the whole time crying, eating and wondering what the hell do i do now.

    Then my best friend comes round, tells me to man-up and get out of bed, there's a whole wide world out there and life is for living and go and show him what he's missing.

    So i joined a leisure centre, i started exercise classes i never would have done before, i have found a new love for exercise, where as before, i only did it because i felt i had to, now i do it because i want too, it makes me feel good and with all this spare time on my hands that would of been used slaving in the kitchen most evenings for my ex boyfriend, i am working on a better me, i am looking better, i am feeling better and i know i deserve better than what i had. At first i was going because i thought to myself "what if i bump in to him, i want to look great" now i do it for me and to keep myself happy.

    you can do this :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Focus that energy and stomp it out on the treadmill, or lifting.

    There is no better feeling than looking HOTTER than ever and running into an ex. Not to mention, the boost of self esteem you will have.

    You can do it :)
  • hollylape7
    hollylape7 Posts: 2 Member
    That is so true! I mean you should do it for yourself, but it is kinda fun to say "Haha this is what you're missing!"
  • CantStopWontStop92
    CantStopWontStop92 Posts: 165 Member
    breakups are the worst, I'm sorry:( But I've used breakups as motivation to get into great shape! Nothing feels better than knowing you're way hotter than whatever new girl he may be seeing. Sounds silly and superficial but hey, if that's what it takes to get you pumped in the gym then no shame! His loss, not yours;) Best of luck! I'm here if you need to talk too, you're not alone:)
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    Thanks you all! This is all wonderful and supportive and practical advice. Sending those good vibes right back to you!
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks you all! This is all wonderful and supportive and practical advice. Sending those good vibes right back to you!

    Thank you. Keep your chin up and be strong even though your heart is breaking in the sure knowledge that you will get through this - then springboard from it into something else.

    Good luck and God bless you.
  • bossyfairy
    bossyfairy Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry to hear about your break up, that sucks.

    I found the best way to get over a break up is exercise. I got in to exercise after my marriage ended (he was an abusive, lying, cheating scum bag) - punching the air during a workout? In my head I was whacking him in the face. Spinning lesson - I was cycling and each time the peddle went down I imagined it smashing in to him underneath.

    God I lost some weight doing that!! Very cathartic.

    Exercise also releases endorphins (or dolphins I like to think of them as) which makes you feel good too!

    The other useful advice I got was the saying 'This too shall pass' its horrendous at the time but it does pass.
