Tired of my own excuses...back for serious this time!!!

Well...I've been gone for a month and a half or so. I got hurt again, got bummed out and apparently had a little pity party for a while. Luckily, I only gained a pound in all this but I sure didn't do what I should have been capable of. I got on here today to poke around after finally kicking my own butt a while and had a message from someone asking where I had been so I'm taking that as a sign.

I'm back on track, back on the train or the wagon or whatever you want to call it. I'll be having reconstructive knee surgery in a while but that's no reason to be stagnant in the mean time. There are others with FAR worse injuries who still do so much, I have no right to sit around and do nothing.
Soooo...looking for friends, new and old to mutually motivate, inspire and get off my butt with!!


  • Exodus62
    Exodus62 Posts: 9 Member
    My wife and I just got started again last night after laying off for about a month. She hurt her knee and found that it was a partial MCL tear. The Dr. advised her last week that she needed to continue exercising and gave her exercises to do to help strengthen the knee. With her being down for those few weeks I found myself unmotivated, but we are back at it. It really felt good last night to workout once again. Slept much better and woke up feeling great. Good luck in your endeavor!
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    You go, girl! There are a lot of Pilates moves that can really work your core *and* your legs without doing injury to an already injured knee. My SO is an Army medic with severe knee issues and he swears by the stretching, yoga, and Pilates to keep him in shape.

    Just remember to log on every time you think about it - a snack, a drink, a meal...whatever it is, log it in and you'll make it a habit in no time flat. :)
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    You go, girl! There are a lot of Pilates moves that can really work your core *and* your legs without doing injury to an already injured knee. My SO is an Army medic with severe knee issues and he swears by the stretching, yoga, and Pilates to keep him in shape.

    Just remember to log on every time you think about it - a snack, a drink, a meal...whatever it is, log it in and you'll make it a habit in no time flat. :)

    Thank you Bekah; I've been doing yoga but have only tried Pilates once some time ago. Maybe I'll give it another shot. The Army is how I wound up this way, good to hear from someone who is still doing it!
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    My wife and I just got started again last night after laying off for about a month. She hurt her knee and found that it was a partial MCL tear. The Dr. advised her last week that she needed to continue exercising and gave her exercises to do to help strengthen the knee. With her being down for those few weeks I found myself unmotivated, but we are back at it. It really felt good last night to workout once again. Slept much better and woke up feeling great. Good luck in your endeavor!

    Good luck to both you and your wife and thank you!
  • Exodus62
    Exodus62 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! She is a little sore today but ready to hit it tonight once again.