I feel like giving up.



  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    You are not alone. I can relate to the things you have written. Exercise is not required to lose weight. However if you can exercise it is good for your body and mind. Eating healthy is not a requirement for losing weight but most people wouldn't advise someone to eat unhealthy things. There is one requirement for losing weight and that is to put less calories into your body than your body needs. Life can seem overwhelming when you are trying to do too many things all at one time. Track all of your calories on the good days and the bad days and at the end of the month if you have eaten and drank less calories than your body needed you will see a lower weight. You can do this! Every day is a new beginning.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I feel like giving up. I try so hard to keep the weight off and exercise and count my calories but it's becoming so difficult to the point where I'm getting more depressed and wanting to just give up on it. I have goals and motivations but I give up so easily that it feels like I won't ever meet my goals so who even cares right? I have days where I take a good walk or have a good workout and eat the right things but then the next day I turn to fast food for comfort and it makes me feel so lousy and miserable. But I can't stop. I feel trapped. I've never been so overweight in my life. I have all the symptoms of PCOS and that's making me more depressed. My family is no support and I have no money to spend on a membership at a gym or good, healthy foods or any DVDs or gym equipment. I don't know what to do anymore. What can I do? I need to lose this weight. I see everyone doing so well and exercising and I'm just sitting here being depressed and eating my feelings away. Please please help. :(

    You identified both the problem and the solution. You said you give up too easily. If you're giving up so easily you will never get anywhere.

    Losing weight isn't easy and before you can get a strong body you need a strong mind. You have to decide to do something, work out how you're gonna do it and then just do it. No questions, no whining, no giving up. Get it done.

    There are people on here who have been ten times bigger than you and transformed themselves with hard work and commitment. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad but to point out that it's not an easy task but it can be done. Your attitude is killing it for you though. Stop thinking that there's no point, that it's useless, that it's never gonna happen for you... thinking like that will not get you anywhere. Change the way you think.

    Lastly, if you're feeling down and depressed the absolute best thing you can do is exercise. Get your heart racing. Start jogging (it's free), do aerobics, dance. Just do something. Stop over thinking and start doing! :wink:
  • angelfish257
    angelfish257 Posts: 81 Member
    I think everyone has times where they feel like that - I know I do!! I have PCOS and due to other health stuff have been on oral steroids for a few years now - so weight loss is a slow and painful process (but i can put on weight really really easily).

    Stick in there and keep tweaking till you find what works best for you - for me, I have found that bread and pasta don't agree with me all that well, so keeping those to a minimum help to reduce bloating/fluid retention. So while my scales maybe haven't moved as much as I'd like, I have seen some inch loss and my clothes fit better.

    As for the gym membership stuff, don't worry about that so much - there is lots you can do yourself. I bought myself some decent trainers and get my *kitten* out there walking (I'm not a runner and never will be!). Even 15mins out stomping about helps make you feel better when things seem blue and it also counts towards your excercise goals. A couple of workout DVDs in the house can also be good, fit them in when you can - I trawl ebay and charity shops so I'm not paying a fortune.

    Just adding my tuppence worth! Keep at it, you will get there :)
  • ButterflyJourney
    ButterflyJourney Posts: 46 Member
    First, you don't need a gym to exercise. You can walk, run, bike ride, all outside. Turn on your computer and go to www.sparkpeople.com and watch their exercise videos that you can do from your own home.

    Listen to some energetic music and go for a walk. Hop on a bicycle and do the same thing . Put your baby in a stroller and go for a brisk walk. Get that heart rate up!!

    Read the blogs here for encouragement every day. Journal every single day. If you are having food cravings and want accountability, open up your diary to MFP friends. Sometimes encouragement or advice from others can help you see where you are having problems.

    Remember, this is One Day At A Time. You are not in a race to make your weight loss goals. It is okay to have a cheat food, just don't make it an every day habit.

    IF you find yourself in a food binge. Stop. Take a deep breath. Go outside for a walk. If you knit or crochet, do this, it will keep your hands busy and who wants food all over their crafts.

    Above all, remember this is to help you to be healthy for life. Do something for you. Take that first step, then another, then another and before long it will become a habit.

    Add in MFP friends. We are all losing weight and gonig through some of the same stuff. But we are also here to encourage each other every day. IF you add in an MFP friend, become their weight loss friend as well and encourage them every day.

    Whatever you do. Don't give up! Baby steps. You can do this.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    Its okay sweet pea...We have all felt like this at one point while on this journey. I just recommitted myself because I felt the same way that

    you are now feeling.. Take a deep breath ...and refocus yourself. I have a whole playlist of exercise videos from off of youtube..You can

    : :flowerforyou: find some good stuff on youtube.. but u will do just fine. take one step at a time.
  • miissnessa
    miissnessa Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you everybody for the positive words! It's easier said then done but I know I can do it. i need to stop being so negative!
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Take it one step at a time. Maybe you need to make smaller goals instead of one big one. It also might be better to have the goals be more things within your control than the weight itself. IE, something like 30 minutes of cardio x times a week, or drink x glasses of water a day, or fast food no more than once a week, rather than something like loose a large amount of weight. Make sure you declare ahead what the goal is, and keep a log of when you did it or how you did each day..I find that makes a huge difference. Every bit of progress in the right direction is progress.

    Also like the others said, you don't need fancy equipment. Even just walking outside is good. And check out the local libraries, I've got a few libraries here with a ton of fitness dvds. The video store on the corner even has free rentals of them. Netflix if you already have that, has some too. There are also a ton of free things on youtube. Search for Jessica Smith, she's got a bunch of full length ones totally free and most aren't too hard and all are done in a small space, often with a very cute dog in the way. :)

    If you do decide to join a gym at some point and you have one nearby, Planet Fitness is 10/month. At least around here. That's cheaper than one burger a week.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    in my opinion, fruits, veggies, chicken, oatmeal, yogurt, etc are very inexpensive at the grocery store! a lot cheaper than the fast food your buying. dont say you cant stop eating fast food, because you can, you just are choosing not to. it comes down to either you want to lose the weight ot you dont. no one here can make you eat better, force you to make better choices, and make you have self control, only you can do that for yourself. only you can take control of your life, it comes down to choices.
  • msalvas
    msalvas Posts: 3
    I've been where you are. Every time I've been close to my goal weight, I'd find out that I have to reduce my caloric intake even more. Then I say, enough is enough, or "impossible." I don't know if this will help you, but I started taking 5HTP (200 mg daily). Although not 100% effective, it helps reduce cravings (assuming your diet is properly balanced), and it permits me to avoid stress gobbling (or heading for sugar rather than fruit). Good luck with your journey.
  • Teddy816
    Teddy816 Posts: 3
    I do not go to a gym. I got a fitbit that tracks all my steps in a day. I try and walk a lot of days. On my days off I do a 4-5 mile walk and last weekend I even rode my bike after my walk for almost 8 miles. You can use map my run it's a free app and will tack a dog walk, a run, a bike ride etc. the main thing is get up and move. stay active. and eat less. Fast food is never a good idea.
    Try and stay away from anything white, no white sugar, flour, potatoe's, bread etc. It is all about choices. You have to want to get the weight off for you not anyone else. You have to want to be healthy. For you. I tried for a lot of years and kept gaining it back. Now I do it for me because I want to be healthy.
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    Every day when you wake up, decide to do the very best that you can, and do it. That doesn't mean you can do things perfectly to your liking every day. At the end of every day, forgive yourself if you have been less than perfect and decide that tomorrow you can do a little better. I know it sounds simple, but it has helped me tremendously.

    Walking outside is GREAT exercise. If you can't get outside or don't feel like going outside, dance, move, do something, even just for a few minutes at a time. It adds up and you'll start to feel better. Making healthy choices builds your self-esteem and self-worth, and that makes it easier to keep on making healthy choices for the long run.
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    work out at home! i dont go to the gym myself, download jillian michaels 30 day shred and start with that :) just push through, it will be hard at first but its just 25 minutes a day, force yourself to take that time for yourself. as for food, start with small changes. cut out one thing a day thats unhealthy, make small switches that wont be too noticeable but that will add up! even if you have to eat fast food, inform yourself before to make the best choices. YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    *hugs* It's ok to get down sometimes...you just need to take a deep breath and clear your head...say alright, I messed up but that doesn't mean I failed. Go on youtube, there are some AMAZING workouts you can follow along with on there! You can add me if you like, I can help support you :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am not very good at giving advice but only can speak from my own experience. I have been trying to lose this last 10 pounds for the past 2 years but they never went away. Then I started running just because I didn't try it before. Then one day I noticed that i felt in love with running and it's no longer an effort to put myself on the treadmill. I just want to run. I stopped counting calories which was another burden on me too. All together I feel much better even my weight is still the same...

    Try to find something you really enjoy doing and just forget about the weight and calories for a while. Hopefully this wil reset your mind and your body and give you a new start...

    Good luck~
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    One thing that helps me when I start to feel hopeless about my weight is I keep a picture of myself as a little girl handy. When I start to feel helpless - I look at that little girl ( me) and I talk to her as if she's a child that I love dearly. It's almost impossible for me to tell her that she's not worth it, that I'm just going to let her be unhealthy because I don't love her enough to take good care of her. That I'm giving up on her. That she's on her own now, and I'm not going to love her anymore. That it's okay for her to eat junk food, and that it's okay for her to not make time to love her body. Maybe because I've been a 'caregiver' all my life, it's easier for me to separate out from myself that way. For some reason, I'm willing to commit to that little girl in the picture ( me) easier than I am directly to myself. It's probably kind of a weird way to do it ...but it almost always helps me.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    From OP part way down Page 1:
    Thank you everybody for such positivity and making me feel like i'm not so alone in all this because that's one of my biggest problems. I don't have many friends and so it's nice to know I can come on here and have the support I don't really have around me. If any of you have any other tips please let me know and add me as a friend and we can both motivate each other. For some reason, I love motivating other people, even if I can't do it much myself. Thank you again. :)

    Crisis averted. Carry on.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Another thing I did to motivate myself, (maybe not a healthy habit for some of you) was buying some pretty workout clothes, like LuluLemon, Lucy...I felt so pretty in them so I want to wear them and work out~
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    hard truth.

    will doing what you HAVE been doing- that GOT you to where you were make you feel better?

    will staying where you are make you feel better?

    Will getting MORE over weight make you feel better?

    No. No. No. No. the answer will always be no- you aren't happy now- doing what you did to get you to this piont won't make you happier. It's literally insane to keep doing the same thing and expect your out look to change.

    YOU MUST MOVE FORWARD. you must and YOU CAN. You will March- trudge-walk- drag your brain and body through the mud: with conviction or without- it doesn't matter if you believe it- just put one fitness/diet foot in front of the other. KEEP PRESSING FORWARD. The changes will come- it takes time and it takes a LONG TIME. That is the biggest issue- is the waiting for the results of long consistent hard work.

    There is no "should I" there is no "I guess I could" the answer is I WILL EAT... X, Y and Z. I WILL workout today. Make no room for excuses- just do the things. Regardless of if your heart is in it or not. Being healthy and getting fit is boring. That's the big secret- eat well- eat "clean" eat a deficit- work out. no big secret. YOU CAN DO IT... you just have to insist that your body and brain do it too. Regardless of if they like it or NOT!!!

  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I am sorry your friends and family are not supportive. However, you can find as many supportive friends as you can handle on this website. Money is no excuse. You do not need a gym. If you have a floor you can exercise. Fill up a couple of empty milk jugs with water and you have 8 pound weights. Money is not an issue for food. You can have a ham sandwich on wheat bread, and a tossed salad for cheaper than a McDonalds combo. Bake a couple of chickens, toss the skin and you can eat on that all week. Good luck to you. Send me a friend request if you like.
  • mickey2168
    mickey2168 Posts: 20 Member
    Hang in there! You can do it. Don't give up. We all have bad days sometimes. I would agree with the person who said make small goals - even"I'll walk around the block" or whatever. If you have a smartphone - take a look at the Striiv app. It makes walking fun!