I will finally stop carrying this other fat person around (m

JustVibeWithMe Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello my name is Natalie and I am 26 years old a wife and mother to a fantastic 4 year old. After my recent education accomplishments it is time to get my body in check. I want to stop carrying around this whole other person because by the time I am done losing this weight (106lbs) that is a whole other person or 2 children. And no worried I plan to do this at a steady pace. I am a stay at home mother/student. The 3 days of the week my 4 year old is in daycare I will be attending my new gym my hubby helped me purchase a year+ membership for! Are you with me? Good luck and I hope to read more about your journey and in the end our success!!! Be well


  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Good for you! Sounds like you have it together and this is a great place to find encouragement and advice. Good luck on your journey cause that is what it is. I have 2 kids, an 11 year old named Nick and a 4 year old named Becca and that is how I measure what i want to lose. Either 1 Nick or 2 Becca's like it's a unit of measurement LOL! Take care!
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Good move getting on MFP.. Are you ready to begin your love-hate relationship with the scale? It's all a good thing, so enjoy the ride. Welcome to MFP!
  • Reign
    Reign Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome! This site is wonderful. Feel free to add me as a support friend! Good luck!
  • Thanks for the support I love the idea of saying I want to lose this many = my kids weight ;-)
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