North London (UK) renewbie

Hi all. I'm a rejoiner after "not being in the right frame of mind" last time but now feel in the zone. My target date given is April next year (need to get a looooaaad off - yikes!) but I plan to be half way at Xmas. I'm feeling positive right now but I know that won't always be the case. First weigh-in is tomorrow. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone in the North London area for mutual support. Be good today (I'll be trying to).


  • natsab76
    natsab76 Posts: 12
    Hello fellow North Londoner! Welcome to the site. I've been here for 4 weeks and 2 days and have lost 13lbs! Good luck with your weigh in! Hope it goes well x
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Hi there, I'm north of the river if that counts! I joined in January and lost half a stone in a few weeks but then hit a plateau and gave up. I've lost the same half stone again but have once again hit a plateau, just trying to work through it as best I can! Welcome again,hope this time it's a success for both of us x
  • DevilsAvocado
    DevilsAvocado Posts: 3 Member
    Well done both of you and thanks for saying hi : ) All going well thus far, even contained myself in Pizza Express last night...I think I've been possessed by somebody with is ONLY day 8 though!