Is this routine OK?

Day 1: Chest, tricep & back (30 sets of 3-5 reps) high intensity
Day 2: Shoulders, biceps and legs (30 sets of 5 reps) high intensity
Day 3: Cardio & abs
Day 4 : sames as Day1 (16 sets of 10 reps) low intensity
Day 5: Same as Day 2 (16 sets of 10 reps) low intensity

16 kgs in all of them (that is heavy weight for me)

I'm looking for strenght and size, been lifting for about 5 months (not this routine) now (I had some lifting experience beforehand)

I think day 1 & 2 may be too much volume...


  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    What is your goal? How long have you been lifting?
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    If all you want is to burn some fat, sure, nothing wrong with it.
  • maniesduchocolat
    maniesduchocolat Posts: 39 Member
    What is your goal? How long have you been lifting?

    Bulding strenght (day 1 & 2) and bigger muscles (day 4 & 5). For about 5 months now
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    You've been doing this routine for 5 months? Is it working for your goals?
  • maniesduchocolat
    maniesduchocolat Posts: 39 Member
    You've been doing this routine for 5 months? Is it working for your goals?

    Nope, I started yesterday, I was doing a 3 day split before, 2 muscles a day. I thought I could ask my body for more.
  • jaylew69
    jaylew69 Posts: 1
    Yes! Probably would do that routine for 2 weeks then come up w/ another routine .
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Try it and see if you like it. I personally wouldn't do a routine like that. You may want to consider an upper/lower split working your upper body on Monday and Thurs and Lower on Tues and Friday. Mon and Tues can be strength days and Thurs and Fri hypertrophy. You don't need a ton of sets to stimulate growth. I will give you my routine.
    A1) Bench 4x3-5
    A2) chest supported rows 4x3-5
    Do A1 rest 90 sec do A2 rest 90 Sec
    B1) Flat dumbbell press 2x10
    B2) chins 2x10
    Rest 45 sec between B1 and B2
    Tues Squats 4x3-5
    Deadlifts 4x5
    leg press 2x10
    seated calf raises 4x5-7

    Wed Rest
    A1) Incline dumbbell press 3x8-12
    A2) Seated Rows 3x8-12
    60 sec rest between A1 and A2
    B1) weighted dips 3x8-12
    B2) pullups 3x8-12
    rest 45-60 sec between B1 and B2
    Lateral Raises 3x8-12
    Face pulls 3x12-15
    Tricep exercise of choice 3x8-12
    Bicep exercise of choice 3x8-12

    Squats 1x20 (Breathing squats)
    Bulgarian split squats or lunges 3x8-12
    GHR 3x8-12
    Leg curls 2x12-15
    Standing calf raises 3x8-20
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Well, I hope each of those 30x5 areas are different lifts. At least say 6 per area. 10 would be better. Otherwise I don't think you're going to be moving enough mass to really stress the muscles into strength.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    30 sets is a lot considering you are going to work the same muscle group again later in the week. I assume you are doing 10 sets of each exercise. 10-12 sets per week would be plenty for each of your larger muscle groups. 4-8 would be enough for your smaller (bis and tris). Remember that bis are getting plenty of work from working back and tris are already getting worked when you hit chest. Shoulders are also getting a lot stimulation from working chest.
  • maniesduchocolat
    maniesduchocolat Posts: 39 Member
    Well, I hope each of those 30x5 areas are different lifts. At least say 6 per area. 10 would be better. Otherwise I don't think you're going to be moving enough mass to really stress the muscles into strength.

    2 lifts per muscle, 5x5. 30 sets is the total for all the workout